




Its boring.

Post o-level life isn't turning out to be that great. Definitely not exceeding my expectations.

Ain't got nuthin' much to do at home.

I'm currently working, though.

Beats staying at home and just rotting.

The job's alright. Pays 6 bucks an hour. 6 hours a day, 5 days a week.

Not exactly what I call tough, so its OK. Its just something temporary to pass the time. Gain some hands-on work experience while I'm at it.

Bolt just went back to India after coming back here for some test. Heard he's coming back to stay for good.


Now we can finally go do lunch some day and catch up with each other.

Alright. Imma be watching my anime now.

Zero no tsukaima. It means 'The Familiar of Zero'.

Pretty darn good anime, I suppose. Its got a bit of everything in it. Romance. Action. Mystery.....


Just something else to pass the time.

Till the next time,

Hey guys

Hey guys....

Aloy here.......

I've been holding something in for a damn helluva long time........

'O'-LEVELS ARE OVER!!!!!!!!!!


FCK YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Right. back to business.

I know I haven't been posting here for quite some time now.Been busy with the 'O's.

Yesterday was the final paper. 

And damn, the feeling of completing the 'O's is freaking shiok. That I can tell you.

Imma be able to do whatever I want now. Without holding back. 

No more worrying about having to complete revision. No more fcking boring tuition lessons.

And above all, not having the feel GUILTY anymore about using Facebook and watching anime for 6 hours in a row.

I just feel like going up to some random stranger and say.........


LOL. Pardon my language. I really must learn to control myself.

But hey.

Finally, a chance to just let loose after 4 long years?

You'd think I'd pass on this chance?

Hell no. Not as long Obama's gonna start kissing Romney's @$$.

But hey, I gotta agree the first couple of years of my secondary school life has not been exactly productive.

Blurred as my memory of my lower sec days are, I do remember one thing:

That is i SCREWED UP my studies.


But I gotta admit. Last couple of years were pretty much the turning point in my entire secondary school life.

Since June 2011, I've changed. 

I've become less carefree, unlike during sec 1 and 2. I became more aware of my responsibilities, as if I had been weighed down by the burden of taking the 'O's.I started paying more attention in class, in academics, no longer the boy who couldn't give s fck about pretty much anything else besides soccer.

I was finally changing for the better.

I went on to get decent results for my EOY exams last year. Needless to say, my prelim results have also been above average.

I scored 13 points by the way, just in case you were interested.

Yes. 13 points.

13 points isn't even going to get you into most Polytechnic courses these days. Hell no.

But hey. You gotta remember that this is the prelims. And if you must know, Commonwealth teachers set prelim papers like their setting the freaking 'A' levels.

The standards way tough.Especially for the math and science papers. With majority people getting 15 points and above, I can definitely say that my 13 points are enough to land me in the top 50 in my level.

Alas. Its was not to be.

Cause I fucked up my A Math.

Yes. Additional mathematics.

The awful subject that is much dreaded by one particular member of The Community.

But anyways. I guess that tough school papers aren't quite so bad after all.

Especially when the 'O's seems like child's play compared to our school papers.

My senior once told me:

"Commonwealth students cry after doing school papers. But walk out of the 'O' level exam halls laughing at the Cambridge papers."


Hey, that ain't to say that I'm confident of getting like, 8As.

All I'm saying is that, I feel more confident for the 'O's than any other exam I have taken in my life.

That is how well Commonwealth has prepared me.

This is how well Commonwealth has prepared their students.

Not just me. I think this saying goes for most, if not ALL Commonwealthians.


It seems like only yesterday when I was ushered into the school gates by my mum.

And now here I am. Already graduated.


Well, Imma be nostalgic another day. 

Cuz right now, its party time. =) ^^

Gonna go play me some basketball now. Haven't been shooting hoops for a helluva long time.

Till our fates cross paths, (which I suppose is gonna be pretty soon)



Hey guys.

