

Supp, my brethren.

And in case you're wondering, that means sibling(s).

Yep.This is to all my broTHers-from-anoTHer-moTHer, sisters, faTHer, moTHer, uncle, auntie, cousins, Moon Utd homies, 2/3, my dog, rabbit and recently deceased hamster Snuffles.(I pronounced the 'TH' sound just in case Ms Teo happened to be reading this blog. So Ms Teo if you are reading this now please don't accuse me of not listening in class, OK?)


Now where was I?

Oh yeah.

As I was saying, the EOYs are drawing ever closer, and I know it won't help anyone or anything if I keep coming to post day after day.

So for everyone's sake, I'm gonna officially declare this blog dead until the end of my exams. (Which is on the 13th of October. A Friday, if I'm not wrong, counting Art and CEP. But hey, who even gives a sh*t for thses subjects right?)

Yeah. So this is gonna be my last post till 13 days later.


But don't fret, you're still gonna get plenty of chances to see my marvolous posts(and the malay's) after the exams. Expect us to be posting at least one post EACH after the end of years.

And if you're wondering why the malay doesn't post as frequently as me? Well, its probably cause he's busy mugging. Not saying I'm a slacker or anything, but trust me, he has a HELL LOT to catch up on.

So for now, my brethren, let us just concentrate solely on doing our best for the streaming exams in less than a week's time. We are gonna PARTY like we've never partied before after the end-of years.

Before I log off, I have a few parting words for my fellow 2/3 peeps, which is "Work hard, play hard", "Chiong ah!!!!" and last but not least, "EVER WITH THE BEST!!!!"

Thats is all. Thank you.

Wishing everyone the best for their exams,



WARNING: For little girls, people with a history of heart disease or the weak-hearted, anyone under the age of 21 and whoever has a dislike for gross and potentially disgusting stuff. If you fit any one of the above criteria, we strongly suggest that you refrain from reading this post. TorresandCasillas will not be held responsible for any loss of life, damage of property or AIDS (direct or otherwise) as a result of reading this blog post if you fail to listen to our warning. The characters in this post are non-fictional and all content are views of TorresandCasillas and affiliated members with no intention of racism, sexism or in any way targeted at any individual.

Today, me, Aaron, Rayson, Bharath, Kishore, Faris and Prashat had a free-for-all gangbang after the Lang Arts mock exam.

See? What did I tell you? If you are feeling utterly disgusted right now and want to exit our blog, please feel free to do so. But if you are somehow attracted to reading this sh*t cause you're either a perv or a pedo, then you are welcome to.

Yeah, as I was saying, all of us had a gangbang party, apparently started when Bharath treated Aaron like a certain teacher and gave him surprise butt secks.

Before we knew it, Rayson was doing Aaron, Kishore and Bharath were ganging Prashat and me and Faris just sat there and watched the show.

Then they went for a six on one, with Bharath being the victim. But he went monster mode and shook all of us off, before punching Aaron where it hurt the most and again treating like a certain teacher.

I'm lucky I didn't take part in any of this........or at least not substantially. :)

Yeah, so that was it. Everybody was laying hands on anyone available, which just basically meant anyone who wasn't being raped by anyone else got raped sooner or later.

Except for me lah, when Aaron tried to do me and I shocked him by forcing him into submission before giving him butt secks.

Man, all of us were sweating at the end of it.

Haiz........good times, good times.........

Gotta go sleep now. Can't wait to see whats gonna happen tomorrow.



short post
anyone wants to go cycling during the Nov-DEC hols??
it would be like:

wake up-6am
reach destination-max 8am.
explore more till we get lost and based on our own knowledge, have to get back on our own without a GPS: before 2pm

be prepared to follow that if i'm leading the convoy.
pls go. someday.
i want a convoy of 4.

only a thought.
it might happen someday.

Damn it,


Gymkhana ftw!
I'm back
i'm starting to get a bit bored. Sorry.
i'm not going to talk much
i'm at sid's house blogging.


till next time,

Bored. Again


Supp, my peeps.

I'm bored. Again.

Nuthin' much happening in school today anyway.

And I'm again just sitting in front of the com looking like an idiot......

But I think I had better sleep early today, cause last few days also never sleep well. Besides, tomorrow have training. Must conserve my strength. Yeah.

Should I buy a new pair of keeper gloves at the end of the year? Not even sure if I can save enough money siah........

I used to be lovedrunk, but now I'm hung-over.


This Sunday Man Utd playing Liverpool.

Can't wait for that match!

Think I gotta go sleep now.

Peace out,




I'm back.

Just found out that I have three conditions which might limit my goalkeeping abilities.

1).If I wear my uniform to goalkeep
2).If I don't warm up before matches
3).If the ground that I'm playing on is rough(e.g cement/concrete, gravel etc.)

