

Heyo ma peeps. Yes, this is your favorite goalie (or used to) once again.

Do not question me on the whereabouts of The Special One or the Malay. They both seem to be busy with their own schedules, so I shall not be pressing them to post here. However, a little variety wouldn't hurt, don't you think?

Instead of boring ol' me just ranting and rambling on and on and on and on and bitching about my now pitiful life, don't y'all wish y'all had Vijay or Faris over here to write about something less grim and downcast?

I know I would.

 I miss those two. Its been such a long time since we've had any proper correspondence.

But just to let y'all know, I will try to post more over the course of about the next couple months or so. My promotional exams were over a week ago, so I shall make up for lost time by posting as frequently as I can.

Well, unless my lazy-ass decides not to.

Just to let y'all know, I've been thinking (yes, not mugging) hard over the past few months. And I now have so many ideas swimming around in my fucking head.

I just thought that if I don't use the blog to let off some steam, I am REALLY gonna blow my fucking top. I've reached my limits, in many ways. I've thought and thought and thought..........about shit.

Some thoughts perplex me. Some thoughts frighten me. Some are funny, some are inspirational.

But they are mostly fucked up.

Just so you've noticed, I've been minding my words less and less these days. Screw it with censorship.

I've had enough of that bullcrap long ago. So who cares if I put in a few vulgarities here and there?

I've long realized that there is no way to please everybody. And I am fucking sick and tired of being politically correct all the time. Seriously, FUCK IT with being politically correct.

With all the bullshit that's been going on in my life right now, I've begun to not give a fuck. I've got so many other things to worry about than being politically correct.

My friends will understand. They will know that I've always been a pretty brash (kanchiong) guy, not one to think before he acts and is perpetually foul-mouthed. But I think thats okay. Everybody gets like that once in a while.

Problem is, there are now so many fucking stupid idiots around me that I'm constantly getting pissed at stuff. My tolerance level is at an all-time low, and I always feel like beating the living shit out of people that are always annoying me.

You know what I'm saying, right? Just a straight jab to the face. Break their nose.

Or perhaps a nice, clean hook to their jaw. Open up a couple of wounds, know what I mean?

But hey, please don't mistake me for a violent, brutal person. I'm really just a big softy at heart. I enjoy pictures of cute, furry little creatures as much as the next guy.

Heres a couple of 'em.

But you know how everyone has their limits? And I am soon reaching mine.

Everybody seems to be getting on my nerves nowadays. Not that I'm one to preach about not pissing people off, but thats just how I feel.

Anyways, will definitely try to post again soon. Hopefully we gonna hear from both Torres and Bolt again.

Bye for now.

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