I know I'm supposed to post.

My computer at home just decided to cock up when I'm about to post.

Right now I'm in school. In New Media Camp.

And its boring as hell.

The Secondary 1 and 2s are having a special effects workshop right now in the New Media studio.

And since upper sec students are exempted, I pounced on the opportunity to post.

The organising committee for this year's camp really isn't up to the cut.

Last year's camp was a whole lot more awesome. 4 days 3 nights to boot.

But sadly, because of a certain fucked-up person in charge of the New Media Club, not only has this years camp been reduced to the normal 3 days 2 nights, its being held from the 21st to 23rd November.

And Prom Night's on the 22nd.

Smack in the bloody middle of camp. Thats why I'm staying for the night today, but leaving tomorrow afternoon to get ready for prom.



The proverbial rite of passage for all high school teenagers to rise to become socially responsible adults.

Life. What a gyp.

Anyways, I'm really looking forward to it. The prom, I mean.

The only time of the year where all the girls deliberately dress-up to look as good as they can.

Sounds fine to me.

Till my laptop decides to cooperate,



Hey you homies and weird nutcracks in the comments section, this is a message, so please pay attention.

Not that this is the world's most famous blog or one that would be mentioned in Barney Stinson's blog, still there's atleast more than 1 reader to it.

There will not be any new posts till the dudes back in Singapore finish up their 'O's [No, the O is not a symbol reminiscent of Kim Kardashian]. It's gonna be a one-dick show running the show which would fuck up the little people who actually read this.

And, Daddy's seeing an American ;).

Adieus Amigo.

You have,
The Blackest of the Holy Trinity.

P.S Hey, the Holy Trinity sounds a good name for the homies running this blog innit? You hear me fellas? Don't get you panties in a bunch, just a midget dick sized suggestion.

Life is hell


Hey guys.


Haven't posted for quite some time now. And I don't think I will be anytime soon.

The 'O's are looming ever nearer. The heat is on.

Pressure is now coming from all sides. Its like hell, seriously.

Pressure from parents. From classmates. From teachers.

I've got many teachers telling me the same thing:

You've gotta study till you feel the pain.

Always the same advice.


Pain? Emotional? Physical? Mental?

Hell, I'm feeling it from all sides right now.

The weather ain't helping much lately either. Its like.......I dunno.......fucking 30 degrees in the shade?

You can fry an egg on the top of your head in those temperatures.

And I bloody hate the hot weather.

Fucking sucks, seeing as I can;t even concentrate during the day cause I'll be tempted to just lie down and sleep every single damn time i open my textbooks.

Studying is difficult enough.

But no........

The school has to pile the pressure on students even further.

The sec 4s are gonna be sitting for a whole months worth of mock exams, immediately when the 'holidays' (so called) end. Freaking mock exams, two every week, one after the other......

Life is really fucking burning hell. Its like the devils got his pitchfork stuck up your @$$ 24/7.

So, Vijay. Bolt. My bro.

If you happen to be reading this, I've got one thing to say.

You're damn fortunate to have already taken your 'O's. But you've been through the same shit just like us over here in Singapore, so I can expect you to feel our pain.

Never mind. Right nows the crunch period. The time where everybody starts to make a dash for the metaphorical finish line. And the ones who are gonna get there first are those who push through the pain. Those that embrace the pain, turn it into their ally. And use it to beat those around them.

I wanna be one of them.

And I'm trying. Real hard. But the situation just seems hopeless.

Day after fucking day I'm struggling to keep my head in the books. Struggling to pick up all the concepts and memorize entire textbooks worth of information.

And I don't know for how much longer can I keep this up.

I'm running out of stamina right about now.

Life is hell. But hey, its not as if I've got a choice, right?

See you guys later.

Or maybe in five more month's time.

Catchya in the afterlife,



Yes, Turtles. Everyone loves Turtles. Especially when they are used as a post title for no apparent reason.

