I'm fucking screwed


Hi guys.

If you can't tell who is posting just by looking at the title, its me, Aloy. Just to inform you.

Sorry for the offensive title, but I'm unable to find any other words that are more suitable to describe my current situation.

And damn, am  I fucking screwed.

Today was our school's annual cross-country, as you might have already known. As I reached Faris' house to ride bikes with him to Japanese gardens, I suddenly noticed that my wallet with my EZ-link card inside it was missing.

Yes, yes. I know what you're thinking.

'Its just a wallet. That ain't so bad.'

And you'd be damn wrong if you're thinking this.

Cause this is already my second time losing my EZ-link card, and third time losing a wallet.

My mum's gonna freaking skin me alive. (NO pun intended)

And there's a heavy fine imposed on those who've lost their EZ-link cards more than once.

So I bloody screwed, in other words.

Not only have I lost valuable money ($60-70), but I've also lost the trust of my parents. They'll probably never trust me with anything, ever again.

And its all my damn fucking fault.

Why's all these unlucky things have to happen to me at the wrong time, everytime?!


Maybe I'm just pure careless. And a fucking idiot, not to mention, for not learning my lesson after all these years.


Life's gonna be kinda fucked-up for the next couple of weeks. I'm taking the time when my mum's still at work to write this post. Goodness know whether she'll let me use the com at all after she know I've lost my wallet.

So......the bottom line is that I might not be posting as frequently; maybe even not at all. Please blame me. I'm the stupid idiot who had to go and lose his wallet at this sorta time.

Oh, and VJ.

If you're interested about what position I got for the cross-country, I'll just use this opportunity to inform you, as I might not be able to do so anymore for quite some time.

I got number 29, and a medal to boot.

I feel accomplished at first, but suddenly realized the magnitude of my loss, and that winning a medal this time was small comfort for me.

The victory would've been much. much,  sweeter had I not lost my wallet.


This sucks.

Never mind. I gotta go prepare and brace myself for a 2-hour long lecture from my mum when she gets back.

I'll post again, sometime, someday.

I promise.

I might not be seeing my Taengoo for a while, so I just posted her picture here as my last thoughts.

Till the next time our fate crosses paths,
Aloy  :(

Gentlemen. Start your engines.

I am beginning to divulge deeper into the mechanisms of automobiles. Truly, like Arthur Weasley once said,

'' Ingenious, these muggles. Fascinating, how they get along without magic. ''

One of the mighty creations of man. Rather Complex, like maths, but easy if you like it. So brilliant, yet so complex. I am truly amazed.

Then engine of a car, are as important, as SOMETHING  is to Bharath. But I shall not go on talking about engines here, for if you wanted me to blabber shit, you will have to pay me money.

Anyway, as I have been trollin' to many people, readers of this blog ought to know, the temperature over here. Well, ladies and gentlemen, it is a nice 38 degree Celsius. Imagine a temperature hotter than your body temperature. It is gonna burn your head. If you cracked an egg on your head an went walking at midday, you can be sure of fried eggs.

Leaving that crap about India aside, I am happy that Aloysius here, has taken my advice to go and watch Rocky. I advice all the readers of this blog to watch it too. It gives you supreme, unnerving confidence, that can ''Rattle your ancestors'', and make you feel like '' Your gonna kiss the express train''.

I don't know why, but I have a sudden obsession, fanaticism about engines, of motorbikes and cars.

So that's why, I'mma' gonna end this post with this self-made quote.

'' When you're slow, its always best to turn on your turbochargers and release your nitrous''

I am Vijay ( Bolt ) and I approve this message. 



Yo guys!


Yes, I know its in the middle of common test week, but I just wanted to take dedicate a bit of my time to The Community, for the sake of our beloved readers.

Had geog and English today. Wasted three whole marks for geog.


I'm screwed.

Cause I made a personal vow; if I don't beat Boon Wei in geog for this common test, I'll keep away from any SNSD related stuff till end of mid-years.

I was gonna say'end-of-year', but I guessed, you know, that its not humanely possible for anyone to stay away from SNSD for so long.

Ye, man.

And I was freaking pissed during dinner just now.

I can't believe my mum thinks that ALL SNSD members have gone through plastic surgery before.

Now I swear thats just fucking rubbish.

Alright, maybe one or two HAS actually gone through plastic surgery before, but I know definitely not ALL of them has.

You guys think I'd be trollin'.

You really think so?

Fine. Heres hard, solid evidence that my Taengoo has not undergone any plastic surgery whatsoever.