Well that sucks.

Almost lost my wallet today. Left it in the basketball court during recess while playing soccer. Thought Collin from 2-4 took it, cause according to Boon Ping, whenever his wallet goes missing, it always turns out to be Collin that took it.


But anyway, when I was on my way to 2-4 to look for Collin, a cleaner auntie came up to me and asked, "Eh boy, did you lose your wallet?" I was like, "How the f*ck do you know?!"(but obviously I didn't say that out loud lah.)

I thought there only had to be only two logical reasons. One, she was spying on me. Two, she was spying on me. But I just played safe and answered, "Yeah, I did lose my wallet" She said, " It is in the general office. You can go claim it from the receptionist."

Oh chey.

She just found it while cleaning up the basketball court after recess and obviously recognized my face when she looked at my EZ-link card.

Thank goodness.

Yeah. I went to get my wallet from the office after that.

And that is the story of how I nearly lost my wallet. NEARLY.


I go listen to some music now lah. Probably some Eminem or Flo Rida.

Peace out,

Life is balls




Nothing much to do.

As usual.

Except for revision.

And homework.


But look on the bright side. I'm now back to school and I have the chance to see my friends again instead of being stuck in my house with nothing to do.

And after the exams its gonna be soccer all day long!

I hope.

Anyway, feeling kinda weird nowadays. Its like I feel happy one moment then emo the next. I'm think I might start to become like Aaron.


Anyway, just hope that my mood swings will pass.

Maybe soccer is the cure. is balls.

Gotta go sleep now. Yeah. Post again when I got time.

Signing off'
Waddup. Its me again. Still can't get the video of Edwin Van Der Sar.


But I will still try my best as I have promised our readers. SinceI have received feedback from reader(s) that I should only stick to one particular goalie, I guess I'll try my best to post just videos of Iker Casillas, also another world-class goalkeeper. Yeah.

But don't be upset. You can still see videos of Van Der Sar making amazing saves on youtube.

And I guess you all will have to wait for Faris to put up the music player.

All right, it's getting late. Have to go sleep.

And just as a reminder, we value ALL of our reader's comments as we are using the feedback to improve the quality of our blog. So just feel free to post any opinions of our blog on the tagboard beside this post.

I'm Iker Casillas, and I approve this message.

Signing off,

Sian to the core


Yo people, it's a boring night in my boring life. Nuthin much really, just sitting here, listening to music.......
Only now do I realize how lifeless I've become without soccer.
Never mind though, tomorrow it's back to school, which also means PE first thing in the morning! Nothing like a good physical workout to get your day going. Yeah. Then can also go kajiao Faris. One of my favorite past times.......And for those of you who want an MP3 in our blog, You're most probably gonna have to wait for a while, cuz I still need to go ask the malay.

And here's just a video on Edwin Van Der Sar, a great Manchester United goalkeeper. Just something to keep you preoccupied until the next post.



Apparently, you need a Youtube download software to download videos.


Now then I know.

Haiz, never mind.

Its getting late already, and I need to get some sleep. Gotta conserve my energy for PE tomorrow! Anyway if you want to get to see Van Der Sar in action then can youtube to watch his videos lah. I'll ask Torres to post the video when he has time, but I promise you that I'll try my best to get it.

And if you have any creative and constructive comments on our blog, please do not hesitate to give us feedback. We value our reader's opinions.

I'm Iker Casillas, and I approve this message.

Signing off,

Keepers have it tough


Supp, people. Its another boring day in our(or at least my) boring lives. Yep, just another blistering hot Saturday afternoon of slacking at home with not much to do. I'm bored to the core and I'm itching to play soccer with my hommies. Man, this sucks. And that is the ugly truth.


So anyway, just killing my time by watching goalkeeping videos. Not world class or anything, just any goalie videos that I can get my hands on. And that has made me itch to play soccer even more.

Great. Real great.

So I'm just gonna write this to clarify anyone who has doubts on what is a goalkeeper's job, Seeing as I dun really have much to do.

A goalkeeper, as the name implies, helps to keep out opponent shots by defending the goalposts. Apparently. But the keeper's job isn't as easy as it seems. The goalkeeper bears the burden of keeping out shots, which basically means that he is the last line of defense when the defenders fail at their jobs. Not only this, when a goalie blunders(screws something up), it is immediately taken notice of, and he faces a lot of criticism from both teammates as well as fans.

But seeing as I'm not a professional , I don't have it as bad.