See what I'm talking about, huh? You know you didn't.

So, like most of y'all probably feeling right now, the pressure's starting to kick in. And for me, seeing as my 'O's' come in May, I think it's about time to go Fast and Furious and hit top gear, but still I'm lingering in second gear.

The even tougher choice than MCQ comes when I sit down and think, which freaking JC do I go to? I'm not gonna go to a Poly and ITE's are out of the damn picture. Maybe your right Faris. Too early to think about all this bullshit now.

So, lets shove studies up our asses for a while, and loosen our belts. No, not for the night, no. Don't go and start creating weird scenarios in your head. Yet.

Now, I was thinking. You know how some women say ''All guy's are the same'' ? Well, men do it too, but very few of them. More women say it. I was just sort of wondering, Women, who asked you to fucking try them all? Not ours the fault now, huh?

I keed them Blondies !!!

Let's go back to Turtles. Now, us Homo Sapiens, tend to underestimate Turtles. Just because they lay eggs, and have floppy flippers that look like, nevermind. That doesn't mean Turtles are inferior to us. Becuase, of the following reasons.

1) Turtles can make friends with Nemo; You can't. Turtle 1 - 0 We.
2) Turtles can lay eggs; You can't. Turtle 2 - 0 We.
3) Turtles can bury their eggs in sand and leave them alone; You can't. Turtle 3 -  0

So, that's a hattrick and enough for Team Turtle.

Gosh, what's happening to me? Well, we're Faris, Aloysius and Vijay, and we post random shit. If we don't post, don't blame us.


Nos Vemos Amigo.
Hasta la tortugas vuelan, Vijay.




Hey people.

I'm nearly done with the first round of mastery tests. Still got two more of 'em to go. A math and Geography.


Haven't really been studying for any of them mastery tests so far. I feel like a bloody slacker.

Just lost out to some girl in my class for English. She got 32, I got 28. Dammit.

I ain't used to losing to people in English. Looks like I've gotta up my game even more.

Nowadays its just been Taeny, Taeny and more Taeny for me.


There's a simple equation that my life wouldn't be complete without.

Aaaahhhh TAENY <3 <3 <3 ^^

I seriously dunno whats my problem.

Alright. Nuf said. I gotta get meself doing some proper revision, if I'm gonna be trashing people in more mastery tests.


Signing off,

bloody hell


Hey guys.

Wondering why the harsh blog title, eh?

Well, you won't be if you were taking your bloody 'O'-levels this year.

Damned freaking stressful, it is.

First month back to school, and the Sec 4s are already being spammed with a whole bloody pile of Mastery tests.

Nowadays its just test after bloody test.

No doubt as to why I'd be so damn pissed.

I've currently done completed 3 of my mastery tests. Only about.......I dunno.......5 more to go.

I should probably by studying for the remaining mastery tests right now. But goodness knows why I'm still using the com, especially at this sort of time at night when I've got bloody tuition early tomorrow morning.

Probably for stuff like this:

Sorry if I'm seem a little harsh on the choice of words, but trust me, I could do worse.

A hell lot worse.

The only 2 things which i can at least look forward to is the level camp next week, and being excused from CCA next Tuesday.

But the rest of the month is gonna be pretty much just three things:
1). Mug
2). Mug again
3). Mug some more

Thats basically gonna be how I spend the rest of the year, actually.

Like I said before, and I'd like to say it again right now just to reiterate:

Life's a f*cking bi*ch.

And thats all there is to it.

I really hate sec 4 life. Barely two weeks into the start of school and I'm already feeling as though its mid-june.

Damn, I'd like to see what mental and pysical state I'd be in when the time really comes.

Or, on second thought, maybe not.........

Praying to Korean goddess(es) can only do so much.

And I'm still trying to regain my sanity.

Till I'm sober,

This is for Faris


Yo, Faris. Happy Birthday Bro. You 16 now, so you lucky ass can go watch a few movies I can't yet. But you just wait my friend. YOU JUST WAIT.

