HAPPY 100th POST!!!!!


Hey guys!

Its The Community's 100th post! We've finally hit the triple-digit mark, and its all thanks to you guys. Faris and Vijay have been a huge help in achieving this hallmark, and I definitely hope that we'll hit 200 by the end of this year.

Yes, just the way to end the week. After a week-long struggle against our grueling common test papers, we've finally received our results, as well as reaped the rewards of our hard work.

Tears, of both elation and dejection, have been shed over the course of this week as the students get to know their results. For some who did badly, would have to work harder over the course of the next three weeks to improve and pull back their grades. For those more fortunate ones, should not be too cocky about their results, and strive to become even better by the next common test.

I think I can be considered the more fortunate ones, seeing as I failed only Chemistry. Well, thats too early to tell, seeing as I haven't got back my C.Humanities and HCL papers. I'm pretty sure I passed CHUM, but for HCL, I ain't getting my hopes up. I'll be lucky to even pass.

Here's a list of my results, and you guys'd have to decide for yourselves if this is good enough:

1). English-15/25 (B4)

2). Biology-25/40 (B4)

3). E. Maths-26/40 (B3)

4). A.Maths-22.5/45 (C6)

5). Chemistry-10/35 (E8)

6). Geography-20/25 (A1)

If you ask me, I'd say I did decent in terms of my own expectations, but as when compared to the rest of the class, I'm pretty sure I'd come in top 5. Quite a number of people failed more than 3 subjects, especially the boys in my class. About other classes, I dunno, but I'm pretty sure my class had a lot of failure, especially Chemistry. The entire class failed, save for Boon Wei, who just scraped a pass with a C6.

This common test was tough. Turned out to be quite a disaster for lotsa people. I topped the class for both Geog and English, but that don't give me bragging rights. People can soon over-take me fast if I get complacent.

As for beating people in various subjects, I've already marked and taken note of every person which get the highest in class for respective subjects. My aim by next common test will be to surpass all of them and top the class. Yes, I know. Pretty high expectations but I feel its a realistic aim by my standards so I'll make sure to study hard.

But of course, play hard too.

Seeing as its the 100th post anniversary, I suppose its tradition to celebrate. But exactly how, I dun have a single idea.

So, I've posted a couple of  Taeyeon/SNSD-related videos and a couple of pics as well.




Right. back to the main topic.

Haven't really seen my darling Taengoo's face for quite some time, which is hell, I promise you. So I've just decided to post her pics onto The Community to liven it up and make it more attractive.


I've gotta get going, cause I've got tuition tomorrow, and me mums bitching at me to go sleep.


Till next time.

I'm Aloy, and I approve of Taeyeon's adorable looks.




Hey guys.

I just got back from school.

Life is balls, currently.

I'm damn sorry to all you guys for not posting for such a long time. I know some of you guys are mad at me, but I understand.

I'm taking loads of blame lately, as lots of stuff has been my fault. Life isn't turning out as well as I thought. Things are working against me right now, and I'm just doing my best to make amendments. I've been feeling a lot for the past few weeks, so I shall just spit all of it out here, and try to clear my head.

I haven't been doing tons of stuff right, from my social life all the way through my school life.

Firstly, the biology project which me and the malay were supposed to be working on was a total flunk, seeing as its already more than one week overdue. Our lackadaisical attitude is the main cause of all this. If we were more serious and dedicated from the start, we'd already have completed the project a long time ago. All we've been doing up till now is just screwing off and slacking.

Soccer is also another main problem. Staying back after school to play soccer has seriously affected my academic studies, rather the same as last year. Especially during common test week, I'm still staying back to play at least an hour a day. I just can't believe how something as fun and enjoyable as soccer can turn out to be one of the biggest bane of my life.

Well, I guess that there can be 'too much of a good thing'. Soccer was, and still is, how I bond with my friends. I guess I'll never stop playing soccer, but too much soccer can seriously affect your studies, as I've experienced time and again.

Every single day after coming back from soccer practice,  I'll collapse onto my bed the first thing I get home, which affects my homework seeing as I've either no time to complete it or I'm too exhausted to complete it. Unlike Rayson or Yuhang, I do not have boundless reserves of energy and stamina. I'll get damn tired just from a short work out, be it basketball or soccer, which results in me not doing my homework.

I swear, if I don't control it, soccer is gonna ruin my life someday. I never learnt from past mistakes, from sec 1 all the way till now. But I'm seriously hoping that that'll all change. Soccer is fun and keeps you fit, but if you persist with spamming soccer every other day, and neglect your studies, then you're seriously gonna pay the price. That seems to be what I'm doing right now, and I want to change that.

