We're Back


we're back people.
its been a long time, after exams and getting results.
some are dissapointed, others happy. Nevertheless, we should all relax as its the end. the suffering has ended.

As said, me and Aloysius would be updating more regularly after the exams. that's not working out well just yet, but we will find material to post. For me, I still have my own blog to tend to. So i have to set my priorities.

Why do some of you want me to create Facebook? I'm not saying its a bad idea, but my network of friends is not that wide, so the nuber of friends I might have is less than 30. Also, I cannot frequent Facebook that much as my parents regulate my online behaviour(English Comprehension Passage FTW!)and also its not like I would be that active.

I might have only a blog for now. Otherwise, i might consider making a Facebook account in the future, when we separate classes and when its harder to keep in contact. Yes, that's when i would make one.

I am running out of topics to type about. Other than the freaking haze, there's technically nothing to capture anyone's attention anymore. I would prefer if we all spend eternity in our bedrooms and rot to death.

I'm just saying.



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