Haiz....its that time of the year again


Hey people!

Sorry I haven't been posting lately. Not in the mood.

Now that I mention it, I haven't been in the mood for ANYTHING lately.

You'd think that life after EOY would be much shiok.

Think again.

Anyway, just a shout-out to all fellow commonwealthians who have been mugging like hell every night and working their asses off for the exams. I haven't really been working exceptionally hard this year, and now I'm facing the consequences. I just don't know which subject combination to choose.


Here are my results by the way:

Language Arts-A1

Sucks, eh?

Damn disappointed with my Geog marks. I was supposed to get top in class siah.....some Geog rep I am. Same thing happened with my History. Usually topping the class for common tests, but ends up losing to lots of people during EOY.


Anyway, I wanna take Economics, but it isn't counted as an R1 subject. I wanna take Biology, but my senior advices me against it. He said if I'm gonna take bio next year, better be prepared to memorize like a dog.

Don't wanna do that, that's for sure.

I'm considering taking physics, but it's concept-demanding and requires quite a bit of maths...which I have never been very good at. Maybe Geography, since my Geog is good and I can always still take Econs at JC level.......

What a headache, man. This sucks. Big time.

So tell me, people. What subject combination should I take next year? Leave your comments and responses in the tag box next to this post. Thank you.

Hope I'm gonna be in the same class as her next year......

2/3 having a class chalet.....really looking forward to it! I seriously need something to liven up my life......my boring, dull and dreary life.

I just wanna go outside and play some sports with the guys, maybe basketball. I wanna do that soooo bad.


So damn bored I've been reduced to playing games on Facebook.

You can't get any more bored than that.

Well, it's getting late. But I seriously don't feel like sleeping. Just had a cup of coffee.


Gotta go, before my mum comes out and sees me still using the com. She's gonna FREAK.

But HECK. Its after exams, I can do any sh*t that I want.


I feel like doing SOMETHING, but I wanna just do NOTHING.

Wierd, huh?

I be f*cked.

Haiz.....I've decided. I'm going to sleep.

Nights, people.

Signing off,


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