I feel like a bastard that can't accomplish anything. Me dads been working his ass off for the family nowadays, doing all the chores and cooking and stuff. But I've forsaken him, after all that effort hes put in to care for and look after us.

I feel that anyone who can't even get good grades to pay back their parents for all that they've done is a useless bastard. And I'm feeling like one right now. I can't even ensure that I'd pass my common tests.

For English and Geog, I'd say I was rather confident. But I screwed up my HCL the next day. C.Hum was alright. E maths and Bio sucked. Today's A maths was a total fiasco.


I'm feeling seriously dejected right now.


Darn it.

Things just haven't been going right for me lately.

But I wanna set things right. I wanna change, and become an even better person for my teachers, friends and family.

And I gotta start by taking that first step foward.


Never mind. I'll go listen to some of Taeyeon's solos, and hope that maybe serenading myself in her beautiful voice will get me outta this blue funk.

But I gotta go revise. Still got that chemistry paper tomorrow.

Stay faithful,

It is me again.


I know it is a bit late.

But, let us pay tribute to those who dies in the 6 January, 1958, Munich Air Disaster. These courageous men died, as a result of failed take-off.

1 minute of silence please.

1 minute later.

Now, let us pay tribute, to Gary Neville. A red, synonymous with faith, loyalty, courage, and sheer determination.

1 minute silence.

Now, the Malay, a 3P-ian, has finally posted. And I am aware of what happened to Bharath during recess.
Now, thats what I call, a WHOOPS-A-DAISY. But it also is rubbing salt into my wounds. But damn it. I ain't there. Clever piece of ingeniousness, I would say.

Feelin' Sorry for Shahiqah. Poor girl, that.

Anyway, good luck aloy. I remember our first time-trial, you had a rather embarrassing timing. But finally. You are now Vilau's Dream Student. I don't know if I can do that timing myself now. Been more than 6 months since I last ran.

And Malay... How are you. How are your bikes. Feel free to approach me for any help on the bikes, as, (being immodest here), I am rather an expert in Gear bikes myself. I can help you on all the gear ratios and all. Or help you with anything, for that matter.

Nice Motorcycle eh. Well, I rode this thing. And now, I am really into motorcycles. But I learnt to ride on this one

I love bikes.

Till we next ride stuff,
It is bolt



Hey my brother and sisters!

Just popping in for a short post.


Never did I thought that I'd be able to run the 1.6 within 8 minutes. 7 minutes 50 seconds, to be exact.

That was damn cool. Even Vilau was praising me after the time trial, saying, "This boy is in TAF club, but is still able to run under 8 minutes. Non of you are overweight, but you still lost to him."

Damn, that felt good. Vilau doesn't give out praises very often. And I was on the receiving end of one. So good job on the improvement.

But after that, we were made to do pull-ups. Those who were able to do a pull-up AND run below 8 minutes got to play handball.

But sadly, I couldn't even do a single one.

Balls. Banthugal.

That was why Vilau took those who were unable to do a pull-up to the gym to do weight training.

Which is why I can barely feel my arms now.

But no worries. I'm putting in effort to train my upper body strength, and with enough practicable, I believe that I'll be able to do pull-ups by end of June.


I love Vilau.

And yes, getting onto the topic of Games Day, I do agree with Faris that I might be taking things a bit too seriously. But still, as acting captain, and especially under the watchful eyes of ZB, I gotta do a good job and lift my team to the top spots.

I feel that ZB is actually giving me a sort of a test, to see if I'm fit for leadership roles. I wanna do a good job for this year's games day, seeing as I didn't get to play last year due to my injury. I'm definitely not missing out on a piece of the footballing action this year, and I wanna try my hardest and do my best to train the team.

Or at least until Games Day is over.

And I just gotta say....

I love you, Faris. I was great of you to finally install the Ipod into The Community. Even though I waited about 2 months for the Ipod, it was still cool for you to add it in, and make our blog-browsing experience much more enjoyable and relaxing with the soothing sounds of SNSD's beautiful and melodious voices.


I gotta go, cause it be gettin' late.

Peace out,



its the Malay here.
so I've read a lot of Aloy's posts and I've been thinking...

Aloysius Ng Ying Xuan, I think you are taking Games Day a bit too seriously.
Really, only a bit too seriously.
Honestly, I know you want to get the best of your team, but remember, there won't be any bragging rights anyway.
So really, lay off the Games Day issue for a while.
I know you want to try and win, I had that same feeling in Sec 1 when I was at peak performance.
Your hunger for winning is healthy, but don't let it distract you.