Pre-debut pictures:

Current pictures:

So for all of you bastards that still aren't convinced.....


Theres hardly any difference at all if you asked me. Her current pictures look really similar to her pre-debut ones, so I have already confimed that she hasn't undergone any plastic surgery.

Well, I can only promise you that Taeyeon's never gone through any. As for the other members, you'll just have to go look and decide for yourselves.

ZB says Jessica hasn't gone through any either, and I trust him. So ya'll can count Sica out.

Hah! In your freaking black face, Prashat!

That bastards the one who told me that SNSD has undergone plastic surgery. He's lucky to have lived, seeing as I was in a good mood that day.


Yes, and seeing as I've got bloody common tests all week, and its already starting to take tremendous mental strain on me. So I'll be signing off earlier today.


I'm Edwin Van Der Sar, and I approve of Taeyeon's naturally good looks.

Signing off, 
your favourite goalie

Demons of my past


Hey my peeps.


Yes, I know about the ominous title and all, but hey.....

That's how I've been feeling for the whole of past week.

Having to study for the upcoming common test is stressful. Studying with so damn many distractions around me is just making my life harder.

Firstly, I've got the com, which I've been feeling the uncontrollable urge to use every now and then(don't we all?). Next up, I've got my extremely comfy-looking bed and fluffy dinosaur plushy that I just can't bear to squeeze. Also, the fact that I needa be going out every other day isn't really helping.

Just today, I've been out to mediacorp to go support commonwealth in a chinese-based competition where the top three representatives from every school get together to pit their wits against each other. Our opponents today were Nanyang girls, Presbyterian, Victoria(no, not Victoria's Secret) and some other school, which name I forgot.

In short, we got thrashed by Nanyang girls with a final score of 160-65.

I just found out from my mum when I got back that the lowest PSLE aggregate score there was 262.

No wonder we got the crud beat outta us.

Never mind. That aside, I'e also been asked to go back to school on Monday for maths remedial. Wednesday was reserved for the Chemistry learning journey to Jurong Island, which got cancelled, by the way, cuz the stupid security guards denied us clearance. Then today was the trip to mediacorp.

So with the whole week booked, I seriously cannot find time to settle down and do my work properly. I'm that kinda guy that gets distracted very easily, so I really can't concentrate with all this going on all week.

Furthermore, next week's common tests are all gonna be held during two consecutive lessons in the morning.


That stupid ass.


So you guys can see why I'm so darn nervous. I have the feeling that Imma gonna end up failing even more subjects than I did for the previous common test.

I don't wanna end up like the state I was in during sec two, where I got a huge slump in results, especially during mid-year. That was when I started slacking off, goofin around instead putting in some solid hours for proper revision and consolidation of my homework. That was the period when I was no different from a Normal stream student, just whiling and wasting all my precious time away, wondering around aimlessly, without a purpose.

Like I said. I don't wanna re-live the demons of my past. I wanna start over fresh, start over a new guy. I don't wanna be someone who just slacks around all day like yipeng. I wanna be someone who is diligent and hardworking, and top the class regularly. Only then can I gain respect. From both my peers and teachers.    


Nuf' said.

Hey, VJ,

You said that Cena wil never lose to the Undertaker. Lets compare their accolades, then we'll see:


The Undertaker is undefeated at WrestleMania with an 18–0 record. Calaway is an eight-time world champion: a four-time WWF/E Champion and three-time World Heavyweight Champion as The Undertaker, and a one-time USWA Unified World Heavyweight Champion as Master of Pain. The Undertaker is also a one-time WWF Hardcore champion, and a seven-time world tag team champion: a six-time WWF World Tag Team Champion, and one-time WCW World Tag Team Champion. The Undertaker was the winner of the 2007 Royal Rumble and became the first man to win the Rumble at number 30. He has been named by WWE as the greatest big man of all time.[6] Calaway is also the only active wrestler who appeared on the company's very first RAW program, who is still with WWE today.

John Cena:

In WWE, Cena has won sixteen championships in total, including nine World Titles (having won the WWE Championship seven times and the World Heavyweight Championship twice). In addition, Cena has also won the WWE United States Championship three times,[8] and is a four-time Tag Team Champion, having held the World Tag Team Championship twice (once withShawn Michaels, once with Batista),[9] and the WWE Tag Team Championship twice (once withDavid Otunga and once with The Miz). Cena also won the 2008 Royal Rumble match, and is a two-time Superstar of the Year Slammy Award winner (2009 and 2010).

