Screw my damn computer



I just wanna shout 'FUDGE!!!!!' at my computer before smashing it to smithereens.

Stupid bloody fudging computer.

I just discovered this fantastic website(but I won't disclose it, seeing as you guys don't really care anyways), which is the largest international fan-based website on SNSD, which, as you guys are well aware, that I'm addicted to.

I've just finished my 800-word Chinese compo and I'm as tired as a dog. Just as I was in serious need of some SNSD, my stupid bloody computer lagged,

And it chose that particularly crucial time to lag.


But the website's pretty amazing, though. Its got tons and tons of videos and photo archives. Its has a massive fanbase and you get to post and go to online discussion forums to chat and stuff.

Sounds great.

The only drawback is that you have to wait damn bloody fudging long just in order to wait for a page to load. And when you wanna get back to the main forum to check out other stuff, your com is gonna lag.

Trust me.


Yes. Its that bad. So unless if your using a MacBook Air or some other newly-released bullsh*t like maybe the ipad or Samsung Galaxy TAB, then I suggest you don't visit this website. This website is seriously for diehard SNSD fans only who don't mind their com lagging like hell in order to get their daily dose of Korean women.

This website needs a hell lot of patience, Something which I lack terribly.

Enough said.

I just can't believe that we're all gonna be seniors when school starts tomorrow. It all just happens so damn fast! Its like one moment you're entering the gates of Commonwealth, and before you even know it......


You've discovered CocoCrunch!

CocoCrunch! The great chocalately taste!

Nah, I keed.

But seriously.

Before you even know it, you're already wearing long pants and looking down at two generations of juniors and awaiting your 'O' Levels or something like that.......

I mean, its just overwhelming, you know.

To wake up one day to face the fact that you've grown so much, and the need to bear so much more responsibility is just.......crazy.

Yeah. Thats the word.


But hey, its like I said.

A new year, a new beginning, a new me. So tomorrow, I'm gonna just go out there and give it all I've got.

Cause I'm Aloysius Ng, first team goalkeeper of Moon United. I'll do my club and women proud.

I've haven't gotten my fair share of Korean women tonight, so I'm gonna just post this picture of Taeyeon on The Community to compensate for my misery.




Sorry about that.

I am a misery.

Signing off,


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