2/3 class chalet


Hey guys!

I'm back. On a happier note. (Or at least happier than the previous post.)

I'm just back from my class chalet. Well, not exactly just back. Came back yesterday at 4.

But anyways, here to tell you about all the fun we had.

DAY 1-

We guys(and that includes Zhen Bang, Yu Hang, Kok Pin, Aaron, Bharath, Boon Ping, Siddarth, Hui See, Shao Wen, Zheng Fei and Nazira)at Jurong East interchange before setting off for Pasir Ris. The train to Pasir Ris was SUPER damn long. About an hour, I think. Yeah, and after alighting at Pasir Ris, we went to the nearby bus stop to take a shuttle bus to Coasta Sands. 

After arriving, we checked in and went to the chalet to dump our baggage and stuff, before setting off to carry out our own activities. Jing Yi, Nicole, Shao Wen, Rayson and Bharath and Aaron went off to Wild Wild Wet. Zhen Bang, Boon Ping, Darryl, Kok Pin, Yu Hang and I went to Pasir Ris park to play a 3-on-3 soccer match, while the rest played beach volleyball. We lost the soccer match 9-10. Can you believe that?! Its an amazing acheivement, considering my team consisted of Zhen Bang and Darryl. And I assisted in scoring a hat-trick!!!!!! That was the most satisfactory moment of the day. 

After playing outdoor games, we went to eat dinner. Kok Pin, Desmond, Darryl, Zhen Bang, Yu hang, Jia Xin, Zheng Fei, some others and I ate at 'Different Taste', a Chinese restaurant serving nice but slightly over-priced food. We had prawn omelette, bean sprouts and seafood palette and is was great. Zhen Bang and Yu Hang ate on their own, while the rest of us ordered together. 

After dinner, we went to the game arcade at Ehub to play a bit of basketball. Me and Desmond beat our own high scores of 441!!!! Shiok man! Me and Des makes a pretty good team......but not better than Zhen Bang and Yu Hang. They got 480+! That was crazy.....

Thouroughly tired and beat up, we went back to the chalet, but not before buying 12 bottles of 1.5 litres of drinks to be used for the chalet the next day! After reaching the chalet, we showered and settled down before  playing various card games. Murderer and other poker-based card games were the most popular amongst the girls, while the guys played 'Duel Masters' and 'Yu-gi-oh!'. 

Nearly nobody slept the whole night! Bloody shiok siah! We played card games till we were tired, before we dozed of or took a break from playing cards. Zi Yan turned up at 5 a.m. She came straight from the airport after visiting Bangkok. 

DAY 2-

We all went for breakfast in the morning. Desmond, Zhen Bang, Yu Hang, Kok Pin, Darryl, Aaron and others went for to Macdonald. Some had Big Breakfast, others had Hot cakes. Only Desmond ordered both! And he said he was on a diet.


Anyways, Jia Xin, Hui Qi, Zheng Fei teamed up against Darryl, Desmond and me in a game of Ultimate Frisbee. We were drawed at 3-3 after 20 minutes. Never did I thought it was gonna be so hard just to draw with Jia xin's team! They were damn frikkin good!!! Yeah, and after we were finished, we decided to set off for the chalet. But on the way, we met Rayson and friends, and so we went back to play even more Ultimate Frisbee! We were all damn tired after the game, so we went back to play 'Murderer' . Before going out for lunch at the hawker center, I went to fetch Yan Hong cause she didn't know her way to the chalet. After a long(and exhausting)search, I finally found her and brought her to the chalet, where we set out for lunch.

After lunch, Faris joined us at the chalet to play 'Murderer'......again. Seriously, you'd think we would get tired of 'Murderer' after, like, 20 rounds, but no. We kept on playing throughout the entire afternoon while others arrived. After playing a while, Desmond got the call top say that the barbecue food had arrived, and him and I went out to help him carry the boxes of food. 

Damn, it was heavy!

Jing Yi, Shao Wen, Melody and Nicole stayed for the night. At around 5, Desmond, Boon Ping, Faris, Aaron and I went out to help start the barbecue fire. Aaron tagged along to pick up a few tips for starting a barbecue fire, which he is gonna start on the 14 of November when we all go to his house for a barbecue!!!! 

Yeah. Anyways, we got the fire roaring within half an hour, which was a lot faster than we had expected. We went on to grill A TON OF FOOD, including satay, otahs, prawns and chicken nuggets.


*Ahem* Where was I? Oh yeah. People started filling in gradually, as they all went out to the Ehub to play bumper cars and arcade. The Chinese dancers(Jing Yi, Shaowen and Melody)only came at around 8 p.m, and Nicole came along with them. 

After putting out the fire at around 10, we all went in to continue our card games. Rayson, Bharath, Aaron, Zhen Bang and Yu Hang went swimming.

Day 3-

After getting a couple hours of sleep, we(Shao Wen, Melody, Jing Yi, Darryl, Aaron, Kok Pin, Zi Yan, Desmond and I) went to watch the sunrise. Damn beautiful, but we missed quite a lot of it since we went off a bit too late. But it was still damn shiok.

Half slept-walked back to the chalet, where we played EVEN MORE card games(didn't think this was physically possible at first, but they proved me wrong). We were packing up when we found a cockroach lurking in a heap of garbage we left on the floor.

Looks like we weren't too fussy about keeping the place clean.

We checked out at 10 a.m in the morning, and went for a group breakfast at KFC. We went for mass-cycling after that(something which we had always wanted to do but couldn't as all the other bikes were booked). Taught Kok Pin how to ride, which resulted in a scraped toe and a sticky plaster. But damn cool though. This was the first time I hung out with my peeps, just not on foot. Rode a two-seater bike with Kok Pin. And Bharath challenged nearly everyone to a speed race, even Desmond and Zi Yan!

After that, we went to catch the shuttle bus at 2:05 p.m. Tired and thirsty, we all went to get drinks before boarding the shuttle bus back to Pasir Ris MRT. Told jokes and stuff on the way back. The train seemed half as short as when we were taking the train here. Split up at JE, and I walked Desmond back to his house before taking the bus home myself.

I think everyone enjoyed their selves tremendously during the chalet(its hard to imagine who had a bad time). I'm no exception. Its good to be able to spend what little remaining time that I have with my classmates before  we all split up into different classes next year.

Enough said.

Signing off,


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