

Damn, I'm pissed.

Man, I'm bloody frikkin damn mother-f*ckin pissed.

All cause of my frikkin family.

The gits.

Tried to call my dumbass of a brother downstairs for dinner, but apparently we had a minor dispute. My stupid mum, berated me and said that I was immature and useless. F*ck her lah! I only know she said that cause she was pissed from having to cook dinner all by herself, while I slacked on the couch.

But I mean, COME ON, BITCH! IF YOU WANTED MY HELP YOU COULD JUST SAY SO! She didn't have to vent her anger on me! Siblings fight ALL THE TIME. I'd be f*cked if me and my brother were the only siblings in the world who fight every now and then. Then she went on giving me the 'Every single time this happens' lecture. I just felt like telling her to shut-the-f*ck-up! This wouldn't have happened if my stupid brother hadn't argued when I asked him to come down for dinner!

And after she finished scolding me, she told me to sit down and have my dinner. WHAT THE F*CK, MAN! D'YOU THINK AFTER BEING LECTURED FOR HALF AN HOUR I STILL HAVE THE MOOD TO EAT?!?!?!

Seriously, I swear. If she doesn't stop her bullsh*t, I'm gonna do something stupid sooner or later.

And I honestly don't wanna do that, cause there's gonna be some negative consequences when people do stupid sh*t.

And I don't wanna be the one facing those consequences.

But everybody has a limit. Even someone like Denish has a breaking-point.

I swear I'm already reaching my limit. My mum had better not push me to my breaking point. She is this close to making me do something stupid.

But if she dares to push me any further, I swear I'm gonna do it, and I ain't gonna give a sh*t about the consequences.

The only thing that prevents me from doing something I will regret is the thought of the class chalet tomorrow. It's the only thought that helps keep my sanity in check.

F*CK. Now I know what Yan Hong feels like.

Sorry to start my newest post on such a vulgar note, guys. I seriously apologise. I just needed somewhere to pour my emotions into, if not I feel like I might explode.

OK! Good, now that everything has been expressed clearly, I wanna point out some stuff.

Firstly, I'm glad that Vijay Harisudan has been added as an honorary member of 'The Community'!!!!!

'WOOTS, WOOTS! WOOOHOOOO!' *Clap**clap**standing ovation*

Now, instead of only Faris and me, you'll get to look forward to MORE POSTS every week!

Great, isn't it?

Yeah, and the class chalet is tomorrow. Seriously looking forward to it!!! Bet its gonna be a helluva chalet!!!

I've been to chalets before, but NEVER with my friends. So I think this is gonna be a great and enjoyable experience for me. Hui Qi said that we guys CONFIRM won't be able to sleep at night. Cool thought, staying up all night just to gamble and play cards......

Well, can't say much more. I'll post after the chalet. Trust me, I WILL. Pity Faris isn't staying overnight, and even more pity is that Vijay isn't gonna be there with Moon United! And I can't believe Kok Pin's going! He's usually the one who will complain about the price of the chalet and how our class is so disorganized that the chalet's a sure failure.....

What? Can't blame me, its the truth!

So anyways, Kok Pin if you're reading this, don't get mad at me and slide tackle me once we get back to school, OK?

HAHA! Feeling so much better now....

Right, I gotta go. See ya guys in three days time!!!!

Signing off,


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