Btw, I won't be a potential threat any longer.
as you can see, I do not play as well as I used to.
I can now be easily tackled.
I can't even get pass inexperienced players.
I know sometimes some of the guys laugh at this,
but really I feel really disappointed with myself everytime this happens.
Simple reason : Fitness issues.
If you want to know, I'll tell if you ask.

To bolt, its not only matchday that is important.
Its PRELIMINARIES that are important.
remember sec1, prelim rounds are what caused us to not get a chance of the prize(no sliverware here)
Matchday ain't important if prelims aren't taken well.
I also want a chance to win.
Even if 3P gets 3rd of 4th, fuck it.
I want a position.
1st,2nd,3rd or 4th..
I want a new playing position.
And I might just consider playing a position that I have only tried on two occasions. Guess.

final words, I am looking forward to this Games Day,
We will be against players that we have played with before.
It will be exciting to see acts of sportsmanship or sparks of fury during matches.
But please, no grudges after matches.
Win or lose, we remain friends. End of Story.
I will try to refrain myself from rough play.
May the best prevail!

What the hell,



Hey guys....

Yep, its your favorite goalie again.

I'm just here to finish up whats left of my last post. Then I'm off, seeing as I've tuition early tomorrow morning.

8). Boon Ping
Favorable positions: wing-back/lone striker
Strengths: Has the speed, stamina and power. Shows occasional displays of Nani-like skills at times.
Weaknesses: Extremely unpredictable and inconsistent. Doesn't have a lot of experience; inept at defending when it comes to seasoned strikers such as Yue Kian or Wen Jun, hesitates at crucial times.
Overall description: Should either be played upfront as a lone striker or either as an attacking wing-back(somewhat like Ramos or Evra). Should not be relied on heavily in defence, and should ALWAYS be paired with seasoned and experienced players in both positions.

9). Aloy
Favourable positions: Goalkeeper/centre-back
Strengths: Gets to a good form quick enough, daring and experienced. Most adapt at being goalkeeper in the whole class.
Weaknesses: Tendency to hesitate at certain times, loses confidence easily, can't keep his cool at times.
Overall description: I'm rather good during matches especially when I've got sufficient warm-up. I can be a great goalie at times, but mediocre without training. I feel that with enough training proper coaching I should be at the top of my form when the time comes.

Problems I face as captain:
1). Can't seem to find times and work out schedules for training sessions. Don't know a single shit about how to train the weaker or inexperienced players. People such as Karthik and Boon Ping need the right coaching if they want to get themselves a first-team place.

2). Conflicts between players. Alright, maybe I'm exaggerating slightly. The only conflicts in the team are coming from Kishore and ZB. The previous two years of rivalry and time spent feuding and competing against each other has left psychological scarring that might be hard to heal. I need both of to just forget about the whole Mooncake affair and put their bloody differences beside. I need Kishore to swallow up his pride and ZB to be a bit more open-minded and make those two cooperate......or just at least until Games Day is over.

3). Tough opponents. As you might have already guessed, 3-M, 3-P and 3-I are gonna be in the Games Day death group. Unlike sec one, where the qualifying rounds only consisted of two groups of four classes, this year's Games Day soccer is gonna be in three groups of three classes. That way, we're placed dangerously with experienced and players that're gonna prove a great threat to us.

Heres the following list of players to look out for:
3-P: 1). Faris
        2). Gim Bin
        3). Ashiq

3-M: 1). Wen Jun
         2). Varshan
         3). Yue Kian
         4). Heng Yi

About any other potential threats from each of these classes, I cannot be a hundred percent sure. I'll go check it out on Monday, and make a follow-up report regarding any further updates.

These three are currently the biggest problems I face as a captain. Besides these listed three problems, I can't really find any other major ones, so I'll just leave it as that.

Oh,and about that Death Group thing, its actually Yu Hang's theory. But it seems plausible, so lets just stick with it.

Thats about all I have for today. Anything else, I'll check with you(Bolt) on the affixed timing.

But for now, I gotta get going.

Peace out,

It is the Lightning Bolt, finally...


Yea... This one is for Aloy.

Aloy, I am almost done. Now all I need is the remaining 2 player analysis, and of course, an Analysis of yourself, and what you think will happen, if the team is to go an at this rate. I also require the deadline. I have drawn out the possible formations... I require you to come online at MSN, on Tuesday, at 9 PM. ( SG TIME )

The deadline, is the most important thing I require.

