

Its me.

Just popping in for a short visit.

Nuthin' much happening in school, unless if you count the fact that I got so damn totally screwed by Mr Leong today during maths class.

But thats another painful story that I don't even wanna recall. I think at this rate, Imma end up as one the class jokes sooner or later.


Sorry. I had to swear. Releases my anger so that I don't go and smash some poor bastards jaw to pieces.

Nah, I keed, I keed! But honestly, occasional swearing really helps to cope with your stress and ease tensions. Strong (and especially negative) emotions aren't meant to be bottled up inside. We gotta let it go once in a while. Seriously works. Trust me, I've tried it.

Yeah. Trainings are getting more and more impossible seeing as my rather busier-than-usual CCA schedule is nearly always clashing with my training time. Since 5/7 of the now disbanded (so-called) Moon United is currently in 3-I, I suppose our Games Day class soccer team is gonna be quite impressive. I'm acting captain, in place for ZB, who says he's too tired and lazy to take up the captain position again this year.

And I truly understand how he feels.

Having authority and lots of respect from teammates are definitely an added bonus. But scheduling all the training sessions and working out the team formations are making me consider if this is even worthwhile .

But, like I said. The 'O' Levels are creeping up on us, and besides aesthetics, we also have to place our academics as top priority. Or at least until the 'O' Levels are over, which don't happen to be anytime soon.

We're gonna be serious contenders for at least the top-three positions. Of course a first-place trophy is definitely the best.

But like I said. It all depends.

Well, I gotta go sleep. Its late, and I've had a bloody freaking long day.

After I'm feeling a little bit better, I shall start posting pictures of my beloved Taeyeon on The Community again.

Yes, I'm not about to forget what ZB and Kishore did for a long time.

Signing off,


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