A remarkable comeback?


It your favourite goalie's , WAIT FOR IT, defender again.

This punchline sucks; I'll stick to creating my own. Sorry Aloy, mate.

Aloysius, Faris and myself, have said this many times. It is one of the most used words in this blog. I try not to be rude, yet, accidental rudeness occurs alarmingly. ( Thanks Dumbledore! )

I hate life. Well, to rephrase that, I hate life in India. I used to become enlightened at the prospect of school when I was there, but now I dread waking up in the morning, and am still hoping to wake up on day and realise it was all just a dream, and go back to Sec 1 life.

Nevertheless, somethings are unavoidable, inevitable...

But I stick to what I said previously. You always have a choice.

Moving on, it has come to our ears, that Aloysius has lost his wallet, with a considerable amount of money inside. And it seems this is not the first time. Neither the second. Well, Aloy, I assume that you have recieved numerous reprimands and advises, but just for the sake of it, Keep your wallet with you at all times. Even during 2.4 km run, if possible. Stuff it into your underwear if you have to.

Well, I did that. It is the safest. And don't bring more money than you need to bring. What's the point. You can't possibly spent so much in a day.

 But I will not say you deserve it for being a careless guy. I know you are not a careless guy, having been in the class committee. It is just one of the inevitable things in life.

We all gotta lose our wallets one day. Maybe not. But something we have to lose...

Moving on from that, since you Aloy listened to my advice of watching Rocky, I will take yours and listen to SNSD. I have not yet done so, but I will in a week.

Also, I am sorry, to disappoint or enlighten ( for those who despise me ), I don't really know if I will be able. Every time I plan something, my school wrecks it all. They don't have this discipline . For example, in Singapore, in June and December confirm chop got holiday right. Over here not like that. Yesterday they will have told you June is holiday. Then today they say it is July. Then tomorrow they say it is may.

One of the testicular thing about India.

But then, CONGRATULATIONS ALOYSIUS NG YING XUAN on getting 29. Vilau must have been proud. You might have been a legend among your Junior TAF members. You will be the gem of Vilau's TAF.


Well. BYE BYE.

I am Vijay, and I approve this message.


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