I miss school



Here I am. After nearly a week of absence. Me mum's been keeping strict tabs on my computer usage time(as usual), so getting to post is rather tough in the current circumstances.......

But anyways, I'm back, and a certain malay *cough*Faris Izzudin son of Mohummad A*d*t*cough, isn't posting at all.

Your last post was a month long, dude! Does it take you so damn frikkin long to post?!

Damn, man......if you're reading this, you'd better get posting before Vijay gets here and suns you. And I'm serious.

Will it kill you to post at least weekly? This blog seems to have only Vijay and my posts........and rather empty of yours.

Don't try to give me any b*llsh*t about  having CCA, cuz I ain't buying that sh*t. And don't tell me you have tuition either. From my current knowledge, no tuition schedule has ever been so damn tight that you can't even get half an hour to post or even use the computer.

So you'd better provide a valid excuse within a week for your frikkin long absence or me and Vijay are gonna make sure that you end up having a little less skin than you'd expected.


That is all, thank you for your attention.

And Vijay, regarding your book......

You mentioned that you were planning to release it to the whole world. Now we have a problem.

You see(pardon my maths, though), assuming that you do take a day jobat McDonalds and you earn $3 an hour. According to my calculations, if you work at this rate for 7 hours a day and for 7 days a week, in 2 months the amount of money earned won't be nearly enough for printing half the amount of books.

Look. I ain't trying to demoralise you or anything, but if you're planning to publicise your book to the entire world, then that might be a unachievable goal. I'm trying to be realistic here. Maybe you should consider setting the viewing audience a little lower, if you know what I mean. Maybe it should just be read by Commonwealthians.........or Singaporeans, at most.

Most big-time authors have financial backing and support, or otherwise sponsoring and subsidiaries by the government. But we're just kids, you know? I mean, what can a group of Secondary school kids who haven't even achieved our 'O' Level certificates do? I don't mind helping you design the layout and other aspects of the book, but I just suppose we should wait till we complete our education before we start to publish it. But I don't mind if we start designing and planning the book beforehand.

Damn, I hope my calculations are wrong........I really do.

But anyways, I'll still need some more time in compiling the list of suggested titles and the suggested book cover. Shall I post the list on Facebook for people to vote? The title which received the most votes is gonna be the official title of our book. And maybe how about a poll? We could ask people who are interested to submit their suggestions and ideas for the construction of this book before making final decisions. All this is up to you, Vijay. Once I've received the green light from you, I'll proceed as planned, and I really hope this is gonna turn out well.

I have to be logging out soon cuz its getting late. So malay, you'd better post soon.......or else.

Arrrggh, frikkn stomachache! Second time this week.....

All hail Ferguson!

Signing off,
Edwin Van Der Sar


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