

Heyo ma peeps. Yes, this is your favorite goalie (or used to) once again.

Do not question me on the whereabouts of The Special One or the Malay. They both seem to be busy with their own schedules, so I shall not be pressing them to post here. However, a little variety wouldn't hurt, don't you think?

Instead of boring ol' me just ranting and rambling on and on and on and on and bitching about my now pitiful life, don't y'all wish y'all had Vijay or Faris over here to write about something less grim and downcast?

I know I would.

 I miss those two. Its been such a long time since we've had any proper correspondence.

But just to let y'all know, I will try to post more over the course of about the next couple months or so. My promotional exams were over a week ago, so I shall make up for lost time by posting as frequently as I can.

Well, unless my lazy-ass decides not to.

Just to let y'all know, I've been thinking (yes, not mugging) hard over the past few months. And I now have so many ideas swimming around in my fucking head.

I just thought that if I don't use the blog to let off some steam, I am REALLY gonna blow my fucking top. I've reached my limits, in many ways. I've thought and thought and thought..........about shit.

Some thoughts perplex me. Some thoughts frighten me. Some are funny, some are inspirational.

But they are mostly fucked up.

Just so you've noticed, I've been minding my words less and less these days. Screw it with censorship.

I've had enough of that bullcrap long ago. So who cares if I put in a few vulgarities here and there?

I've long realized that there is no way to please everybody. And I am fucking sick and tired of being politically correct all the time. Seriously, FUCK IT with being politically correct.

With all the bullshit that's been going on in my life right now, I've begun to not give a fuck. I've got so many other things to worry about than being politically correct.

My friends will understand. They will know that I've always been a pretty brash (kanchiong) guy, not one to think before he acts and is perpetually foul-mouthed. But I think thats okay. Everybody gets like that once in a while.

Problem is, there are now so many fucking stupid idiots around me that I'm constantly getting pissed at stuff. My tolerance level is at an all-time low, and I always feel like beating the living shit out of people that are always annoying me.

You know what I'm saying, right? Just a straight jab to the face. Break their nose.

Or perhaps a nice, clean hook to their jaw. Open up a couple of wounds, know what I mean?

But hey, please don't mistake me for a violent, brutal person. I'm really just a big softy at heart. I enjoy pictures of cute, furry little creatures as much as the next guy.

Heres a couple of 'em.

But you know how everyone has their limits? And I am soon reaching mine.

Everybody seems to be getting on my nerves nowadays. Not that I'm one to preach about not pissing people off, but thats just how I feel.

Anyways, will definitely try to post again soon. Hopefully we gonna hear from both Torres and Bolt again.

Bye for now.

Life after promos


Yo. Aloy here.

Just concluded my promo exams last Monday.

Finally, the second toughest year that I will ever go through has drawn to a close. The ending is nigh, although not with as much drama and fanfare as you would have expected.

Promos are over, but there is still much work left to be done, evidently.

Took a peek at my math grades today, and I must say it could have been better.

Actually, that's putting it lightly. I very damn nearly got a single digit score. Not much better than block tests in anyway, although I could have sworn that I worked twice as hard for promos than I did for blocks.

Math and I have a love-hate relationship. I managed to excel in my upper secondary maths only because I had a good teacher.

No, not just a good teacher. An EXCELLENT teacher, actually. One of the fucking best in the business. She managed to put maths concepts across to her students SO easily. She made the most mind-boggling math questions seem easy. There are not many out there like her that could convince and motivate her students that way that she did.

She taught in the system for over 20 years. Her son is in Raffles Institution now. Her daughter is overseas on  a scholarship. Good background, good techniques, good foundation.

By will or by force (mostly by force), she made me see the subject of mathematics in a completely different light. My attitude and approach to the subject changed. I started to enjoy doing math.

Oh, what good memories...........

But I have long realized that there in an acute lack of such wonderful teachers in our country, even in a school such as mine. I have yet to be taught by a teacher who was as inspiring and as revolutionary as she was, despite my being in an elite school.

JC maths now seems drop-dead boring, just another fucking useless subject the fucking stupid MOE had decided we take. Real-life application just doesn't seem to apply. The value of maths as a useful tool in our everyday life has diminished, akin to how my love and passion for the subject had diminished.

Math fucked me over this time. However, if by some miraculous blessing that I managed to clear the promotional criteria, I shall be back next year. With a vengeance.

I do not want to lose out to my classmates. They maybe better than me. More skilled than me. But deep, deep down inside, some part of me still cares.

I wanna wipe those smug smirks off their fucking cocky faces. 

Just like I've always used to.

One thing, and only ONE thing now stands in my way.

