

Yo people.

Haven't posted for quite a while.

But then again, the ever-present pressure of mid-years are creeping up on me. I have my own revision to worry about too.

I don't wanna screw up or mess up my MYEs, like my CT 2. I'll aiming to pass at least all subjects, and get a couple of distinctions too while I'm at it.

So sadly.......I'll have to make this the last post till my last paper ends, which is around 9 may, if I'm not wrong.

So just to update Vijay, as well as any other guys who has been guessing what I've been up to, I got into the first fight of my life today.

And the opponent is......guess who?

Right. The cockroach (A.K.A Yipeng).

It started during maths class today. It was a free period, and Mr Leong and Ms Lin were both absent, and so we were just goofing off, as usual.

Then, I saw the cockroach bullying Akshay out of the corner of my eye. I was seriously fed-up, cause that guy only has the balls to bully those who are weaker than him. If he just sat in class minding his own business, I still don't really mind, seeing as he isn't disturbing anyone.

So, I just told ZB loudly, making sure yipeng could hear too. "You know that cockroach, only knows how to bully people weaker than him".

I guess that set him off, and he just cracked. He came up to me, shoving me and saying, "You wanna fight? Bring it on!".

I told him," You're just a bloody coward who is all talk and no action. You're always challenging me to fights, but you've never even had an actual one with me."

Upon hearing that, he just sulked and emoed in a corner while I played trading card games with ZB and my usual gang.

Then, when the lesson ended, Lester came up to me and told me that yipeng had challenged me to a fight, in the toilet at 2:30 p.m in the afternoon, immediately after class.

I was thinking.......will he really turn up at the fight venue? Knowing him for two years, I know his type. He's the sort who'll be talking a lot of cock, but doesn't actually have the guts to do whatever he says.

So I had a bet with Zhi Xing: 5 bucks says that yipeng is gonna back out at the last minute.

But I was proved wrong. 2:30 p.m after school, we gathered at the toilet with Kishore, Shanjeevi, Jerry, ZB, ZX and Zhi Qiang.

Oh yeah.

Not to mention the crowd of 30+ people who had came to spectate.

Turns out Aniq and ZX had let slip to half the level at recess time that I was having a fight.

So to cut a long story short, what happened in the toilet wasn't really anything special.

I was doing most of the slamming and punching, with yipeng managing to punch me only twice.

That was when Mr Smitthy Matthias and Mr Simon Liew came along to see what all the ruckus in the toilet was about.

They caught me, then asked me what was happening. I just replied that we were playing soccer in the toilet.

They then brought me to the general office, where I had to fill in a report slip on what happened.

Thank goodness Mr Liew bought my story. He just gave me a telling off, saying that he thinks I deserved a second chance, and he won't be punishing me.

Fortunately for me. I could end up being suspended if found fighting, and even worse, get involved in a police case.

But just to end off, I didn't really enjoy the fight. I was rather shaken at the end, even though yipeng is the one who's been pummeled pretty badly.

But this is the first time in my life that I've ever had a fist fight with anyone in school. I was fighting with the intent to do actual physical harm to my opponent. I've never had anything like this, not even when fighting my brother, or wrestling with classmates in class.

To tell the truth, it was a hollow victory. I figured that fighting never really solves anything, and this fight, instead of cheering me up, has made the situation even worse.

I seriously feel bad right now, having done proper physical harm to someone. The first moment you sink your fist into someone else's stomach or face, it might feel good for a while, but when you see your opponent battered and bruised and in a generally messed-up state, you're gonna end up feeling pretty bad for yourself, and even pity your opponent.

I just can't believe I'm saying all this, even when the opponent was someone who deserves it as much as yipeng.


But never mind. I know that mulling over the past is futile. Whats done is done. I might regret it, but theres no way of reversing my actions, no matter how hard I try.

Damn. My right fist is now puffy from all the punches I threw.

But its getting late, and I gotta get going.

Wish me luck for my MYEs, and may I not do any more stupid stuff till MYEs are over.

Then I shall be rejoiced with darling Taengoo.

Signing off,


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