One boring holiday


Whazzzuuppp, my badass gangsters!

Its been bloody freaking boring over here recently.

To pass the time, I've been trying to read some books. Thrillers and sci-fi, mainly. Stuff like Dan Brown and Eoin colfer. Like 'The DaVinci Code' and 'Deception point'. Damn good material, with only one exception: this ain't the first time reading these books. I've already read them like, multiple times, and I'm starting to get seriously bored.

So I've been reduced to reading next years exam syllabus as a last resort in a futile attempt to overcome to boredom (pretty sad, huh?).

Yeah. Nuthin' screams 'B-O-R-I-N-G' like the holidays.

And especially if you don't get to use the com more than once a week. But I'm kinda fortunate me mum's currently away in Taiwan, so I get to use the com sneakily (at this time of night, for instance).

Only now do I realise that a student's worst fear during the holidays is having too many things to do. He ain't scared of assignments, homework or projects.

Freaking hell, no.

What he's scared of the most, is stifling, smothering, suffocating boredom. Not getting to do something, or at least use his time efficiently instaed of wasting it away and staring into blank space most of the time.

Which pretty much seems like me these few days.

My dad even barred me from using my brother's phone, which I usually use to listen to music most of the time, especially when I'm doing my homework. Now, with my main form of music entertainment gone, I can't even listen to the soothing sounds of SNSD, or tune out to the peaceful melodies of Taeyeon's sweet voice.

Hell, I can't even drown out my sorrows in heavy metal when I get pissed! (and trust me, that happens more often than you think).

Which is exactly why my life now is a fucking living hell.

No computer, no music and no hanging out with friends.

I can't think of anything more freaking boring than this.

And even reading textbooks get boring after a long while (alright, more like two hours). And since its the holidays, its not like I can just ask my teachers if I see something I don't understand in the textbooks. I just bloody hate it when I see stuff I don't understand, and it prevents me from reading ahead because the rest of the book is related to whatever I don't understand.

I bored of being bored cuz' being bored is boring.

And I bet I ain't the only one.

But I'm also kinda reluctant to go back to school. Sometimes, just thinking about how damn hectic next year is gonna be makes me realize that maybe being bored still ain't that bad after all.

So during the holidays, I wished I was back in school, but when I'm in school, I wished it was the holidays.


Alright. Enough b*tching about how my life sucks.

Now more about Taeyeon.

All passionate Sones will probably have heard about the TaeNy couple.

And for the benefit of those who have no idea what that is, I'll elaborate more.

Taeyeon and her fellow teammate Tiffany are really, really good friends (emphasis on the 'really'). Sometimes so good, that people pair them up as husband and wife (Taeyeon is the husband, Tiffany's the wife). So that was how the term 'TaeNy' was created (a combination of Taeyeon and Tiffany, for those slow learners who still haven't quite got it yet).

To give you an example of what I'm talking about:
And also:
Not to forget:

^^ <3 <3 <3
Aren't those two so damn freaking darn bloody hell cute ?!?!?!



Lets not get too ahead of ourselves.

And TaeNy ain't the onlt thing that's getting me high these days.

Goodness knows why, but I'm also starting to get really addicted to basketball.

Maybe its the fact that I just got to know of a great basketball court from my house, or maybe its because I just found my old basketball.

But either way....

Damn, makes me just feel like going out at this time of the night and playing a nice game of basketball......

Right, I'd better get going, cause if me dad happens to wake up and see me using the com at this time of the night, Imma gon' get my @$$ handed to me.

Goodnight, ma peeps.

Goodnight, Taengoo.
Goodnight, Fany.

Goodnight, TaeNy
Till the next time when our fates cross paths,


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