

Alright, alright. I admit its a little too soon for what the blog title says, seeing as its only my first week back to school.

But damn, I'm already feeling the stress.

I've got three mastery tests to study for in the coming week, as well as a Biology paper, A math worksheets and a speech to prepare for my bro (apparently he's running for class chairman).

I know that doesn't seem like a whole lot to VJ, but thats already biting off more than I can chew, for me, at least.

Bloody hell, first week back, and I'm already lagging behind. I seriously gotta get my game back on before I screw things up. Add CCA Open House and 'O'-level revision into the equation, and you'll end up with a really big mess.

My bro's also in Commonwealth this year. So Imma be taking the morning bus to school with him and such.

Hope he gets Vilau as his P.E teacher. My brother is seriously outta shape.

Well, not really. If you can count 'round' as a shape. ZB says he looks like a snowman, and even I gotta agree to that.

But what the hell. I'm only gonna be here for another year. After I graduate, he ain't gonna be seeing me around in school anymore (goodness knows whether thats a good thing or not).

But enough said about him. Time for more pressing issues.

I dunno why.......I figure its either the stress, or the impending approach of the 'O's that causing it; I'm losing my interest in SNSD.

For some reason (goodness knows what), I ain't that crazy over them as I was a year back. The rush is gone, you know what I mean?

When I see them, I don't feel the rush of blood to my head. I don't swoon uncontrollably. Wild fantasies and frequent daydreams have become a thing of the past. No longer are the days which I would spend hours on end watching their music videos and reality TV shows.

I fear I've lost the customary sensations of inexplicable elation and unadulterated delectation whenever I see them goofing off on reality TV shows, or simply slurping away happily on instant noodles during commercials, all for the sake of beating others in a race for the paper chase.

I'm sorry if I seem like some @$$hole going through his midlife crisis. I know this ain't a big F*** to most of you readers, but to me, I feel like I've lost a piece of myself.

Its like a favorite pasttime has just been ousted out of my life by the inevitability of facing the 'O's.

In short, I'm irrevocably, irrefutably and undeniably screwed.

All in a couple of weeks.

Wow. Thats gotta be a record.


Forgive me, my Korean godesses.

Forgive me, Yoona.

Forgive me, Sunny.
Forgive me, Hyoyeon

Forgive me, Sooyoung.

Forgive me, Yuri.

Forgive me, Seohyun.

Forgive me, Jessica.

Forgive me, Tiffany.

And finally.........

Forgive me, Tae.

But 'O'-levels place a bigger priority in my life. At least till I graduate.

So until then, I gotta be sacrificing most of my time for studies.


Gotta go. Imma be doing research for myEnglish project now.

Time is running short.

Till I regain my sanity,


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