This is from your nigga. Happy Birthday!!! Blast off man. (metaphorically)

Beverley Hills.


Once again, the post title has nothing to do with the content. It was just written on my jeans.

So, what's up y'all? You'd probably be saying ''Nothin' '' if you were here so stuff it and keep the answer to yourselves.

I'm gonna be taking my 'O' levels this May, and I'd pretty much safely say I haven't started as much as my personal revision. So, I made it a point not to make that my resolution, seeing if I made it that, I'd never study for the whole of the year, and fail, and stay here, and become a worthless retard stitching shoes for idiots on the roadside. I'm just sayin'. So y'all better gimme all the luck you can or Imma file a lawsuit against you all saying I'm a roadside cobbler cos' you never wished me any luck.


So, anyway, being in the second half of Sec 4, while having classes during holidays, there isn't really much time to wank around. Even if I get like a full solid 24 hour day to study I end up procrastinating away, and 2 days before the exam I end up pulling all nighters and looking like this.

So, I spent like a year and a half in this hellhole, without soccer, without women, without CCA (you'll think I'm crazy but when you're here, you'd take the CCA too), without running, without anything. So, y'all better watch out when I come back in mid-september.

No Faris. Don't say wake me up when september ends, now. I'mma give you the combat triangle if you do that. Well, seeing that that is just a way of sayin' I'm probably not gonna do that, but you get the point don't you malay?

Oh, and Aloy. Let Alistair do his own speech for class chairman. Yes, it does seem rather attractive to be class chairman in the Sec 1 stage and that you'll get benefits for Student Leadership later on, it is a very dog job. You need to go to the General Office for each and every darn thing, and you need to come to school earlier than all the rest to open up the damn class. You'll be held responsible if your class does something wrong.

My advice.

Run for Vice-Chairman. You'll still get the benefits, and it is still a dog-job, but not as dog-gish as the Chairman's and you won't be as responsible as him. Or, there are the other positions of class committee like Secretary, Environmental Champion, Treasurer and stuff like that. And you Aloy, were the Secretary once, so maybe you could tell your brother what it is like. But if he wishes to be top dog, it really is up to him.

And Faris, while you and I spend our time making Niagara Falls of drool from our mouths while looking at this chick

we tend to forget this.

But, since we are all fearless bastards, and know that he can't lay a finger on us if his wife wants to show us herself, we are perfectly alright.

Cheerios, from your favourite Nigga



Alright, alright. I admit its a little too soon for what the blog title says, seeing as its only my first week back to school.

But damn, I'm already feeling the stress.

I've got three mastery tests to study for in the coming week, as well as a Biology paper, A math worksheets and a speech to prepare for my bro (apparently he's running for class chairman).

I know that doesn't seem like a whole lot to VJ, but thats already biting off more than I can chew, for me, at least.

Bloody hell, first week back, and I'm already lagging behind. I seriously gotta get my game back on before I screw things up. Add CCA Open House and 'O'-level revision into the equation, and you'll end up with a really big mess.

My bro's also in Commonwealth this year. So Imma be taking the morning bus to school with him and such.

Hope he gets Vilau as his P.E teacher. My brother is seriously outta shape.

Well, not really. If you can count 'round' as a shape. ZB says he looks like a snowman, and even I gotta agree to that.

But what the hell. I'm only gonna be here for another year. After I graduate, he ain't gonna be seeing me around in school anymore (goodness knows whether thats a good thing or not).

But enough said about him. Time for more pressing issues.

I dunno why.......I figure its either the stress, or the impending approach of the 'O's that causing it; I'm losing my interest in SNSD.

For some reason (goodness knows what), I ain't that crazy over them as I was a year back. The rush is gone, you know what I mean?

