bloody hell


Hey guys.

Wondering why the harsh blog title, eh?

Well, you won't be if you were taking your bloody 'O'-levels this year.

Damned freaking stressful, it is.

First month back to school, and the Sec 4s are already being spammed with a whole bloody pile of Mastery tests.

Nowadays its just test after bloody test.

No doubt as to why I'd be so damn pissed.

I've currently done completed 3 of my mastery tests. Only about.......I dunno.......5 more to go.

I should probably by studying for the remaining mastery tests right now. But goodness knows why I'm still using the com, especially at this sort of time at night when I've got bloody tuition early tomorrow morning.

Probably for stuff like this:

Sorry if I'm seem a little harsh on the choice of words, but trust me, I could do worse.

A hell lot worse.

The only 2 things which i can at least look forward to is the level camp next week, and being excused from CCA next Tuesday.

But the rest of the month is gonna be pretty much just three things:
1). Mug
2). Mug again
3). Mug some more

Thats basically gonna be how I spend the rest of the year, actually.

Like I said before, and I'd like to say it again right now just to reiterate:

Life's a f*cking bi*ch.

And thats all there is to it.

I really hate sec 4 life. Barely two weeks into the start of school and I'm already feeling as though its mid-june.

Damn, I'd like to see what mental and pysical state I'd be in when the time really comes.

Or, on second thought, maybe not.........

Praying to Korean goddess(es) can only do so much.

And I'm still trying to regain my sanity.

Till I'm sober,


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