
Damn! Finally!

My bros have posted!

Man, its been great hearing from you guys after a long while.

But sad to say, I've gotta keep me post (relatively) short and sweet this time round, seeing as I've only been given a measly half hour to use the computer (of which 10 minutes have already been spent on Facebooking).

First thing I gotta address.

Faris, next time please get on of those pop-ups that block users if they're under the age of 18.

Damn, talk about X-rated!

You weren't kidding when you said X-rated.

Next please include a warning at least, for our underage readers.

LOL. Miranda Kerr is still hot, no doubt. Hot as in; fresh-out-of-the oven-HOT. Sizzling, if you prefer a more appropriate term.

And this is for Vijay:...........

Damn, bro! I didn't know you were a romantic!

I mean, I never imagined you as the lovey, mushy type......

You know, those people who are all tough and macho on the outside, but all soft and gooey on the inside.

No offence, though. I mean, its great, you know what I mean. I'm not sure if I can confidently claim that I've been in love before, I totally understand you, man.

Its like the girl is perfect, the most beautiful thing you've ever seen. Everything she does seem so graceful, so holy.....

And DAMN, MAN! POEMS?! This just ain't the Vijay I know anymore, man.

The old Vijay would NEVER write poems. I can't even imagine.

Of course, that isn't to say that I prefer the old you.

"To each his own", as the old saying goes. Whoever that girl is, I'm sure you're doing the right thing.

After all, we all gotta have our own motivation in life, especially during tough times like this, you know, what with the ''O's coming up and all that bullsh*t.

The life of a student just freaking sucks. We all agree to that, but hey! Ain't nothing we can do to change that.

So if this girl of yours is someone worth dying for, someone worth going to the ends of the world for, someone who, because of her, makes you wanna just turn your life around, and work toward better improving yourself, then I say go for it.

We'll be behind you all the way, bro.

I've got my own goddess, anyways.



Looks like my time here is up. I guess I'll be posting again on New Year's day, just like I did last year.

Till our fate cross paths,

Why I'm M.I.A ( An X-rated Post)


First of all, the malay is sorry that he is M.I.A. It has been a helluva holiday, both full of traveling fun and catching up on studies 'cause I'm way behind. Also I've grown tired of the blog writing. I just cant write long posts like my bros Vijay and Aloy. me posts ain't long and read-worthy. So i shall try my best.

So this holiday, I get to go to Taiwan. which was great, considering the fact that i have not taken a ride on a plane for so long. And what better way to spend it than to go with friends! Sid, prashat, aaron, aloy, me. I mean, its a first time experience. I have never been on an overseas trip with friends. Since I decided not to go to Cambodia because of certain reasons ( I couldn't fill up the "marks obtained in exams" column), i felt that applying for the Taiwan trip really made my day. Taiwan is fucking shiok and I cant wait to save up and go again with my homies if possible.

That aside, I have to admit I havent been studying like a mad bitch since the holidays started. Now I'm damn worried. I did studying, but not as much as i expected. Sigh. The love-hate life of a student. Thankfully i was able to promote. So i feel lucky.

Also, i have been noticing changes in myself. I NO LONGER LIVE,BREATHE AND EAT SOCCER. Take that, haters. I do not play soccer everyday. I play sparingly. This week I'm playing futsal. It may be my last time kicking a soccer ball. Next year I might not play at all! Somebody kill me. Who ever believed I could change like this? I fee; refreshed. Okay, that was corny.

During the holidays I also watched one of my favourite shows. Not Spongebob, there's a 48 hour of spongebob coming up. I'm so game. Okay, back to the topic. I was watching the Victoria's Secret Models Fashion Show 2011. For those "forever alone" people or the boys who thought girls were weird abominations that were created, its time you looked at the finer side of life.

Now let me introduce my girl here for a moment. Saw her at first last year, been admiring ever since. She's Australian,has the girl next door looks and most importantly, H tthe O to the T ! Spicy! She's none other than Miranda Kerr! 

Bam! If this ain't enough....

Or if this still ain't enough...

Okay I think its enough. Not good to share my desktop wallpaper.

So bottom line is, people have been criticizing Australia for being upside down(geddit?) but i beg to differ. They gave us Hugh Jackman, The Opera House, Ayers Rock, the funny accent that is fun to copy to piss them off,  and most importantly, MIRANDA KERR!
I've seen the finer side of life.
If you still dont get my point, watch this:
Dont explode you pants, boys. If i were a girl watching this I'd be a lesbian already.

I think i just put too much of whatever i just did into this post.
You're sorry. 
I'm not.


One boring holiday


Whazzzuuppp, my badass gangsters!

Its been bloody freaking boring over here recently.

To pass the time, I've been trying to read some books. Thrillers and sci-fi, mainly. Stuff like Dan Brown and Eoin colfer. Like 'The DaVinci Code' and 'Deception point'. Damn good material, with only one exception: this ain't the first time reading these books. I've already read them like, multiple times, and I'm starting to get seriously bored.

So I've been reduced to reading next years exam syllabus as a last resort in a futile attempt to overcome to boredom (pretty sad, huh?).

Yeah. Nuthin' screams 'B-O-R-I-N-G' like the holidays.

And especially if you don't get to use the com more than once a week. But I'm kinda fortunate me mum's currently away in Taiwan, so I get to use the com sneakily (at this time of night, for instance).

Only now do I realise that a student's worst fear during the holidays is having too many things to do. He ain't scared of assignments, homework or projects.

