I have this sudden, mad urge to just squeeze a small, furry animal..........
Like maybe a puppy or something.......a soft and cuddly one.

Yeah, something along these lines^
Sorry, I'm just crazy like that.
Wassup people.
Its been a long time. A looooooooooooooooooooong time.
One heck of a long time.
Damn. So much SHIT going on in my life right now .......I don't even know where to begin.
Bloody hell, just gotta say that ever since graduation, things have not been going right for me.
Life in JC is just......a battle, man. A battle. Thats what it is.
Battling against sleep-deprivation, battling against declining self-confidence levels........
Not just a battle. Its a race, too.
A fucking relentless race, to be precise.
The thing about life in JC is that, its really not that difficult. I mean, if you're disciplined enough, you would get through JC pretty smoothly. Seems that college life wasn't all rainbows and unicorns.
In fact, life is hell sometimes. A fucking agonizing hell. Slow, painful.......
The simple daily grind takes so much out of you, know what I mean? Its so fucking painful to have to drag my sorry ass out of bed every single goddamn morning at 6 especially after staying up late to complete a project or rush some last-minute piece of assignment the night before.
Its fucking goddamn HELL with all the homework, assignments, perpetually never-ending class/lecture tests and content-heavy subjects.
Life fucking sucks when you reach school in the morning and just feel like collapsing onto the nearest desk and just sleep. And never ever fucking wake-up.
Its scary how much a total hell some days can be.
Y'all know how much of an irresponsible SOAB I can be. get home tired and sian as fuck. Just lay on the bed watching random videos before going to sleep. Not even bothering to wash up or anything. No packing for tomorrows timetable, no preparing for lessons the following day.....
Nothing. Not a single fucking thing done.
And I ALWAYS wake up the next morning panicking. Cursing and swearing at myself. Telling myself off for being the negligent bastard that I am.
Thats why my studies., uhm.............not doing so good.
No surprise, actually. I basically wasted my entire fucking June holidays on stupid useless shit like seminars and Service Learning projects. Neglected what is most important: studies.
Fucked-up my block tests (thats what Hwa Chong calls their mid-years). These are my results:
Chemistry (H2): U
Biology (H2): E
Maths (H2): U
Economics (H2: U
General Paper (H1): C
English seems to be the only subject that isn't fucking me up the bloody ass right now.
And even so, I got a C. A friggin C.
Top scorer for O-level prelim exams in English Language. And Fucking scholars from CHINA did better than me in GP.
I mean, people say stuff like 'Oh, HCI is an elite school', and 'Oh, but HC maths papers are too tough'.
Its makes sense when you first think about it, but if all my other classmates are performing well, then why can't I?
I took the O-levels, haven't I? I was mugging like a fucking dog nearly every day for 6 months leading up to the exams, wasn't I? I worried my fucking ass off every other day about whether I will do well, didn't I?
I went through the rigors of Singapore's education system, didn't I?
So why exactly am I still screwing up so bad?
Why is it that I can get single digits for my chem test while my friend all scored nearly full-marks?
Because I didn't study?
Because my studying methods and techniques that I brought over with me from secondary school isn't effective enough?
Because they're smarter and more talented than me?
All these fucking questions swirling around inside my head.
But one thing I can be sure as hell.
That if I don't do something soon, shit's gonna go down.
Like maybe a puppy or something.......a soft and cuddly one.

Yeah, something along these lines^
Sorry, I'm just crazy like that.
Wassup people.
Its been a long time. A looooooooooooooooooooong time.
One heck of a long time.
Damn. So much SHIT going on in my life right now .......I don't even know where to begin.
Bloody hell, just gotta say that ever since graduation, things have not been going right for me.
Life in JC is just......a battle, man. A battle. Thats what it is.
Battling against sleep-deprivation, battling against declining self-confidence levels........
Not just a battle. Its a race, too.
A fucking relentless race, to be precise.
The thing about life in JC is that, its really not that difficult. I mean, if you're disciplined enough, you would get through JC pretty smoothly. Seems that college life wasn't all rainbows and unicorns.
In fact, life is hell sometimes. A fucking agonizing hell. Slow, painful.......
The simple daily grind takes so much out of you, know what I mean? Its so fucking painful to have to drag my sorry ass out of bed every single goddamn morning at 6 especially after staying up late to complete a project or rush some last-minute piece of assignment the night before.
Its fucking goddamn HELL with all the homework, assignments, perpetually never-ending class/lecture tests and content-heavy subjects.
Life fucking sucks when you reach school in the morning and just feel like collapsing onto the nearest desk and just sleep. And never ever fucking wake-up.
Its scary how much a total hell some days can be.
Y'all know how much of an irresponsible SOAB I can be. get home tired and sian as fuck. Just lay on the bed watching random videos before going to sleep. Not even bothering to wash up or anything. No packing for tomorrows timetable, no preparing for lessons the following day.....
Nothing. Not a single fucking thing done.
And I ALWAYS wake up the next morning panicking. Cursing and swearing at myself. Telling myself off for being the negligent bastard that I am.
Thats why my studies., uhm.............not doing so good.
No surprise, actually. I basically wasted my entire fucking June holidays on stupid useless shit like seminars and Service Learning projects. Neglected what is most important: studies.
Fucked-up my block tests (thats what Hwa Chong calls their mid-years). These are my results:
Chemistry (H2): U
Biology (H2): E
Maths (H2): U
Economics (H2: U
General Paper (H1): C
English seems to be the only subject that isn't fucking me up the bloody ass right now.
And even so, I got a C. A friggin C.
Top scorer for O-level prelim exams in English Language. And Fucking scholars from CHINA did better than me in GP.
I mean, people say stuff like 'Oh, HCI is an elite school', and 'Oh, but HC maths papers are too tough'.
Its makes sense when you first think about it, but if all my other classmates are performing well, then why can't I?
I took the O-levels, haven't I? I was mugging like a fucking dog nearly every day for 6 months leading up to the exams, wasn't I? I worried my fucking ass off every other day about whether I will do well, didn't I?
I went through the rigors of Singapore's education system, didn't I?
So why exactly am I still screwing up so bad?
Why is it that I can get single digits for my chem test while my friend all scored nearly full-marks?
Because I didn't study?
Because my studying methods and techniques that I brought over with me from secondary school isn't effective enough?
Because they're smarter and more talented than me?
All these fucking questions swirling around inside my head.
But one thing I can be sure as hell.
That if I don't do something soon, shit's gonna go down.
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