When I see them, I don't feel the rush of blood to my head. I don't swoon uncontrollably. Wild fantasies and frequent daydreams have become a thing of the past. No longer are the days which I would spend hours on end watching their music videos and reality TV shows.

I fear I've lost the customary sensations of inexplicable elation and unadulterated delectation whenever I see them goofing off on reality TV shows, or simply slurping away happily on instant noodles during commercials, all for the sake of beating others in a race for the paper chase.

I'm sorry if I seem like some @$$hole going through his midlife crisis. I know this ain't a big F*** to most of you readers, but to me, I feel like I've lost a piece of myself.

Its like a favorite pasttime has just been ousted out of my life by the inevitability of facing the 'O's.

In short, I'm irrevocably, irrefutably and undeniably screwed.

All in a couple of weeks.

Wow. Thats gotta be a record.


Forgive me, my Korean godesses.

Forgive me, Yoona.

Forgive me, Sunny.
Forgive me, Hyoyeon

Forgive me, Sooyoung.

Forgive me, Yuri.

Forgive me, Seohyun.

Forgive me, Jessica.

Forgive me, Tiffany.

And finally.........

Forgive me, Tae.

But 'O'-levels place a bigger priority in my life. At least till I graduate.

So until then, I gotta be sacrificing most of my time for studies.


Gotta go. Imma be doing research for myEnglish project now.

Time is running short.

Till I regain my sanity,

Going Back


Similar to Vijay, this title came out of nowhere. BUT ITS RELATED SO HELL YEAH
So, school is up and running again and when I went on Tuesday for the first day of school, all the faces of the people were like this:
Yep I was one of 'em.

But guess what, I though the day would get better. Maybe, by the end of this week, I'll be okay.

First day, i got caught for a fringe that's ONLY A FEW MILIMETRES LONG.
No, I didn't do an emergency haircut in the men's room.
I went home to get a haircut. Thanks to my mum though. Didn't have to pay.
But while waiting for Kishore and Varshan to clear up their mop of hair(and goatee - varshan), I managed to eat, watch tv, slack, and lie down. THEN I went back to school. Not quite the first day I had in mind.

Day two wasn't so bad. I would be getting a new Math teacher, and I was waiting to see who it was.
It was my past year's A-Math teacher, now teaching us both Maths. WTF?!?!
I was pissed. I cannot tolerate her. I made up my mind to drop to another band.

Shortly speaking, I hate this week. Hope it will get better. Lady Luck may be a bit overdue in sending me luck. Bah. wishful thinking. 

And by the way, I can't play soccer like I used to anymore. I just don't have it in me. So now when playing soccer I'm not considered a threat anymore. I'm useless :(

But for all I know, looking at her can make my day better:

My day just got instantly better. Take that, Alessandra.
The runway ain't big enough for the both of them, minus the wings.

Till I get a better week,



Don't ask me the reason for the post title. It was just there on my shorts.

And, whoa. This is what I'm talking about guys. Back to back posts by all members of The Community. Well there are only 3 members, but you get the point don't you. You better get the point.

Okay, so first things first. Faris, seeing that the Mayans probably never had school or Maths teachers, its actually quite a remarkable feat they could actually count up till 52. So, lets give them ol' hairy guys a bit of credit.


So, I admit did go through a bit of trouble to hold back the skin pun, but I did manage to after waging war with my brain and heart. The heart won. It always wins. Like they say, you always follow your heart.

And, I did give the girl a try. BUT, she said no for reasons of her own which I prefer to keep private for her convenience. However, she is one of my really good friends here. And mind you, those are in short supply these days. I don't expect a fairytale romance bro'. Nope. Close, but not there yet. And, I ain't a playboy like you. 2 girls at 10. F*ck you man. Minor pimp. Just kidding la bro'.

Your resolution was not to make a resolution. People never follow resolutions. So you are not going to follow your resolution of not making a resolution by actually making one. So, you did not fulfill your resolution of not making a resolution by actually making a resolution.

