Its the start of a f***ing year.


Not literally though. Then babies would be evrywhere.

So, school has started for you huh? Big deal. I became Sec 3 in June. So, I get to write my 'O' Levels, 5 months ahead of you puny asses.

Just Jokin'.

So, I wanna know what class your all in.

And, I know, I am long forgotten, or at least will be, in the near future, and I don't regret. But, I did not ask to leave. And that leaves me considering whether or not I should be back for a holiday in June. And, I received my Exam Results, which were rather okay. But, I guess I impressed in Computer.

See If you guys understand this :

int a, total = 0
For [ n > 3 ]
   Input a
   total = total + a
Next a
Print ''Total''a

Hard eh? Let me tell you this. This is supposed to be an easy computer algorithm. And it is to solve the problem : Sum of  ''n'' numbers.

If you see the bigger ones, you'll cry.

'' You got a problem pal? Take a good look ''
-Ben Grimm to suicider in fantastic four.

It applies to you all. Take a good look at me. Your problems ain't no bigger than mine pal. So stuff it.

Anyway, I wanna know, how many people really think I should come back for a holiday. Cos' I dunno if I am worth it anymore, and if you still REMEMBER me, even...

An ass in your mind.


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