waddup my peeps!


It truly is a good season for the spainiards, seeing as Spain's sporting acheivements have just reached an all-time high. Fernando Alonso is currently standing at fifth place in the Formula one grand prix; Rafael Nadal has won his fifth French Open title, and I don't suppose Spain's world cup win will hurt either. Spain looks set on becoming one of the greatest sporting countries in the world.
But enough about Spain. This blog is about Faris and I, and so shall be this post. Having just recovered from a fractured shin, I am currently still training hard to become a great goalkeeper. No injury is gonna stop me from playing the awesome sport of soccer! While Moon United is still holding regular training sessions, Halal Pork are taking it slack. After all, the end-of-year exams are drawing ever closer, and we are all finding less time on our schedule to play some soccer. We no longer have the luxury to peruse our favourite sport in our free time like we used to in Sec one anymore.
Haiz, days are tough. Everybody is fighting tooth-and-nail for top spot in the level, hoping to acheive decent results in the hope that they will be able to persue their preferred subject next year.
This is gonna ba a hard time for us, so before I sign off, I will wish all Sec twos happy holidays and all the best for our end-of-year exams!

Signing off,
Brother Casillas


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