I am in no way a religious person, but allow me to quote a phrase from the Bible's New Testament:

Watch and pray, that ye enter not into temptation: the spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak.

                                                                                          ----- Matthew 26:41 (King James Version)

It's a sad, sad life.........

I have this sudden, mad urge to just squeeze a small, furry animal..........

Like maybe a puppy or something.......a soft and cuddly one.

Yeah, something along these lines^

Sorry, I'm just crazy like that.

Wassup people.

Its been a long time. A looooooooooooooooooooong time.

One heck of a long time.

Damn. So much SHIT going on in my life right now .......I don't even know where to begin.

Bloody hell, just gotta say that ever since graduation, things have not been going right for me.

Life in JC is just......a battle, man. A battle. Thats what it is.

Battling against sleep-deprivation, battling against declining self-confidence levels........

Not just a battle. Its a race, too.

A fucking relentless race, to be precise.

The thing about life in JC is that, its really not that difficult. I mean, if you're disciplined enough, you would get through JC pretty smoothly. Seems that college life wasn't all rainbows and unicorns.

In fact, life is hell sometimes. A fucking agonizing hell.  Slow, painful.......

The simple daily grind takes so much out of you, know what I mean? Its so fucking painful to have to drag my sorry ass out of bed every single goddamn morning at 6 especially after staying up late to complete a project or rush some last-minute piece of assignment the night before.

Its fucking goddamn HELL with all the homework, assignments, perpetually never-ending class/lecture tests and content-heavy subjects.

Life fucking sucks when you reach school in the morning and just feel like collapsing onto the nearest desk and just sleep. And never ever fucking wake-up.

Its scary how much a total hell some days can be.

Y'all know how much of an irresponsible SOAB I can be. get home tired and sian as fuck. Just lay on the bed watching random videos before going to sleep. Not even bothering to wash up or anything. No packing for tomorrows timetable, no preparing for lessons the following day.....

Nothing. Not a single fucking thing done.

And I ALWAYS wake up the next morning panicking. Cursing and swearing at myself. Telling myself off for being the negligent bastard that I am.

Thats why my studies., uhm.............not doing so good.

No surprise, actually. I basically wasted  my entire fucking June holidays on stupid useless shit like seminars and Service Learning projects. Neglected what is most important: studies.

Fucked-up my block tests (thats what Hwa Chong calls their mid-years). These are my results:

Chemistry (H2): U
Biology (H2): E
Maths (H2): U
Economics (H2: U
General Paper (H1): C

English seems to be the only subject that isn't fucking me up the bloody ass right now.

And even so, I got a C. A friggin C.

Top scorer for O-level prelim exams in English Language. And Fucking scholars from CHINA did better than me in GP.


I mean, people say stuff like 'Oh, HCI is an elite school', and 'Oh, but HC maths papers are too tough'.

Its makes sense when you first think about it, but if all my other classmates are performing well, then why can't I?

I took the O-levels, haven't I? I was mugging like a fucking dog nearly every day for 6 months leading up to the exams, wasn't I? I worried my fucking ass off every other day about whether I will do well, didn't I?

I went through the rigors of Singapore's education system, didn't I?

So why exactly am I still screwing up so bad?

Why is it that I can get single digits for my chem test while my friend all scored nearly full-marks?

Because I didn't study?


Because my studying methods and techniques that I brought over with me from secondary school isn't effective enough?


Because they're smarter and more talented than me?


All these fucking questions swirling around inside my head.

But one thing I can be sure as hell.

That if I don't do something soon, shit's gonna go down.



Hi guys.

I’m sorry for not being able to post for such a long time.

Alright, I admit it. Its not so much of me being too busy, but rather that fact that I was LAZY.

Yep. I’m really sorry guys. Sloth has always been one of the 7 sins which I’m more inclined towards.

I’ve been planning to write this post for A HELLUVA long time.

Trust me.

But it’s just that I’ve been so caught up in slacking off, I’ve pretty much neglected everything else.

So I promise to make it up to you guys, alright?

Imma be posting not just one, but a WHOLE SERIES of posts, just to get y’all up to speed with what’s been going down for the past 2 months, aight?


Till the next post,




This is your homie Aloy.


Thats right.

Yo' bruda from another mutha!

Unless, of course, you're a girl, which would make you.......


Aiyah. I guess its all the same.

Alright. Cutting to the chase.......

I went out with ZB today to play Jubeat at JCube.

Just in case any of y'all doesn't know what Jubeat is, its an arcade game where you have to tap squares on a gaming panel to the beat of a song.

Most of the songs are Japanese pop songs from anime. There are a few K-pop songs though, only harder to find.