Yes, I know that its all copy-paste. But I don't really have the luxury of time to properly write down all their accomplishments and achievements one-by-one. Especially not when we're talking about two great wrestlers with amazing histories.

I like John Cena for his great work ethics, his never-say-die attitude and his amazing athleticism. I admire the Undertaker cause he's strong as hell, is an amazing striker and is feared by everyone in WWE. 

Its getting late. And me com's starting to act all weird on me. 

So I'll be logging off soon.

Oh yes. 

Aren't these two just cuteness overdose?!

You might have already noticed that my darling Taengoo's one of them. The other one's Tiffany, a fellow teammate from SNSD. They're really close, and some go as far as saying that they're like husband and wife!

It is definitely obvious that they're very close. But what I believe is that since Tiffany is one of the youngest, Taeyeon is just looking out for her, sorta like a big sister. 

I found myself gradually watching more and more of Tiffany's videos. She's another 'brighter-than-gems' member of SNSD, so I really hope you guys can go check out some of their songs, especially the duets. Their  combined voices are nothing like you've heard before. So just sit back, relax, and allow yourself to be serenaded by the voice of two angels.


I'm Aloysius, and I approve of TaeNy's blinding cuteness.

Signing off,
your favourite goalie



Yo, I realize I ain't been posting nothing lately. So I thought I gotta, you know, try and post whenever I get the time.

 And recently, as y'all know, I was into Motorbikes. Well, I ain't outta it. But, I am also into ACTION MOVIES. I have just finished watchin' the ROCKY Series. I'll tell you this. Any of you guys, need this thing called INSPIRATION, I'll tell you. Watch the damn thing.

Next up is Rambo, then The Expendables, then I'll be off to Arnold Schwarzenegger's works. Here are a few still from the movie.

I gotta run on those steps some day.

That's all ROCKY for today..

Wait, doncha hit close yet. I ain't done talking nothing...

I aint did my part on Motorbikes yet.

1)The Suzuki Hayabusa
1300 cc
Front Double Disc brakes
Back single disc brake

2) Yamaha R1

3)Kawasaki Ninja

Yep, thats bikes for today.


Oh, and I'm Vijay and I approve this message.

P.S, ALOYSIUS, John Cena is far better then the Underweartaker....



Wazzup guys!

Yes, it is my darling Taengoo's birthday today.

Alright, her birthday was actually yesterday, so this is a belated birthday wish. But still, its the thought that counts.


Anyways, I haven't been posting lately, as I've been busy with homework and stuff.

I don't even have time to hold trainings.


That, and the fact that Mr Leong has just unreasonably confiscated my soccer ball for no good reason during A Maths on Wednesday.

On Tuesday, Liang Lu just happens to be out of Singapore, so I don't have any CCA on that day. I went out with Ray to go buy a soccer ball from IMM, before going back to school and depositing it back into the classroom.

The next morning, during A Maths class, he just happened to be patrolling the back of the class as Miss Lin was talking, then he saw the banthu lying in the recycle bin.

And he had to confiscate it, just when I was about to hold a training session after school.

Yes, I respect him and all, but if he does that one more time, I might just flip him the finger.


Confiscating a soccer ball when we weren't even any where near it?!

I guess I should've been more careful after seeing him confiscate Kok Yi's ball at morning assembly. Should've stashed it in the locker or something, or his it outta sight.

But I'm still pissed at him for just taking our ball away.

It ain't fair, man. Its not as if he hasn't got his own balls, right?

Haiz.....maths teachers are nutters.

I've also been MIA from between the goalposts these few days. Strained my lower back. It now hurts like f*ck whenever I do strenuous activities or make any rigorous movements. It hurts even while sitting down, and needless to say, goalkeeping is outta the question.

But I'll make good use of this holiday period to get back in shape, and start training as soon as possible, preferably by term 2 week 1.


This is a birthday tribute for Taengoo's 23rd birthday. Great pics, and nice music, hope you enjoy.

As she becomes a year older, she improves in her skills, both singing-wise and dancing-wise. Her immense beauty will only become enhanced (is this even possible?) as she matures into a better person (which is quite impossible, as she's already perfect) and her natural talents can only improve (they can't; she's perfect) as Taeyeon turns a year older. I hope for Taengoo that, as she turns 23, she will have a bright future ahead, and continue to succeed as the Kid Leader of SNSD.






I'm Aloy, and I'd like to wish my darling Taengoo a very happy 23rd birthday.

Peace out,
Your favourite goalie

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