Ey, this is fun man.

And so Aloy, in case you find it hard to study, just plaster formulas all over your poster of Taeyeon. Probably that will serve as a win-win situation, seeing that you can look at Taeyeon and have imaginary s*x with her as well as cram formulas into your head.

I'm just saying.

Well, X-Rated is more like full frontal nudity and that sort of stuff. So, maybe we could call that PG-13. Yeah. And Singapore may not crack into an exact half because it is an irregular polygon with multiple vertices, therefore rendering the chances of it cracking into an exact half as possible as me growing a tree out of my underpants.

I'm just sayin'.

And Obama might just do a Jackson sometime and end up swiggin' a bottle of painkiller and become like a high squirrel? Just sayin' again.

And I just realised something. Ever since I came to India, I don't swear as much as the days in Singapore. Maybe becuase noone here knows the meaning of the swear words so there is really as much point as shooting bullets into tar about that. But I wanna swear so bad, when I come back. You better be ready.

*In Arnold Schwarzanegger voice* I'll be back.

Oh, and talking about the Governator, he's doing the Expendables 2 with Sly Stallone.
Talking about old Sly, he is 65 now, and has never taken steroids in his whole life. And he just did a movie. Guess what he looks like in it?

He still got it man. 65. W.O.W

'Course the tattoos are fake, but look at him man. Damn I sound like a 6 year old.

Anyways y'all. Don't go under the delusion I'm gay for ending the post with a guy because, I'm not. If you don't believe me, I'll give you this.

Alessandra Ambrosio.

Yes Faris, rival and friend of your woman.

I ain't gay.

*Ey, that rhymes...

a new year


wow, there has been a flurry of activities here recently, huh? and to think that i havent posted about new year...
I might be a day late, but Happy New Year to all. 2012 is here and we all know that the end of the world isn't near. The Mayans simply ran out of space in their calendar that is effective in remembering events 52 years ago. (Fact: I can count higher than 52. Beat that, noob Mayans)
It just so happens that this calendar thingy, or the long count, started at a specific year and will end on 2012.(Fact: I can count higher than 2012. dumb Mayans)

Okay, enough about the history lesson and my counting skills(which are good).
I would like to take the time to reflect on 2011. yes, it has been eventful. And the fact that i had many new experiences, both good/bad, really made Sec 3 a bitter-sweet affair. but now its 2012, and the O levels are coming. I know The Community will be in short supply of posts because of this but hey, sacrifices may need to be made. I also do not want to go all loco with the exams till i start insulting myself (kudos to Vijay for holding back on the skin pun).

Speaking about Vijay, my homie, since we are all still young, why not give the girl a try? In a good way, i mean. Not have a 'kenduri' with your friends.(Kenduri is malay street talk for passing around the girl like AIDS) Since you have admired her, why not go to the next level. Intearct. Talk.

Trust me, you're hearing from a guy who got into a relationship at the age of 10. I've been in three failed relationships. Bummer. But then again, I was dating both girls at the same time. Okay, forget it. What I'm trying to say is that don't expect a fairytale romance. If you're just okay with you being in her presence, then with all due respect bro, its up to you if you want it to stay that way.

My other homie, Aloy. Hope you've studied hard. I studied hard too. I want you to not pressurize yourself  for the exams. And let's hope you will fulfill your resolutions and not keep them under your bed with the, umm....other things you keep there(wink-wink). stay cool, aight? dont go all loco on the tests because if you do, no matter how blown out of proportion this is, I will ask Taeyeon to personally hit you where the sun don't shine. I'm just saying, it may happen. Or I can do it myself. No pressure.

Hmm....my resolutions. My resolution is to not make a resolution because if i dont fulfill it there will be bombardments of comments from critics and i will be labelled as a overachiever who has no goals but to sit down and watch Victoria's secret all day in 3D just because his friends are busy doing something better like doing porn getting themselves captured while escaping to Russia and they shall be castrated!

