


Daddy's back!

The MYEs have just finished for most of us today. For those Biology and Physics students, this is a time to take a break from all that studying and mugging and just kick back.

Too bad for those taking Economics next Tuesday.

But then again.....



I just put that in for fun. Post-exam euphoria, I guess.

But aside from getting high, I have much more pressing matters at hand right now.

Firstly, the arrival of Bolt in Singapore.

No, not Usain Bolt. Who gives a damn about that guy? 

Imma talking about Vijay, fellow member of The Community and our all-time favourite black.

He be arriving at S'pore next Tuesday, and we're all hype about this piece of news. A traditional way of celebrating VJ's return in conjunction with the end of our MYEs would, of course, be to play soccer till our legs turn to mush.

Which is what we're definitely gonna do, at any rate.

But sadly, I'm down with a fucking irritating back injury thats preventing me from getting into training, and it just might cost me our chances of winning on Games Day.

Ever since I twisted my back doing NAPHA last month, I haven't been able to goalkeep.

Heck, I couldn't even pass the soccer ball properly without straining myself.


The only thing in the world thats worst than not being able to play soccer, is watching others play it right in front of you.

I was the only one left out of the post-MYE celebrations today held at the futsal court near the school.

This feeling is just like the time when I broke my leg last year. The feeling truly sucks. 

You feel really useless, you know what I mean. Like everybody's out there trainin' and improvin', and you ain't even doin' shit to help contribute. Its a pretty helpless feeling that I'm having right now. And unless if you've gone through the shit that I'm in right now, I don't really expect you to understand.

I'm currently trying all I can to recover as soon as possible, and after that, start training like theres no tomorrow. I'm gonna fucking train the hardest I've ever done in my life.

Believe that.

And speaking about training, I know I've been neglecting my team for the past four months.

I know that, and I'm sorry.

A lot of fucking bullshit has happened during this period of four months thats been preventing me from properly training my team.

Truth be told, I've never even held a single bloody training session all year that includes the whole team.

I was chosen to be the captain by a certain someone. 

And he was waiting all this time, to see me prove my worth.

I know I do not have leadership qualities whatsoever. My failure to take charge and keep responsibility for my team can, and WILL cost me my chances during games day.

So to the team, and everyone who I've disappointed, I say that I'm truly sorry.

Truly and sincerely sorry.

Whether you accept my apology or not, I don't give a fuck. I didn't come here to write a load of bullshit and make stupid excuses on why I haven't been training the team.

Th point that I wanna make, thought, is that whats done is done. Theres no changing that.

I was irresponsible in the past, but I will make sure that from this moment onwards, until games day itself is over, I will be putting in a hundred and ten percent, to make sure I do all that I can for my team.

Not only train them, but also to recover ASAP, so I can continue training myself.



Hate this injury. 

Fucking hate it.

Never mind. Its late, and I wanna go get some rest.

Yeah. Now I feel better.

Gonna go sleep.

And heal.



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