

Hey you homies and weird nutcracks in the comments section, this is a message, so please pay attention.

Not that this is the world's most famous blog or one that would be mentioned in Barney Stinson's blog, still there's atleast more than 1 reader to it.

There will not be any new posts till the dudes back in Singapore finish up their 'O's [No, the O is not a symbol reminiscent of Kim Kardashian]. It's gonna be a one-dick show running the show which would fuck up the little people who actually read this.

And, Daddy's seeing an American ;).

Adieus Amigo.

You have,
The Blackest of the Holy Trinity.

P.S Hey, the Holy Trinity sounds a good name for the homies running this blog innit? You hear me fellas? Don't get you panties in a bunch, just a midget dick sized suggestion.


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