



Fucking balls.

My mum and brother are both fucking stupid idiots.

But thats another pain-in-the-ass story that I don't wanna recall.

Anyways, I'm only given half an hour of computer usage time. That'll give you some hints as to how my above statements came about.

Yeah, its the starting of the second week of school, and I have to say; it ain't all that bad. Besides some really troublesome non-linear quadratic equations to solve, its all going rather smoothly......

......or as smoothly as you could possibly imagine.

Kishore and ZB have been teasing me about a recent founding of theirs, which they claim 'blue waffles'. Its supposed to be some kinda pussy infection (yes, its sick, but it ain't my idea). Yes, so you can roughly imagine how things are going for me right now. Haven't been using the computer for the past couple of days, and now when I finally get to use it, me ass of a mother only alloted my half an hour.

Hardly enough time for the average teeneger to use the com. And thats the understatement of the year.

'Blue waffles' aside. I just got my first PE lesson of the year with Vilau (yes, that gay bastard). Apparently, he expects all boys in the class to be able to do six pull-ups by the end of the year: one by the end of January, and three by the end of March. Fat chance. I can only do around 20 push-ups in the peak of my form, and even after doing so I'm as tired as a dog. So I'm gonna start training for my first pull-up, and hopefully my efforts are gonna pay off.

Speaking about training, we're having our annual cross-country meet on the 4th of March, so I'm also gonna put in my utmost effort to score for the top-30 positions.

For the past couple of years, I've always either been in the top 50 or the very last positions. First year was due to a stitch, and the following year was just because my stamina wasn't good enough. But the cheerful thought was that I could at least run at the same pace as Aaron last year, and seeing as he's from badminton and is used to running long distances, I'd say that was a great acheivement for myself.

But this year, I wanna up my game. Instead of just completing the race, I'm gonna aim for the top 30 spots. I'll choose a fair-paced runner, maybe someone like Aaron or ZB,and drift behind them, meaning that I can jog as slowly as I want, as long as I don;t let that guy outta my sight. If I use the tactic, and together with my training, I believe I'm gonna be a serious contender for the top 30 placings.

Aim high and set your mind to it. Thats how you acheive.

Right. Enough talk about school and stuff.

Time for some Korean women!


This is actually Taeyeon eating ice cream for some korean commercial.

Cool, huh?

Alright, fine. Maybe not to you guys, but it is to me.

I'm really pissed right now, so I seriously need some cuteness to calm myself down.


Peace out,


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