

Don't ask me the reason for the post title. It was just there on my shorts.

And, whoa. This is what I'm talking about guys. Back to back posts by all members of The Community. Well there are only 3 members, but you get the point don't you. You better get the point.

Okay, so first things first. Faris, seeing that the Mayans probably never had school or Maths teachers, its actually quite a remarkable feat they could actually count up till 52. So, lets give them ol' hairy guys a bit of credit.


So, I admit did go through a bit of trouble to hold back the skin pun, but I did manage to after waging war with my brain and heart. The heart won. It always wins. Like they say, you always follow your heart.

And, I did give the girl a try. BUT, she said no for reasons of her own which I prefer to keep private for her convenience. However, she is one of my really good friends here. And mind you, those are in short supply these days. I don't expect a fairytale romance bro'. Nope. Close, but not there yet. And, I ain't a playboy like you. 2 girls at 10. F*ck you man. Minor pimp. Just kidding la bro'.

Your resolution was not to make a resolution. People never follow resolutions. So you are not going to follow your resolution of not making a resolution by actually making one. So, you did not fulfill your resolution of not making a resolution by actually making a resolution.

Ey, this is fun man.

And so Aloy, in case you find it hard to study, just plaster formulas all over your poster of Taeyeon. Probably that will serve as a win-win situation, seeing that you can look at Taeyeon and have imaginary s*x with her as well as cram formulas into your head.

I'm just saying.

Well, X-Rated is more like full frontal nudity and that sort of stuff. So, maybe we could call that PG-13. Yeah. And Singapore may not crack into an exact half because it is an irregular polygon with multiple vertices, therefore rendering the chances of it cracking into an exact half as possible as me growing a tree out of my underpants.

I'm just sayin'.

And Obama might just do a Jackson sometime and end up swiggin' a bottle of painkiller and become like a high squirrel? Just sayin' again.

And I just realised something. Ever since I came to India, I don't swear as much as the days in Singapore. Maybe becuase noone here knows the meaning of the swear words so there is really as much point as shooting bullets into tar about that. But I wanna swear so bad, when I come back. You better be ready.

*In Arnold Schwarzanegger voice* I'll be back.

Oh, and talking about the Governator, he's doing the Expendables 2 with Sly Stallone.
Talking about old Sly, he is 65 now, and has never taken steroids in his whole life. And he just did a movie. Guess what he looks like in it?

He still got it man. 65. W.O.W

'Course the tattoos are fake, but look at him man. Damn I sound like a 6 year old.

Anyways y'all. Don't go under the delusion I'm gay for ending the post with a guy because, I'm not. If you don't believe me, I'll give you this.

Alessandra Ambrosio.

Yes Faris, rival and friend of your woman.

I ain't gay.

*Ey, that rhymes...


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