What colourful imagination I have....

Anyways, for now, my resolution goal is to pass at least one math test. I blew my chance last year. Its time to try.

Oh well, thats all for now. I do admit my so called X rated post is not up to par. If Vijay did it, I would be blind, Singapore cracks into half and Obama would be white.

I'm just saying.

And now I end off with a sexy creative shot of Miranda Kerr (hey if aloy can put Taeyeon on every post, i guess there's nothing wrong with this)

Yes folks, nothing wrong at all.

Till we meet again,

Happy New Year To All

Poetry and then ze end of 2011


What's happening y'all? Ye, its your favourite, the one and only...*drum rolls please*
What was that? You already know? You want me to skip to the point? All right you spoilt brat. Yeah, its VJ again. Back to back posts. Not the usual from me huh? Yeah, usually my brother Aloy does that. But it seems we've been giving the man a bit too much to do. Besides, I'm on a holiday now. Holiday = Free time. Free time = Just chillax on the mosquito infested couch

So, I thought, lets post. And yes, you did read the Title right again. Seems you're going to a better optician now huh? Yes, Poetry. Nope, nothing is wrong with me. I'm perfectly alright. Period.

But Poetry...Sigh. I guess this sort of thing happens to you when you're in love. But that is another story for another day. ( Usually when people say that, the another day never comes. Thought you'd be brains enough to know that. ) Poetry, somehow, just increases your flow of language, and makes you talk to yourself more often, and for some reason, you think you sound like TS Eliot. In case you are wondering, which you probably are, he is just some important English poet. I keed Mr TS E.

You are gonna go mad over hearing this again and again, but Poetry is just so mesmerizing, you there, yes, you alcoholic idiot with a slab of fat over your stomach sitting on the couch with Pringles chips watching late night Victoria's secret fashion show, might manage to shut your eyes.

And, yes Aloy. The old Vijay would never write poems, but neither would the old Aloy be so obsessed with K-Pop. Or, the old Faris go around looking for X-Rated stuff. (I was about to say something about having skin here, but with great difficulty, I managed to suppress myself.)

And Aloy, about your resolution number four. That part is a bit hard pal. I mean, yeah, I don't wanna you know, discourage you or anything. But, who in this world, has ever managed to NOT screw up? Nobody. It's a fact. Rather, lets put it this way. Let's think of in a way that, (it can get bit scientific, but I'm gonna be a pain in your ass and not mention any plebian terms. DEAL WITH IT.), if we can't stop screwing up, we are rather more advanced on the Homo Sapien and living organism evolutionary scale. Ever notice our quirks become more and more obvious to the eye of the hypocritic world? I'm not going to go so far as to say that we represent a distinct new stage in mankind. No, that's for anthropologists to decide. However, I reamin convinced, that it is hard for us to master the plebian layman task of ''Not screwing up''. We're meant for greater things like unravelling the mysteries of the universe, and getting Jessica Alba to perform at night for us.

Hey, I sound a bit like Hitler! Score. NOT.

Next, 'ris. Faris. Far east bro. X-Rated? Far, man. Real far. However, if we were to post, MY version of X-rated, Blogspot would ban our blog from the internet. But, on the flipside, you are making it there. Remember THE COMPLETE ARTIST? Remember a certain monster named RBR? Now you're thinking...

Now, I know no human being has ever been proved to follow his New Year resolutions, however, we all have been really adept at MAKING THEM! So, I'mma make a few for myself, and of course, shall try to abide by them.

1) Be nicer to people who are nice to me.
2) Be more mean to people who are bad to me.
3) Stop trying to stuff centipedes into my dad's motorcycle's exhaust pipe.
4) Burn more ants with magnifying glass
5) Hopefully, get that bright A* for all seven subjects.
6) Improve on my physique
7) Bring back the love of RedBull, NaughtyG, MilkTea, BubbleTea so on and so forth.
8) Get into a good JC with atleast one of my homies in it.

