Money, Money everywhere. Not a cent in my wallet.


Yes Aloy, you are right. Money does not come from trees. But it is made from trees. Paper, Papyrus you see? So, all we can do is plant more trees if we want more money. Sounds logical huh? I never did.

And on MUCH more serious issues, I have decided on writing a book in 5 years time. 5 years, so that I will not be told off by my parents for usage of extremely profane and vulgar words. But, yes, I will write a book. Not an autobiography. A book about my life in Commonwealth Sec, with you guys. I am not in the spotlight, in this book. You all are. You are going to regret having done a few things, cos' I remember them all, and will be writing it. Two things, namely, to be asked are, 
1) Any suggestions for the title. ANY? 
2) I will be using your names. REAL names. So characters mentioned are NOT fiction. Is that OK?

Don' worry, you all will be getting free copies. I am doing this unNeeded shit, so that, I have done something to my friends. You know respect and all that shit.

However the Malay, will have to pay a fee, of no less than 5 bucks. Cos' NO RESPECT!

And Aloy, you said G Shock watches were above $200. How come then I got it for $62 ? You got to master the art of negotiation and searching. Live up to your money's value. I liked that quote of yours. 

''Prices of branded goods nowadays are rising faster than Bharath's monster when he sees Mamtha(so to speak).'' - Aloy

And, I am seriously considering whether I should have girls in my life later on. 2 reasons. 
1) They turn me off
2) They burn a hole in my pocket. In all ways.
 But if it is not Indian, I might cancel the 1st reason off.

Now, lets be honest all right. I know that I was not, um, WELL-KNOWN, in the class. But among the ''gang'', well, rather much, I can say. And, I know some of you are better off with my absence.  So, do not try to lick my ass, with '' Oh Vijay. We all miss you! '' If you are a good friend, you would have told me, about whether I am a matter of speculation there. And, just so you know, I am happy to say, I have had at least 3 friends.
And, it would be disgrace to their names, If i weren't to mention it. 
1) Zhen Bang
2)Kok Pin

And just so you know, I will be returning in April, for holidays. No, this ain't april fool. Yes, that gay day.

Aloysius. You said your watch strap tore. Why not get the strap alone replaced, at the numerous shops in Bugis?It would cost much lesser than $60, I tell you. Maybe 1/10 of it?
And just so you know, if you want, you can always come to me for Chem and Bio help. Not physics though. I suck at that Gay Subject.

I hope the day comes, when I wake up in my bed in Singapore, and realize this is all a dream. Epic composition ending. But imagine, if only JK Rowling had done that, I would have murdered here.

Till the day, I will sign the first 15 copies.

I use the word 'and' too much


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