Also, as a captain, when you gather as a team you gotta give them short pep talks. If anyone does not cooperate with you, on the day, put them as a reserve. the deserve it.

Speak to each individual about their pros and cons, and how they can improve.

This is from me and NOT WIKIPEDIA.

Ok aloy,

I need you to ask Vilau the following.

1. No of substitutes on the bench.
2. No of allowed substituitions

Aloy, and you have to RUN. Run, run,run. In the morning or in the evening...whenever you have free time... or in the school gym from vilau. And go workout.... It will help... TRUST ME.

And 1 favour, from you aloy. I request you not to tell ZB, that I am helping you. I dunno why, but he opposes it, and i cant say no. I am not that brave.

The matchday is the most important. You have to give your team a pep talk. If kishore does not cooperate, sub him. Understood? SUB HIM. You have to put in, um, prashat? also nvm...sub him...( i noe prashat not in your team)

And before your match, stretch, stretch AND STRETCH. And aloy, I want you to do 10 sets of skipping a day. 5 morning, 5 at home in the evening...each one 100....after every 100 , 30 sec break...

I know it is veri scattered, but i am in a hurry.  So, VERY SORRY, but i am afraid you have to classify the points yourself...

i need the info i asked veri fast. do everything in this post, and if you dont make it to at least the. lets face it, semifinals, i will chop my cock and send it to you by air mail...

And Faris,

torres is in chelsea... you aint torres no more... but i am fine.... I AM... And I have a chance of coming back in may - june...  I know, it is hard being in 3P alone, but, think of me. it is much harder to be in india ALONE.
Good luck and day....

This is the fastest boltish post ever...

lol, so unlike me...

Happy Lunar New Year


Happy Lunar New Year, guys!

For the chinese-speaking guys, I just wanna say: "祝福大家: 新年大吉, 一如既往,二人同心,三口之家,四季欢唱,五福临门,六六顺意,七喜来财,八方鸿运,九九吉祥,十分美满!新年快乐!" 

And for those non-chinese friends....well, I'll still wish y'all a Happy Chinese New Year anyways.


This is gonna be a long post. I'm supposed to give Bolt all the details regarding my class soccer team so he can plan tactics for me.

Hes a good guy. Seriously.

I'm complete rubbish at tactics, frankly speaking. And I ain't no genius at formations, either. So Bolt is doing me a major favor helping me plan this stuff. It means a lot.

So I'll cut the crap and start on my player-by-player analysis, cause I ain't got much time.

1). Karthik
Favourable position: Defense/right-back
Strengths: Daring to tackle(I suppose)
Weaknesses: Lack in accuracy, strength, speed and stamina
Overall description: A rather average defender; haven't really seen him realise his full potential yet so I might be trollin' about his stats.

2). Zhi Qiang
Favourable positions: Defense/centre-back
Strengths: Suitable as goalkeeper also, has the balls to tackle 
Weaknesses: lack in speed, stamina and strength
Overall description: Best suited for defending roles. Can be a potentially good goalie. Just that hes always taking rams and shots head-on; never really seen him dive before.

3). Shanjeevi
Favourable positions: Defense-midfield/holding midfielder
Strengths: Goes up to tackle and is able to intercept passes; head-on defending; ballsy
Weaknesses: Haven't really assessed this bit, seeing as I haven't had the time to hold trials yet.
Overall description: All stats are slightly above average; skills-wise not so good, but is daring and willing to go head-on and challenge attackers.

4). Zhi Xing
Favourable positions: Defense-midfield/holding midfielder/defensive mid
Strengths: Tough-tackling, has plenty balls and guts, willing to take on attackers
Weaknesses: Aiming sucks, very unpredictable and inconsistent, doesn't have the experience nor knowledge to read the game
Overall description: I find a good likeliness to Shanjeevi in Zhi Xing, as in the fact that both of them are tough-tackling and have guts. Zhi Xing maybe suited for a more offensive role, but even if he is, he hasn't started showing that side of himself yet.

5). Azfar
Favourable positions: either pure attack or pure defence: nothing more
Strengths: Fast, possesses a good ram(not THAT ram), ability to read the game smartly, killer through-ball
Weaknesses: tendency to abandon position, sometimes cocky and complacent, will solo
Overall description: Stats-wise, hes just about the best player on our team. Problem is though he is good, he tends to run out of position. Azfar is definitely an attack-oriented player, and likes to venture out-field. He is goal-thirsty, sometimes to the extent that he'll do anything to win. Therefore I'm still deciding whether to place him as a full-on attacker, or defensive full-back.