Goalkeepers are usually seen as individuals in the team sport of soccer, and are not included with the other players. This is not true, seeing as goalies play a crucial role in games. After a goalie receives a ball from either a save or a pass, he is given the choices to:

1.Play a high ball (clearing the ball)
2.Pass it to a defender
3.Play it to any particular outfield player

So basically, the goalkeeper is given a variety of options and is free to choose anyone of them as he sees fit,  provided he doesn't exceed the time limits. This choice can virtually change the flow of the game, and could potentially help the team to win.

Good goalkeeping doesn't mean making spectacular dives or making magnificent saves(a few of these won't hurt),but is all about the proper positioning. With good positioning, goalies do not need to dive incessantly, which hurts by the way. Trust me.

With enough training, I hope to become like this:
Or like this:
But hopefully not like this:

Yeah, I think that's about all. Maybe I'll go take a nap now. Or go kajiao Faris.

And please leave your creative and constructive comments on the tag board beside this post.

I'm Iker Casillas, and I approve this message.

Signing off

Random S**T : Dance

Yes its Brother Torres back agaiin.
In another random s**t segment.
Lets see.
I feel like talking about dancing.
So stick with it.

Engligh lesson-_-
dance:to move one's feet or body, or both, rhythmically in a pattern of steps, esp. to the accompaniment of music.
so that is what dance is.
there are different types of dance.  





And my personal favourite,
a fusion of hip-hop:

Dance can also be used to express one's feelings.
Also, dance can be made into good movies.
And dance moves can be made popular too.
Such as the moonwalk, performed by the late Michael Jackson.
Heck, even the the hoedown throwdown is a dance, even though the song is for 6 yr olds(sorry miley!)

No one can judge you.
Just dance.

Faris, out.

I just dun geddit


Girl's opinion on soccer(or Jieru's one at least):I don't get what is so fun about soccer;it's just a few boys kicking a black and white ball around.

My opinion on soccer:soccer is my life

That's what I don't understand. Maybe I should have a poll on peolple's opinions about soccer. Maybe I will. But that is besides the point...What I want to know is:Do all girls think this way, or is it just a few?

I absolutely resent Jieru's opinion. Firstly, soccer is my life. I love soccer, and I am passionate about it. It has become part of my everyday life;my legs start to itch whenever I'm not kicking some balls(or playing soccer). No pun intended. I'm also sure that this statement also holds true to majority of the boys in class.

The thing that pisses me off is, my parents also don't support me playing soccer. Well, partly because playing soccer has resulted in my lengthy injury, and also because they think I shouldn't be playing until I have fully recovered. I don't care if I end up like this:

like this:

or even like this:

That shows how passionate I am about the sport.

My dad even asked me once: Eh, why is your PE shirt so dirty? Uh-ber-den?! Its like asking: Oi, why did you take a photo with my camera? The last time I checked, PE shirts are supposed to get dirty. But I guess I was asking for it, because apparently I wasn't supposed to dive in the field after it rained.

So I wanna know: Do all girls think of soccer as a waste of time?

Please leave you comments in the tagboard next to this post.

I'm Iker Casillas, and I approve this message .

Signing off,

Random Shit : Phones


as u all know,
random shit will be welcomed,
and promoted, as such.

so let the random effect begin!

Today we focus on phones.
I dunno why, its random, so stick with it.

Lets see some examples.

Today, phones have taken a huge leap.

 From this:

To this:
And Then:

Yes, phones have changed.
Some have even been criticized.
*cough* iPhone *cough*

Yes, its that bad.

Thank You iPhone.
Thanks a lot.

Android FTW!

waddup my peeps!

It truly is a good season for the spainiards, seeing as Spain's sporting acheivements have just reached an all-time high. Fernando Alonso is currently standing at fifth place in the Formula one grand prix; Rafael Nadal has won his fifth French Open title, and I don't suppose Spain's world cup win will hurt either. Spain looks set on becoming one of the greatest sporting countries in the world.
But enough about Spain. This blog is about Faris and I, and so shall be this post. Having just recovered from a fractured shin, I am currently still training hard to become a great goalkeeper. No injury is gonna stop me from playing the awesome sport of soccer! While Moon United is still holding regular training sessions, Halal Pork are taking it slack. After all, the end-of-year exams are drawing ever closer, and we are all finding less time on our schedule to play some soccer. We no longer have the luxury to peruse our favourite sport in our free time like we used to in Sec one anymore.
Haiz, days are tough. Everybody is fighting tooth-and-nail for top spot in the level, hoping to acheive decent results in the hope that they will be able to persue their preferred subject next year.
This is gonna ba a hard time for us, so before I sign off, I will wish all Sec twos happy holidays and all the best for our end-of-year exams!

Signing off,
Brother Casillas

First Blood


hey all.
this is a joint blog between Faris and Aloysius.
all are welcome.
maybe not all ...
this is still the first post.
there are more to come !

Brother Torres is out.

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