Warm and Fuzzy


Hey ma peeps!

Whats chillin'?

Kind of a stupid question when the temperature is 33 degrees in the shade.

Well, at least thats better in India. No wonder VJ's having no problems at all accustomizing himself to the climate here.

Of course, as any respectable member of The Community would have noticed, our beloved Bolt is back!

And for quite a while now already, mind you.

Went out bowling with the whole of Moon United this Monday, immediately after Games Day. Besides experiencing a minor set-back with some unexpected behaviour from kok Pin and Boon Ping, every thing else turned out real sweet.

After meeting up at Jurong East interchange, we all went over to Bukit Batok to have a spot of bowling. It was truly a gratifying experience to be having all of Moon United back together again after such a bloody long time.

Which sorta explains why I was feeling all warm and fuzzy on the inside that day.

To cut the long story short, I pretty much owned at bowling.

We played four games that day. Obviously after not playing the sport for such a long time, my score was the lowest after the first round.

That was when I started owning everyone else.

My scores after the second round was 102, and it hit an all-time high of 114 after the third round. Fourth round wasn't as good though, hitting only 98.

But overall, it was satisfying to own people once in a while.

But then again, to emphasize my point, it really is an indescribable feeling to be together with Moon United once again.

Its sorta like regaining something that you lost after along time, and you just don't ever want to lose it again.

Speaking of losing things, some people on Facebook had better stop their bullcrap unless if they wanna lose their balls next.

I'm currently leading a heated campaign against anti-SNSD pages on Facebook, after being alerted by ZB, who came to know of the situation through pro-SNSD web pages.

Those immature bastards (sorry for the use of coarse language) are seriously bored, with nothing better to do.

Not only are they spreading false untruths about the most perfect Korean girl group in the world, but they are also victimizing and blaspheming their names on Facebook.

Disfigured pictures, hate-videos and vulgar posts are just some of the horrendously uncivilized acts committed by these dickheads, trying their utmost best to discredit the good name of SNSD.



I figured the only thing they could use to try and discredit SNSD with is the fact that they were claiming SNSD had gone through plastic surgery before.

I mean......whats all the hullabaloo about plastic surgery?!

Truth be told, I'm actually open to the idea of plastic surgery if it can help improve a person's confidence and self-esteem.

Its not as if a person undergoes some drastic change that makes them complete fuck-ups after plastic surgery, right?

So what exactly if SNSD HAS gone through plastic surgery? It doesn't matter as long as they don't bump of their fans or become impolite jerks after that, get what I mean?

And anyways, they seriously took it too far when they called my Taengoo a 'lifeless creature' in one of their posts.

You can insult my soccer team, you can kick my dog, and you can scold Bin Laden for all I care.

But once you touch my darling, precious, sweeter-than-gems Taengoo, it gets fucking personal.

Imma burning down your house, with your entire family in it.



I've made my point.

Anyways, SNSD will not be harmed in any way even if you discredit them on Facebook. They still get high sales revenue from their albums, concerts, and other collectible stuff.

So I shall say this: Sones will always outnumber them haters by ten-thousand to one. We'll never say die, and I'll keep screwing them around till they're all removed from the face of this earth.

It may seem trivial, but just wait till someone insults people you love.

Thats when you're gonna get pissed.




I do have limited time to use the com, so I'll be signing off now.

Till our fates cross paths,


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