Aw sh*t


Hey ma peeps.

Haven't had a decent talk with you guys in a helluva long time.

Time to get back to business.


Today is just my second day of school, and yet miraculously I did not fall asleep during any classes(which is an impressive feat by my standards, for your information), but I've just probably reached an all-time low in my relationship with Yanhong.

Please do not mistake the situation. I am in no way related with her(as in boy-girl relation only), and only admit that I've said that I once had a crush on her and admire her appearance.

That is all.

I've always wanted to treat her as just a good friend(not until lately), and nothing more. Thats was until Zhen Bang and Kishore decided to ruin my relationship during English class today.

When Mrs Tham asked everyone to give a introduction of themselves in class, seeing as this was our first English lesson of the week, and to mention our personal hobbies and pastimes. When  it came to Yanhong's turn to speak, she said that she enjoys nice things(exactly what I have absolutely no idea).

That was when ZB decided to add his own (extremely audible) smart-ass comments. "Like Aloysius?"

And Yanhong replied with a resounding "EEEEE!"

Its like......W-T-F.

Seriously. Am I so darn disgusting that she has to exclaim like that?! I mean, I might not be the best-looking or smartest guy around (yes, no sh*t). But I still think it was a bit harsh to respond in that manner. She could've at least ignored ZB's comment, like she always does for the past year-and-a-half. Why choose today to give such a harsh response?

I dunno, man.......maybe she's becoming to hate me.

After all, I take a large part of the responsibility if she does. I'm not so gullible as to take 100 percent of the blame, as it was also ZB's and Kishore's fault too. But seriously, I ain't blaming her if she hates me from today onwards.

I admit I was hugely at fault. I've done lots of stupid sh*t for the past two years. I was careless and naive. I behaved in a way unbeffiting the nickname of Edwin Van Der Sar or Iker Casillas. I only have myself to blame.

I dunno if our relationship will ever be repaired. Maybe we've never even had a good relationship since ZB started teasing me about her at the start of last year.

I seriously hate myself.


I dunno, man. I seriously have absolutely no idea what to do now. I hope she doesn't take it seriously. And I hope she'll forgive me too. Lets just pray hard that things take a turn for the better.

Good news is that I've been appointed class treasurer, taking over the past roles of Melody and Kok Pin. I hope to be able to do just a good job as them, cause seriously; I'm a super-careless person. I lose stuff easily and am absent-minded. But I'm gonna make all that change this year. You're probably gonna see a more mature and responsible me during this year.

I've been doing stupid and embarrasing stuff all for the past two years. All that's gonna change soon.

And regarding The Community, brother Bolt and brother Torres won't be able to post as frequently, mainly cause schools already started. So be lucky to even hear from us twice a week. Frequqncies may decrease to twice a month by the looks of the tedious amount of homework we're being set, even though its only the second day of school. The 'O' Levels are gonna make our schedules more packed as we progress further into the year. Our SPAs are coming up in October, and so are the Chinese 'O' levels in June.


It sorta sucks being a senior.

But never mind. I suppose we'll all get use to the new timetable through mid-year, and hopefull will be able to cope with the enormous workload.

But on the bright side, our sec 3 level camp is coming up in less than 2 weeks time, starting on the 19th and ending on the 21st. Its gonna be held in a chalet at Kota tinggi in Malaysia. Yes, you needn't have your glasses checked. I did say 'chalet'. Amazing, ain't it? I heard Vilau say that there are only two schools at the campsite. The other school is sleeping in tents, while we're using chalets.

But seriously. Given the choice, I would've chosen to sleep in tents instead. Sleeping in chalets just seem to destroy the entire meaning of a camp. Isn't camps supposed to let participants rough it, like sorta live it wild?

I dunno.......


Never mind. I'm going to sleep now, seeing as I'm gonna seriously need the energy for lessons tomorrow.

I'm to tired and angry at ZB and Kishore to even post some pictures of my Taeyeon.......


Signing off,


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