
WARNING: For little girls, people with a history of heart disease or the weak-hearted, anyone under the age of 21 and whoever has a dislike for gross and potentially disgusting stuff. If you fit any one of the above criteria, we strongly suggest that you refrain from reading this post. TorresandCasillas will not be held responsible for any loss of life, damage of property or AIDS (direct or otherwise) as a result of reading this blog post if you fail to listen to our warning. The characters in this post are non-fictional and all content are views of TorresandCasillas and affiliated members with no intention of racism, sexism or in any way targeted at any individual.

Today, me, Aaron, Rayson, Bharath, Kishore, Faris and Prashat had a free-for-all gangbang after the Lang Arts mock exam.

See? What did I tell you? If you are feeling utterly disgusted right now and want to exit our blog, please feel free to do so. But if you are somehow attracted to reading this sh*t cause you're either a perv or a pedo, then you are welcome to.

Yeah, as I was saying, all of us had a gangbang party, apparently started when Bharath treated Aaron like a certain teacher and gave him surprise butt secks.

Before we knew it, Rayson was doing Aaron, Kishore and Bharath were ganging Prashat and me and Faris just sat there and watched the show.

Then they went for a six on one, with Bharath being the victim. But he went monster mode and shook all of us off, before punching Aaron where it hurt the most and again treating like a certain teacher.

I'm lucky I didn't take part in any of this........or at least not substantially. :)

Yeah, so that was it. Everybody was laying hands on anyone available, which just basically meant anyone who wasn't being raped by anyone else got raped sooner or later.

Except for me lah, when Aaron tried to do me and I shocked him by forcing him into submission before giving him butt secks.

Man, all of us were sweating at the end of it.

Haiz........good times, good times.........

Gotta go sleep now. Can't wait to see whats gonna happen tomorrow.



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