

Yo guys!


Yes, I know its in the middle of common test week, but I just wanted to take dedicate a bit of my time to The Community, for the sake of our beloved readers.

Had geog and English today. Wasted three whole marks for geog.


I'm screwed.

Cause I made a personal vow; if I don't beat Boon Wei in geog for this common test, I'll keep away from any SNSD related stuff till end of mid-years.

I was gonna say'end-of-year', but I guessed, you know, that its not humanely possible for anyone to stay away from SNSD for so long.

Ye, man.

And I was freaking pissed during dinner just now.

I can't believe my mum thinks that ALL SNSD members have gone through plastic surgery before.

Now I swear thats just fucking rubbish.

Alright, maybe one or two HAS actually gone through plastic surgery before, but I know definitely not ALL of them has.

You guys think I'd be trollin'.

You really think so?

Fine. Heres hard, solid evidence that my Taengoo has not undergone any plastic surgery whatsoever.

Pre-debut pictures:

Current pictures:

So for all of you bastards that still aren't convinced.....


Theres hardly any difference at all if you asked me. Her current pictures look really similar to her pre-debut ones, so I have already confimed that she hasn't undergone any plastic surgery.

Well, I can only promise you that Taeyeon's never gone through any. As for the other members, you'll just have to go look and decide for yourselves.

ZB says Jessica hasn't gone through any either, and I trust him. So ya'll can count Sica out.

Hah! In your freaking black face, Prashat!

That bastards the one who told me that SNSD has undergone plastic surgery. He's lucky to have lived, seeing as I was in a good mood that day.


Yes, and seeing as I've got bloody common tests all week, and its already starting to take tremendous mental strain on me. So I'll be signing off earlier today.


I'm Edwin Van Der Sar, and I approve of Taeyeon's naturally good looks.

Signing off, 
your favourite goalie


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