

its the Malay here.
so I've read a lot of Aloy's posts and I've been thinking...

Aloysius Ng Ying Xuan, I think you are taking Games Day a bit too seriously.
Really, only a bit too seriously.
Honestly, I know you want to get the best of your team, but remember, there won't be any bragging rights anyway.
So really, lay off the Games Day issue for a while.
I know you want to try and win, I had that same feeling in Sec 1 when I was at peak performance.
Your hunger for winning is healthy, but don't let it distract you.

Btw, I won't be a potential threat any longer.
as you can see, I do not play as well as I used to.
I can now be easily tackled.
I can't even get pass inexperienced players.
I know sometimes some of the guys laugh at this,
but really I feel really disappointed with myself everytime this happens.
Simple reason : Fitness issues.
If you want to know, I'll tell if you ask.

To bolt, its not only matchday that is important.
Its PRELIMINARIES that are important.
remember sec1, prelim rounds are what caused us to not get a chance of the prize(no sliverware here)
Matchday ain't important if prelims aren't taken well.
I also want a chance to win.
Even if 3P gets 3rd of 4th, fuck it.
I want a position.
1st,2nd,3rd or 4th..
I want a new playing position.
And I might just consider playing a position that I have only tried on two occasions. Guess.

final words, I am looking forward to this Games Day,
We will be against players that we have played with before.
It will be exciting to see acts of sportsmanship or sparks of fury during matches.
But please, no grudges after matches.
Win or lose, we remain friends. End of Story.
I will try to refrain myself from rough play.
May the best prevail!

What the hell,


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