In case you are wondering about number 8, I do intend to come back for JC.

Anyway, 2011 has been a year full of it's own ups and downs. Pros and cons.There are incidents which I'd rather forget, but being the revenge taker, I don't think I ever will. There are incidents which I would die to remember, but being the forgetful ass standing at the back during Mrs Leong's class all the time in Sec1, I guess I would forget.
But, it was in 2011 that gay rights were approved/Osama was shot down by Obama and many more.
However, we all know 2012, is supposed to be the year in which we all die eventually. But, I have said this and am going to say it again. My peanut better and jelly grape flavoured jam expires in 2014, so end of story.

Till I get my next erection.......


Till I get high again,



WOOOOOOOOTS!!!!!!! OH YEAH, 2012 FTW!!!!!!!! TTM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Get a hold of yourself, Aloy.

But damn, the year has passed in a flash. Its like, one minute I'm in Sec 3, getting all nervous about taking the 'O's and shit.

Now I'm a Sec 4, and facing the harsh reality of actually SITTING for my 'O's. It was like the holidays never came.......

Bloody hell, how time flies, huh?

Looking back on the past year, I've figured that I haven't been all that good.

I've improved in my studies, definitely. I've become more of a team player and learn how to better prioritise and handle responsibility.

Sure, I've also had my fair share of messing up and screwing things up, BIG TIME. But I've also learnt that, hey, who hasn't experienced screwing up before? Everybody's gotta have to screw up at times. We're only human.

But most importantly, I've learnt that when life knocks you down, you gotta get right back up. Over the past one year, I've faced some difficult times, both at home and at school.

But hey. Life's a b*tch. We all gotta live with that.

Next year, its gonna be even more of a b*tch, seeing as the 'O's draw ever closer, bringing with it an ominous sense of foreboding and impending doom.

So I guess we seniors have all gotta start working real hard to improve ourselves. I hope to go to a respectaable JC after secondary school, although I still don't really know which JC I wanna go to. ACJC sounds like a pretty good choice, although I'm still wondering if its gonna be a long shot.......

But anywho, its a new year. A fresh start (damn, I sound like the principal on the first day of school).

I'm gonna work towards being a better me. Both academics-wise and personality-wise.

No more hot-headed dushbag will you guys be seeing. Tomorrow when I get back to school, you guys are gonna see the better side of Aloy. I'll change for the better, and thats a promise.

No more staying back after school to play soccer(well, maybe sometimes) or Vanguard, just plain, unadulterated mugging till my 'O's are over.

So my new year resolutions? Lemme see......

1). Pwn everyone in studies
2). Erm.......
3). Get better in terms of physical condition. Damn, I swear after 2 months of slacking at home, I'm starting to bear slight resemblance to Siddarrth. Alright, maybe I'm exaggerating a little.......
4). Stop screwing up
5). Become a better person

Alright. Those are my new year resolutions. God save my soul if i don't stick with my resolutions.

So yeah. I wanna thank all our great readers for sticking with us through the past year, I truly appreciate it. I know The Community isn't exactly the most updated blog, so please forgive us, cause this year, we gon' be updating even less, seeing as me, Bolt and the malay have got our 'O's coming up in just 9 months, and our prelims in 6. 

And, in good spirit of celebrating and ushering in the New Year, I'm playing this song.

 Yeah, man! 2012 ain't the end of the world! (but of course we're gonna party like its the end of the world after the 'O's).

Oh, and BTW, I know K-pop probably isn't everyone's thing. But here's a song I'd like to introduce to you all.
Taken from SNSD's latest album, 'The Boys', this song is cute and cheerful, something to brighten up the New Year.

Cause I asked Taeyeon to be my girlfriend, and she'll 'SAY YES'!



So I wish you guys all a very happy New Year. May all your wishes come true! (damn, did that sound corny).

Till next time, Aloy

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