Beverley Hills.


Once again, the post title has nothing to do with the content. It was just written on my jeans.

So, what's up y'all? You'd probably be saying ''Nothin' '' if you were here so stuff it and keep the answer to yourselves.

I'm gonna be taking my 'O' levels this May, and I'd pretty much safely say I haven't started as much as my personal revision. So, I made it a point not to make that my resolution, seeing if I made it that, I'd never study for the whole of the year, and fail, and stay here, and become a worthless retard stitching shoes for idiots on the roadside. I'm just sayin'. So y'all better gimme all the luck you can or Imma file a lawsuit against you all saying I'm a roadside cobbler cos' you never wished me any luck.


So, anyway, being in the second half of Sec 4, while having classes during holidays, there isn't really much time to wank around. Even if I get like a full solid 24 hour day to study I end up procrastinating away, and 2 days before the exam I end up pulling all nighters and looking like this.

So, I spent like a year and a half in this hellhole, without soccer, without women, without CCA (you'll think I'm crazy but when you're here, you'd take the CCA too), without running, without anything. So, y'all better watch out when I come back in mid-september.

No Faris. Don't say wake me up when september ends, now. I'mma give you the combat triangle if you do that. Well, seeing that that is just a way of sayin' I'm probably not gonna do that, but you get the point don't you malay?

Oh, and Aloy. Let Alistair do his own speech for class chairman. Yes, it does seem rather attractive to be class chairman in the Sec 1 stage and that you'll get benefits for Student Leadership later on, it is a very dog job. You need to go to the General Office for each and every darn thing, and you need to come to school earlier than all the rest to open up the damn class. You'll be held responsible if your class does something wrong.

My advice.

Run for Vice-Chairman. You'll still get the benefits, and it is still a dog-job, but not as dog-gish as the Chairman's and you won't be as responsible as him. Or, there are the other positions of class committee like Secretary, Environmental Champion, Treasurer and stuff like that. And you Aloy, were the Secretary once, so maybe you could tell your brother what it is like. But if he wishes to be top dog, it really is up to him.

And Faris, while you and I spend our time making Niagara Falls of drool from our mouths while looking at this chick

we tend to forget this.

But, since we are all fearless bastards, and know that he can't lay a finger on us if his wife wants to show us herself, we are perfectly alright.

Cheerios, from your favourite Nigga


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