I'm fucking screwed


Hi guys.

If you can't tell who is posting just by looking at the title, its me, Aloy. Just to inform you.

Sorry for the offensive title, but I'm unable to find any other words that are more suitable to describe my current situation.

And damn, am  I fucking screwed.

Today was our school's annual cross-country, as you might have already known. As I reached Faris' house to ride bikes with him to Japanese gardens, I suddenly noticed that my wallet with my EZ-link card inside it was missing.

Yes, yes. I know what you're thinking.

'Its just a wallet. That ain't so bad.'

And you'd be damn wrong if you're thinking this.

Cause this is already my second time losing my EZ-link card, and third time losing a wallet.

My mum's gonna freaking skin me alive. (NO pun intended)

And there's a heavy fine imposed on those who've lost their EZ-link cards more than once.

So I bloody screwed, in other words.

Not only have I lost valuable money ($60-70), but I've also lost the trust of my parents. They'll probably never trust me with anything, ever again.

And its all my damn fucking fault.

Why's all these unlucky things have to happen to me at the wrong time, everytime?!


Maybe I'm just pure careless. And a fucking idiot, not to mention, for not learning my lesson after all these years.


Life's gonna be kinda fucked-up for the next couple of weeks. I'm taking the time when my mum's still at work to write this post. Goodness know whether she'll let me use the com at all after she know I've lost my wallet.

So......the bottom line is that I might not be posting as frequently; maybe even not at all. Please blame me. I'm the stupid idiot who had to go and lose his wallet at this sorta time.

Oh, and VJ.

If you're interested about what position I got for the cross-country, I'll just use this opportunity to inform you, as I might not be able to do so anymore for quite some time.

I got number 29, and a medal to boot.

I feel accomplished at first, but suddenly realized the magnitude of my loss, and that winning a medal this time was small comfort for me.

The victory would've been much. much,  sweeter had I not lost my wallet.


This sucks.

Never mind. I gotta go prepare and brace myself for a 2-hour long lecture from my mum when she gets back.

I'll post again, sometime, someday.

I promise.

I might not be seeing my Taengoo for a while, so I just posted her picture here as my last thoughts.

Till the next time our fate crosses paths,
Aloy  :(


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