6). ZB
Favourable positions: Attacking midfield/striker
Strengths: Possesses a keen eye for goal, work well with others and has good attacking instinct
Weaknesses: May lack stamina and strength, but not much to worry about
Overall description: An experienced striker who cooperates well. Aiming and technical skill-wise hes still not bad. Not much to worry about. Still has no major weakness or flaws.

7). Kishore
Favourable positions: Attacking midfielder/striker
Strengths: Good technical skill, works well with others, good aim
Weaknesses: No stamina and speed
Overall description: A good offence-oriented player who has good aim, but loses out in areas like endurance or speed. 

I'll do the last two remaining player analyses tomorrow, as I'm completely tired. I'll add in problems I face as well. But for now, I just need my sleep.


If only Taengoo sang this song to me:
That'll be so darn cool. Taengoo's voice is just so sweet and smooth and perfect.....

The combined voices of all nine members of SNSD blend together to form a sweet melody that leave me craving for more. They're like nine angels descended from heaven....


Yes, I know I'd be trollin', seeing as its all corny and stuff.....

But you guys know that its the truth.

And NOTHING but the truth.

Till next time.

Stay faithful,

What the hell


Hey guys. 


Something bloody weird just happened to my computer.

When I turned it on, stuff were functioning normally. I opened my Windows Hotmail account. Then as I was about to refresh the page, something weird as hell just happened to the com. The blue selection bar started flickering up and down rapidly. This problem continued even as I attempted to shut down my com. I eventually had to use ctrl-alt+del though. But thank goodness my com still works.


I don't know how I'm gonna live without my com.

Homework, assignments and test schedules are all stored in the com. And thats just school work. How the blood hell am I supposed to watch SNSD without the com?! I can't live without Taeyeon for a week, and thats just the tip of the iceberg. I haven't even finished watching their TV serial 'Factory Girl'!

All these may seem trivial and insignificant to you guys, but just wait till your com starts acting all funny and stuff, then lets see how you like it.


I sometimes feel like I'm a failure of a Soen(the term used to refer to SNSD fans). Only today did ZB pointed that fact out to me.

I went about telling Zhi Xing during study hall today to pick his favourite SNSD member, perhaps being insensitive to the fact that you don't just support SNSD cause they look good. Their great voices and good attitude also earn major respect from their fans. Only now do I realise that I've been treating SNSD like items in a shop, to be picked for personal reasons. That was damn selfish of me, and now I realise and understand my mistake.

So Faris, don't listen to me. I was a asshole before. You gotta support them from the bottom of your heart, and stay true a faithful fan. Its alright if you don't choose your favourite member; seeing as you don't realy listen to their music anyways.

But if you wanna, I definitely ain't stopping you. Go and try out some of their songs. Its really damn nice. Even Kishore's getting SNSD fever now. He already has a couple of their songs on his phone. In case you're interested, here's a few of their songs that I wanna introduce you:

1). Gee
2). Baby Baby
3). Kissing you
4). Merry-go-round
5). Honey(Perfect for you)
6). Ooh la la
7). Into the New World
8). So Nyeo Shi Dae(Girls Generation)
9). Echo
10). Way to go


These are some of my favorite songs by SNSD. Oh,and Vijay, if you wanna listen, just go ahead. Maybe then will you see how beautiful their voices are, and why I go nuts over them.

As for Faris, you've already heard the first song. The other four are just some suggestions. But of course, feel free to check out the rest of their songs.



Being captain is as hell tough.

And yes, Vijay. I don't need you telling me how much better a captain you are. You have more experience playing soccer than me, which is obvious.

But it seriously is tough. Having authority and all is actually quite cool, but when you gotta figure out the team formations and tactics as well as plan training schedules, the stress really gets to you.

And all thats gotta be done before 16 May, which is our annual games day. Even though the mid-years are scheduled to end a week before games day, we still won't have nearly enough time to start preparing then. So the best is to start soon, and although people are gonna start revising about a month before their mid-years, I hope to be able to at least consolidate our tactics and establish good ties and cooperation within the team.


Shit siah. Fuck this.

Sorry, but I just gotta let it out.

I gotta go eat dinner. I apologize for not being able to post for so long, and I'll definitely try my best to make good use of the CNY holidays to post again.

Although that 'O'-level worksheet on Remainder and Factor theorem might not guarantee anything.

Semper fi; Do or Die

Till next time,

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