Happy Lunar New Year


Happy Lunar New Year, guys!

For the chinese-speaking guys, I just wanna say: "祝福大家: 新年大吉, 一如既往,二人同心,三口之家,四季欢唱,五福临门,六六顺意,七喜来财,八方鸿运,九九吉祥,十分美满!新年快乐!" 

And for those non-chinese friends....well, I'll still wish y'all a Happy Chinese New Year anyways.


This is gonna be a long post. I'm supposed to give Bolt all the details regarding my class soccer team so he can plan tactics for me.

Hes a good guy. Seriously.

I'm complete rubbish at tactics, frankly speaking. And I ain't no genius at formations, either. So Bolt is doing me a major favor helping me plan this stuff. It means a lot.

So I'll cut the crap and start on my player-by-player analysis, cause I ain't got much time.

1). Karthik
Favourable position: Defense/right-back
Strengths: Daring to tackle(I suppose)
Weaknesses: Lack in accuracy, strength, speed and stamina
Overall description: A rather average defender; haven't really seen him realise his full potential yet so I might be trollin' about his stats.

2). Zhi Qiang
Favourable positions: Defense/centre-back
Strengths: Suitable as goalkeeper also, has the balls to tackle 
Weaknesses: lack in speed, stamina and strength
Overall description: Best suited for defending roles. Can be a potentially good goalie. Just that hes always taking rams and shots head-on; never really seen him dive before.

3). Shanjeevi
Favourable positions: Defense-midfield/holding midfielder
Strengths: Goes up to tackle and is able to intercept passes; head-on defending; ballsy
Weaknesses: Haven't really assessed this bit, seeing as I haven't had the time to hold trials yet.
Overall description: All stats are slightly above average; skills-wise not so good, but is daring and willing to go head-on and challenge attackers.

4). Zhi Xing
Favourable positions: Defense-midfield/holding midfielder/defensive mid
Strengths: Tough-tackling, has plenty balls and guts, willing to take on attackers
Weaknesses: Aiming sucks, very unpredictable and inconsistent, doesn't have the experience nor knowledge to read the game
Overall description: I find a good likeliness to Shanjeevi in Zhi Xing, as in the fact that both of them are tough-tackling and have guts. Zhi Xing maybe suited for a more offensive role, but even if he is, he hasn't started showing that side of himself yet.

5). Azfar
Favourable positions: either pure attack or pure defence: nothing more
Strengths: Fast, possesses a good ram(not THAT ram), ability to read the game smartly, killer through-ball
Weaknesses: tendency to abandon position, sometimes cocky and complacent, will solo
Overall description: Stats-wise, hes just about the best player on our team. Problem is though he is good, he tends to run out of position. Azfar is definitely an attack-oriented player, and likes to venture out-field. He is goal-thirsty, sometimes to the extent that he'll do anything to win. Therefore I'm still deciding whether to place him as a full-on attacker, or defensive full-back.

6). ZB
Favourable positions: Attacking midfield/striker
Strengths: Possesses a keen eye for goal, work well with others and has good attacking instinct
Weaknesses: May lack stamina and strength, but not much to worry about
Overall description: An experienced striker who cooperates well. Aiming and technical skill-wise hes still not bad. Not much to worry about. Still has no major weakness or flaws.

7). Kishore
Favourable positions: Attacking midfielder/striker
Strengths: Good technical skill, works well with others, good aim
Weaknesses: No stamina and speed
Overall description: A good offence-oriented player who has good aim, but loses out in areas like endurance or speed. 

I'll do the last two remaining player analyses tomorrow, as I'm completely tired. I'll add in problems I face as well. But for now, I just need my sleep.


If only Taengoo sang this song to me:
That'll be so darn cool. Taengoo's voice is just so sweet and smooth and perfect.....

The combined voices of all nine members of SNSD blend together to form a sweet melody that leave me craving for more. They're like nine angels descended from heaven....


Yes, I know I'd be trollin', seeing as its all corny and stuff.....

But you guys know that its the truth.

And NOTHING but the truth.

Till next time.

Stay faithful,


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