Freaking hell, no.

What he's scared of the most, is stifling, smothering, suffocating boredom. Not getting to do something, or at least use his time efficiently instaed of wasting it away and staring into blank space most of the time.

Which pretty much seems like me these few days.

My dad even barred me from using my brother's phone, which I usually use to listen to music most of the time, especially when I'm doing my homework. Now, with my main form of music entertainment gone, I can't even listen to the soothing sounds of SNSD, or tune out to the peaceful melodies of Taeyeon's sweet voice.

Hell, I can't even drown out my sorrows in heavy metal when I get pissed! (and trust me, that happens more often than you think).

Which is exactly why my life now is a fucking living hell.

No computer, no music and no hanging out with friends.

I can't think of anything more freaking boring than this.

And even reading textbooks get boring after a long while (alright, more like two hours). And since its the holidays, its not like I can just ask my teachers if I see something I don't understand in the textbooks. I just bloody hate it when I see stuff I don't understand, and it prevents me from reading ahead because the rest of the book is related to whatever I don't understand.

I bored of being bored cuz' being bored is boring.

And I bet I ain't the only one.

But I'm also kinda reluctant to go back to school. Sometimes, just thinking about how damn hectic next year is gonna be makes me realize that maybe being bored still ain't that bad after all.

So during the holidays, I wished I was back in school, but when I'm in school, I wished it was the holidays.


Alright. Enough b*tching about how my life sucks.

Now more about Taeyeon.

All passionate Sones will probably have heard about the TaeNy couple.

And for the benefit of those who have no idea what that is, I'll elaborate more.

Taeyeon and her fellow teammate Tiffany are really, really good friends (emphasis on the 'really'). Sometimes so good, that people pair them up as husband and wife (Taeyeon is the husband, Tiffany's the wife). So that was how the term 'TaeNy' was created (a combination of Taeyeon and Tiffany, for those slow learners who still haven't quite got it yet).

To give you an example of what I'm talking about:
And also:
Not to forget:

^^ <3 <3 <3
Aren't those two so damn freaking darn bloody hell cute ?!?!?!



Lets not get too ahead of ourselves.

And TaeNy ain't the onlt thing that's getting me high these days.

Goodness knows why, but I'm also starting to get really addicted to basketball.

Maybe its the fact that I just got to know of a great basketball court from my house, or maybe its because I just found my old basketball.

But either way....

Damn, makes me just feel like going out at this time of the night and playing a nice game of basketball......

Right, I'd better get going, cause if me dad happens to wake up and see me using the com at this time of the night, Imma gon' get my @$$ handed to me.

Goodnight, ma peeps.

Goodnight, Taengoo.
Goodnight, Fany.

Goodnight, TaeNy
Till the next time when our fates cross paths,

*Please insert appropriate blog title here*


Whassuupp, ma homies!

I just got back from Taiwan last week, and seeing as I have a bit of time to spare right now, Imma tell you guys a bit more about my trip (the Malay seems to be MIA right now).

Damn, I've seen so much I just don't know where to start. And its gonna be bloody boring if I recount the trip day by day......

But just to give you an idea of what I've been experiencing........

Basically, its just a beautiful place. Taiwan's surrounded by mountains, so you can be guaranteed of spectacular, breath-taking, awesome scenery where ever you go. Its just not something you get to see every other day, especially not in Singapore.

Also, the weather there's great. Daytime temperatures are only 20-21 degrees celsius, and it gets even colder at night, sometime with temperatures hitting a low of 16 degrees. Add in occasional gusts of icy cold wind, and a sweater/windbreaker might start to seem like a very good idea.

But after all, Taiwan is affected by the monsoons. Since its December right now, the Northern Hemisphere is experiencing winter while the Southern hemisphere is experiencing summer. As a result, an area of low pressure develops over the Australian continent while an area of high pressure develops over India. Cold and dry winds blow across the Asian continent, bringing little rain to countries such as India and Bangladesh.

Maybe I should shut up and stop showing off my Geography skills.



Where were we? Oh yeah...

So like I was saying, the weather is great, with the slight exception of one day when it rained.

But this trip was definitely one to remember. We went sightseeing during the day, visiting museums as well as heritage sights. During the evenings, we sometimes go shopping at nightmarkets or malls. Then it was back to the hotel, staying up with Aaron, Faris, Prashat, HengYi and Sidarrth till 3 in the morning playing cheat and Taitee, before waking up to a scrumptous buffet breakfast the next morning.

Damn, I swear that was the life.

Even got to try out hotsprings.....boiled my legs red on that one.

At first I thought this was gonna turn out to be some dry, boring educational fieldtrip, but it turned out to be hell lot more fun thatn I expected.

But seriously feel sorry for the muslim students, though. They had to put up with all the vegetarian mush (there was nearly no halal food), while the rest were chomping down on barbecued duck, braised tofu and sauteed pigs trotters.


Even though its been more than a week since I came back, I'm definitely still gonna miss Taiwan. The nightmarkets sell nearly everything! From chicken cutlets to stinky tofu to cartoon keychains to bubble tea.....and at super cheap prices too. One 8 inch chicken cutlet there costs only SGD$2+. Bloody heluva deal.

Oh, and shout out to Nazira: Thanks a ton for that Taeyeon photo. It was super damn bloody freaking hell cute!!!!!!!

Couldn't reply or even like it on Facebook, though., Bloody computer lags like sh*t whenever I try to use FB.

Ohhh yeah.......

Till next time,

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