Poetry and then ze end of 2011


What's happening y'all? Ye, its your favourite, the one and only...*drum rolls please*
What was that? You already know? You want me to skip to the point? All right you spoilt brat. Yeah, its VJ again. Back to back posts. Not the usual from me huh? Yeah, usually my brother Aloy does that. But it seems we've been giving the man a bit too much to do. Besides, I'm on a holiday now. Holiday = Free time. Free time = Just chillax on the mosquito infested couch

So, I thought, lets post. And yes, you did read the Title right again. Seems you're going to a better optician now huh? Yes, Poetry. Nope, nothing is wrong with me. I'm perfectly alright. Period.

But Poetry...Sigh. I guess this sort of thing happens to you when you're in love. But that is another story for another day. ( Usually when people say that, the another day never comes. Thought you'd be brains enough to know that. ) Poetry, somehow, just increases your flow of language, and makes you talk to yourself more often, and for some reason, you think you sound like TS Eliot. In case you are wondering, which you probably are, he is just some important English poet. I keed Mr TS E.

You are gonna go mad over hearing this again and again, but Poetry is just so mesmerizing, you there, yes, you alcoholic idiot with a slab of fat over your stomach sitting on the couch with Pringles chips watching late night Victoria's secret fashion show, might manage to shut your eyes.

And, yes Aloy. The old Vijay would never write poems, but neither would the old Aloy be so obsessed with K-Pop. Or, the old Faris go around looking for X-Rated stuff. (I was about to say something about having skin here, but with great difficulty, I managed to suppress myself.)

And Aloy, about your resolution number four. That part is a bit hard pal. I mean, yeah, I don't wanna you know, discourage you or anything. But, who in this world, has ever managed to NOT screw up? Nobody. It's a fact. Rather, lets put it this way. Let's think of in a way that, (it can get bit scientific, but I'm gonna be a pain in your ass and not mention any plebian terms. DEAL WITH IT.), if we can't stop screwing up, we are rather more advanced on the Homo Sapien and living organism evolutionary scale. Ever notice our quirks become more and more obvious to the eye of the hypocritic world? I'm not going to go so far as to say that we represent a distinct new stage in mankind. No, that's for anthropologists to decide. However, I reamin convinced, that it is hard for us to master the plebian layman task of ''Not screwing up''. We're meant for greater things like unravelling the mysteries of the universe, and getting Jessica Alba to perform at night for us.

Hey, I sound a bit like Hitler! Score. NOT.

Next, 'ris. Faris. Far east bro. X-Rated? Far, man. Real far. However, if we were to post, MY version of X-rated, Blogspot would ban our blog from the internet. But, on the flipside, you are making it there. Remember THE COMPLETE ARTIST? Remember a certain monster named RBR? Now you're thinking...

Now, I know no human being has ever been proved to follow his New Year resolutions, however, we all have been really adept at MAKING THEM! So, I'mma make a few for myself, and of course, shall try to abide by them.

1) Be nicer to people who are nice to me.
2) Be more mean to people who are bad to me.
3) Stop trying to stuff centipedes into my dad's motorcycle's exhaust pipe.
4) Burn more ants with magnifying glass
5) Hopefully, get that bright A* for all seven subjects.
6) Improve on my physique
7) Bring back the love of RedBull, NaughtyG, MilkTea, BubbleTea so on and so forth.
8) Get into a good JC with atleast one of my homies in it.

In case you are wondering about number 8, I do intend to come back for JC.

Anyway, 2011 has been a year full of it's own ups and downs. Pros and cons.There are incidents which I'd rather forget, but being the revenge taker, I don't think I ever will. There are incidents which I would die to remember, but being the forgetful ass standing at the back during Mrs Leong's class all the time in Sec1, I guess I would forget.
But, it was in 2011 that gay rights were approved/Osama was shot down by Obama and many more.
However, we all know 2012, is supposed to be the year in which we all die eventually. But, I have said this and am going to say it again. My peanut better and jelly grape flavoured jam expires in 2014, so end of story.

Till I get my next erection.......


Till I get high again,


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