A song is played, and boxes flash on a gaming pane according to the beat or rhythmn of the song.

Here's what I mean:

Its a super fun game.

Only downside is, it can get pretty addictive.

And by addictive, I mean spending up to $8 worth of rounds each time, with each round costing only $0.50.


Heheheheh. Yeah. Thats what took up pretty much of my time spent with ZB.

The songs are ranked according to difficulty, with different songs available for play at each level. Level 1 is the easiest, and level 10 is, of course, the hardest.

Try as I may, I can only manage to pass level 7 songs. The person you saw in the above video was playing a level 8 song, and he got A PERFECT SCORE.

And hell, that ain't easy to come by.

And now, for my daily dose of vitamin TAE.

<3 <3 <3



Good nights Tae. ^^v

And erm....yeah, whoever the rest of you all are.






Its boring.

Post o-level life isn't turning out to be that great. Definitely not exceeding my expectations.

Ain't got nuthin' much to do at home.

I'm currently working, though.

Beats staying at home and just rotting.

The job's alright. Pays 6 bucks an hour. 6 hours a day, 5 days a week.

Not exactly what I call tough, so its OK. Its just something temporary to pass the time. Gain some hands-on work experience while I'm at it.

Bolt just went back to India after coming back here for some test. Heard he's coming back to stay for good.


Now we can finally go do lunch some day and catch up with each other.

Alright. Imma be watching my anime now.

Zero no tsukaima. It means 'The Familiar of Zero'.

Pretty darn good anime, I suppose. Its got a bit of everything in it. Romance. Action. Mystery.....


Just something else to pass the time.

Till the next time,

Hey guys

Hey guys....

Aloy here.......

I've been holding something in for a damn helluva long time........

'O'-LEVELS ARE OVER!!!!!!!!!!


FCK YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Right. back to business.

I know I haven't been posting here for quite some time now.Been busy with the 'O's.

Yesterday was the final paper. 

And damn, the feeling of completing the 'O's is freaking shiok. That I can tell you.

Imma be able to do whatever I want now. Without holding back. 

No more worrying about having to complete revision. No more fcking boring tuition lessons.

And above all, not having the feel GUILTY anymore about using Facebook and watching anime for 6 hours in a row.

I just feel like going up to some random stranger and say.........


LOL. Pardon my language. I really must learn to control myself.

But hey.

Finally, a chance to just let loose after 4 long years?

You'd think I'd pass on this chance?

Hell no. Not as long Obama's gonna start kissing Romney's @$$.

But hey, I gotta agree the first couple of years of my secondary school life has not been exactly productive.

Blurred as my memory of my lower sec days are, I do remember one thing:

That is i SCREWED UP my studies.


But I gotta admit. Last couple of years were pretty much the turning point in my entire secondary school life.

Since June 2011, I've changed. 

I've become less carefree, unlike during sec 1 and 2. I became more aware of my responsibilities, as if I had been weighed down by the burden of taking the 'O's.I started paying more attention in class, in academics, no longer the boy who couldn't give s fck about pretty much anything else besides soccer.

I was finally changing for the better.

I went on to get decent results for my EOY exams last year. Needless to say, my prelim results have also been above average.

I scored 13 points by the way, just in case you were interested.

Yes. 13 points.

13 points isn't even going to get you into most Polytechnic courses these days. Hell no.

But hey. You gotta remember that this is the prelims. And if you must know, Commonwealth teachers set prelim papers like their setting the freaking 'A' levels.

The standards way tough.Especially for the math and science papers. With majority people getting 15 points and above, I can definitely say that my 13 points are enough to land me in the top 50 in my level.

Alas. Its was not to be.

Cause I fucked up my A Math.

Yes. Additional mathematics.

The awful subject that is much dreaded by one particular member of The Community.

But anyways. I guess that tough school papers aren't quite so bad after all.

Especially when the 'O's seems like child's play compared to our school papers.

My senior once told me:

"Commonwealth students cry after doing school papers. But walk out of the 'O' level exam halls laughing at the Cambridge papers."


Hey, that ain't to say that I'm confident of getting like, 8As.

All I'm saying is that, I feel more confident for the 'O's than any other exam I have taken in my life.

That is how well Commonwealth has prepared me.

This is how well Commonwealth has prepared their students.

Not just me. I think this saying goes for most, if not ALL Commonwealthians.


It seems like only yesterday when I was ushered into the school gates by my mum.

And now here I am. Already graduated.


Well, Imma be nostalgic another day. 

Cuz right now, its party time. =) ^^

Gonna go play me some basketball now. Haven't been shooting hoops for a helluva long time.

Till our fates cross paths, (which I suppose is gonna be pretty soon)

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