

Its bloody freaking 1.30 a.m in the morning over here in Singapore.

I have absolutely no idea why I'm still awake.

Perhaps its because SNSD has just released the music video of Echo.

And just when I thought that song couldn't get any better.

Besides SNSD, there haven't really been anything much thats fun and exciting

Unless, if you count Modulus functions as fun and exciting.

Damn. I've got me Chinese 'O' levels in 11 days time. I'm really nervous, you know. But not only me. All the other sec 3 higher mother tongue students are probably struggling right now to prepare sufficiently for their orals.

Kishore flunked his Tamil 'O' level orals, according to him. The topic he was tested was 'What are ways are there to improve your memory?'

I mean, what sort of question is that?!

If the examiner asks me some question regarding the current political scene, or the reigning social status quo, I could answer pretty easily. But this sort of questions leave me speechless.

I heard from Vignesh that they even have one word questions, like 'Vegetables'.


What the hell do they expect students to talk about vegetables? Carrots are orange and Cucumbers are green..........?

Thats why in my opinion, Tamil orals are screwed.

No offence to yo, VJ.


And I'm still freaking out about my orals. But I guess I just gotta practise.

And practise.


But before I leave, I'll leave you guys with a totally irrelevant picture of Taengoo to distract you.

Make that two.

^^ =) =) <3 <3 <3

Alright. Till we meet again,
I am your father.


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