

Hey guys....

Yep, its your favorite goalie again.

I'm just here to finish up whats left of my last post. Then I'm off, seeing as I've tuition early tomorrow morning.

8). Boon Ping
Favorable positions: wing-back/lone striker
Strengths: Has the speed, stamina and power. Shows occasional displays of Nani-like skills at times.
Weaknesses: Extremely unpredictable and inconsistent. Doesn't have a lot of experience; inept at defending when it comes to seasoned strikers such as Yue Kian or Wen Jun, hesitates at crucial times.
Overall description: Should either be played upfront as a lone striker or either as an attacking wing-back(somewhat like Ramos or Evra). Should not be relied on heavily in defence, and should ALWAYS be paired with seasoned and experienced players in both positions.

9). Aloy
Favourable positions: Goalkeeper/centre-back
Strengths: Gets to a good form quick enough, daring and experienced. Most adapt at being goalkeeper in the whole class.
Weaknesses: Tendency to hesitate at certain times, loses confidence easily, can't keep his cool at times.
Overall description: I'm rather good during matches especially when I've got sufficient warm-up. I can be a great goalie at times, but mediocre without training. I feel that with enough training proper coaching I should be at the top of my form when the time comes.

Problems I face as captain:
1). Can't seem to find times and work out schedules for training sessions. Don't know a single shit about how to train the weaker or inexperienced players. People such as Karthik and Boon Ping need the right coaching if they want to get themselves a first-team place.

2). Conflicts between players. Alright, maybe I'm exaggerating slightly. The only conflicts in the team are coming from Kishore and ZB. The previous two years of rivalry and time spent feuding and competing against each other has left psychological scarring that might be hard to heal. I need both of to just forget about the whole Mooncake affair and put their bloody differences beside. I need Kishore to swallow up his pride and ZB to be a bit more open-minded and make those two cooperate......or just at least until Games Day is over.

3). Tough opponents. As you might have already guessed, 3-M, 3-P and 3-I are gonna be in the Games Day death group. Unlike sec one, where the qualifying rounds only consisted of two groups of four classes, this year's Games Day soccer is gonna be in three groups of three classes. That way, we're placed dangerously with experienced and players that're gonna prove a great threat to us.

Heres the following list of players to look out for:
3-P: 1). Faris
        2). Gim Bin
        3). Ashiq

3-M: 1). Wen Jun
         2). Varshan
         3). Yue Kian
         4). Heng Yi

About any other potential threats from each of these classes, I cannot be a hundred percent sure. I'll go check it out on Monday, and make a follow-up report regarding any further updates.

These three are currently the biggest problems I face as a captain. Besides these listed three problems, I can't really find any other major ones, so I'll just leave it as that.

Oh,and about that Death Group thing, its actually Yu Hang's theory. But it seems plausible, so lets just stick with it.

Thats about all I have for today. Anything else, I'll check with you(Bolt) on the affixed timing.

But for now, I gotta get going.

Peace out,


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