

Wazzup, ma peeps!

If you were wondering what the post title stands for, it doesn't really mean anything. Thats just the longest word in the english language. I ain't got nuthin' else, so........yeah.

Yes, I am painfully aware of the fact that I have not been updating The Community for a substantial amount of time.

So, Jerry, if you're reading this, please don't get too pissed with me.

I have my own issues too.

Like my mid-year results, for example.

Surprisingly enough, I got second position in class. This is also the first time in my life that I've ever got a single digit placing in class before.

So it'd be quite an achievement, you'd be thinking.

But the frightening thing is, I failed one subject, got two Cs, four Bs and only obtained an A. Which lead to my mum thinking if her son can get these sort of bullshit results and still score second in class, does that mean the rest of the class failed miserably?


Not really. But my class average was rather low. 4.5, in fact.

Thats not the only thing. Boon Wei, who got first in class, had a level ranking of 19. My position of second in class was only able to get me a ranking of 74. The difference of 55 positions came rather shocking to me, seeing as there was such a huge gap in terms of overall results between the top two people in my class.

So me mum's been making me study and busy with tuitions and all. She's sorta experiencing mixed emotions now. Of course, she's glad that I've finally done something worthwhile. But on the other hand, she's shocked by my class' low average.

So she wants to make sure I am studying and preparing hard now, so that when school starts, I'll at least be ready for whatever homework the teachers are gonna start heaping on me. She also wants me to be consistent in my studies though, seeing as consistency has been a major issue with my school work all along.

But enough of studies and all that crap.

Manchester United lost to Barcelona last saturday at Wembley. Final score of 3-1. I suppose everyone got to hear about that piece of news.

I, as member of the Old Trafford faithful, am obviously saddened by this result. But I suppose going down to a side like Barca wouldn't be as bad as compared to if we went down to some shit club. *Ahem*Chelsea*Ahem*!

But seriously, the entire match was a rollercoaster ride of emotions for me. When Pedro scored the opener, I was like, 'Fck you, man!'.

Then when Roon equalized, I was still hopeful. We still had a shot at the title.

Then, the acclaimed Messiah scored during the second half. His first goal in England, to top it off.

Like I gave a f*ck.

We weren't out of the running yet. I still got a glimmer of hope left, hoping Man United was gonna equalize sooner or later.

Then, Yifei came.

In the form of David Villa.

That stupid git scored, sealing Barca's victory. By then, to tell the truth, I'd already lost most of the hope and enthusiasm that I had at the start of the match.

Man United weren't playing up to their usual standards. Barcelona played beautiful soccer that night. I couldn't have expected anything more.

But I was rather disappointed Man United didn't score the opening goal of the second half. I felt that if they did, the whole outcome would have been totally different.

But I did agree on one thing the announcer said.

'If this match had any romance, Edwin Van Der Sar would walk out into the sunset with a Champion's League trophy under his arm.'


But still, many sincere thanks to Edwin Van Der Sar, that giant of a man, who dedicated so much to United during his time at Old Trafford. His commitment and contributions, we shall never forget. Those six seasons that he spent at The Theater of Dreams have not went to waste.

I just want to say thank you to Van Der Sar again. The Old Trafford faithful and I shall be behind you all the way.

He may have left United, but his legacy still lives on.



And just one more thing before I go. 

Vijay, could you please do me a favor and change The Community back to the original format? 


Oh, And about that one particularly troublesome malay......

He's got his own problems. His mid-year results were.......horrendous, to say the least.

But he'd better start posting soon. 

Will post again when I have time.



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