Life is hell


Hey guys.


Haven't posted for quite some time now. And I don't think I will be anytime soon.

The 'O's are looming ever nearer. The heat is on.

Pressure is now coming from all sides. Its like hell, seriously.

Pressure from parents. From classmates. From teachers.

I've got many teachers telling me the same thing:

You've gotta study till you feel the pain.

Always the same advice.


Pain? Emotional? Physical? Mental?

Hell, I'm feeling it from all sides right now.

The weather ain't helping much lately either. Its like.......I dunno.......fucking 30 degrees in the shade?

You can fry an egg on the top of your head in those temperatures.

And I bloody hate the hot weather.

Fucking sucks, seeing as I can;t even concentrate during the day cause I'll be tempted to just lie down and sleep every single damn time i open my textbooks.

Studying is difficult enough.

But no........

The school has to pile the pressure on students even further.

The sec 4s are gonna be sitting for a whole months worth of mock exams, immediately when the 'holidays' (so called) end. Freaking mock exams, two every week, one after the other......

Life is really fucking burning hell. Its like the devils got his pitchfork stuck up your @$$ 24/7.

So, Vijay. Bolt. My bro.

If you happen to be reading this, I've got one thing to say.

You're damn fortunate to have already taken your 'O's. But you've been through the same shit just like us over here in Singapore, so I can expect you to feel our pain.

Never mind. Right nows the crunch period. The time where everybody starts to make a dash for the metaphorical finish line. And the ones who are gonna get there first are those who push through the pain. Those that embrace the pain, turn it into their ally. And use it to beat those around them.

I wanna be one of them.

And I'm trying. Real hard. But the situation just seems hopeless.

Day after fucking day I'm struggling to keep my head in the books. Struggling to pick up all the concepts and memorize entire textbooks worth of information.

And I don't know for how much longer can I keep this up.

I'm running out of stamina right about now.

Life is hell. But hey, its not as if I've got a choice, right?

See you guys later.

Or maybe in five more month's time.

Catchya in the afterlife,

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