
Damn! Finally!

My bros have posted!

Man, its been great hearing from you guys after a long while.

But sad to say, I've gotta keep me post (relatively) short and sweet this time round, seeing as I've only been given a measly half hour to use the computer (of which 10 minutes have already been spent on Facebooking).

First thing I gotta address.

Faris, next time please get on of those pop-ups that block users if they're under the age of 18.

Damn, talk about X-rated!

You weren't kidding when you said X-rated.

Next please include a warning at least, for our underage readers.

LOL. Miranda Kerr is still hot, no doubt. Hot as in; fresh-out-of-the oven-HOT. Sizzling, if you prefer a more appropriate term.

And this is for Vijay:...........

Damn, bro! I didn't know you were a romantic!

I mean, I never imagined you as the lovey, mushy type......

You know, those people who are all tough and macho on the outside, but all soft and gooey on the inside.

No offence, though. I mean, its great, you know what I mean. I'm not sure if I can confidently claim that I've been in love before, I totally understand you, man.

Its like the girl is perfect, the most beautiful thing you've ever seen. Everything she does seem so graceful, so holy.....

And DAMN, MAN! POEMS?! This just ain't the Vijay I know anymore, man.

The old Vijay would NEVER write poems. I can't even imagine.

Of course, that isn't to say that I prefer the old you.

"To each his own", as the old saying goes. Whoever that girl is, I'm sure you're doing the right thing.

After all, we all gotta have our own motivation in life, especially during tough times like this, you know, what with the ''O's coming up and all that bullsh*t.

The life of a student just freaking sucks. We all agree to that, but hey! Ain't nothing we can do to change that.

So if this girl of yours is someone worth dying for, someone worth going to the ends of the world for, someone who, because of her, makes you wanna just turn your life around, and work toward better improving yourself, then I say go for it.

We'll be behind you all the way, bro.

I've got my own goddess, anyways.



Looks like my time here is up. I guess I'll be posting again on New Year's day, just like I did last year.

Till our fate cross paths,

Why I'm M.I.A ( An X-rated Post)


First of all, the malay is sorry that he is M.I.A. It has been a helluva holiday, both full of traveling fun and catching up on studies 'cause I'm way behind. Also I've grown tired of the blog writing. I just cant write long posts like my bros Vijay and Aloy. me posts ain't long and read-worthy. So i shall try my best.

So this holiday, I get to go to Taiwan. which was great, considering the fact that i have not taken a ride on a plane for so long. And what better way to spend it than to go with friends! Sid, prashat, aaron, aloy, me. I mean, its a first time experience. I have never been on an overseas trip with friends. Since I decided not to go to Cambodia because of certain reasons ( I couldn't fill up the "marks obtained in exams" column), i felt that applying for the Taiwan trip really made my day. Taiwan is fucking shiok and I cant wait to save up and go again with my homies if possible.

That aside, I have to admit I havent been studying like a mad bitch since the holidays started. Now I'm damn worried. I did studying, but not as much as i expected. Sigh. The love-hate life of a student. Thankfully i was able to promote. So i feel lucky.

Also, i have been noticing changes in myself. I NO LONGER LIVE,BREATHE AND EAT SOCCER. Take that, haters. I do not play soccer everyday. I play sparingly. This week I'm playing futsal. It may be my last time kicking a soccer ball. Next year I might not play at all! Somebody kill me. Who ever believed I could change like this? I fee; refreshed. Okay, that was corny.

During the holidays I also watched one of my favourite shows. Not Spongebob, there's a 48 hour of spongebob coming up. I'm so game. Okay, back to the topic. I was watching the Victoria's Secret Models Fashion Show 2011. For those "forever alone" people or the boys who thought girls were weird abominations that were created, its time you looked at the finer side of life.

Now let me introduce my girl here for a moment. Saw her at first last year, been admiring ever since. She's Australian,has the girl next door looks and most importantly, H tthe O to the T ! Spicy! She's none other than Miranda Kerr! 

Bam! If this ain't enough....

Or if this still ain't enough...

Okay I think its enough. Not good to share my desktop wallpaper.

So bottom line is, people have been criticizing Australia for being upside down(geddit?) but i beg to differ. They gave us Hugh Jackman, The Opera House, Ayers Rock, the funny accent that is fun to copy to piss them off,  and most importantly, MIRANDA KERR!
I've seen the finer side of life.
If you still dont get my point, watch this:
Dont explode you pants, boys. If i were a girl watching this I'd be a lesbian already.

I think i just put too much of whatever i just did into this post.
You're sorry. 
I'm not.


One boring holiday


Whazzzuuppp, my badass gangsters!

Its been bloody freaking boring over here recently.

To pass the time, I've been trying to read some books. Thrillers and sci-fi, mainly. Stuff like Dan Brown and Eoin colfer. Like 'The DaVinci Code' and 'Deception point'. Damn good material, with only one exception: this ain't the first time reading these books. I've already read them like, multiple times, and I'm starting to get seriously bored.

So I've been reduced to reading next years exam syllabus as a last resort in a futile attempt to overcome to boredom (pretty sad, huh?).

Yeah. Nuthin' screams 'B-O-R-I-N-G' like the holidays.

And especially if you don't get to use the com more than once a week. But I'm kinda fortunate me mum's currently away in Taiwan, so I get to use the com sneakily (at this time of night, for instance).

Only now do I realise that a student's worst fear during the holidays is having too many things to do. He ain't scared of assignments, homework or projects.

Freaking hell, no.

What he's scared of the most, is stifling, smothering, suffocating boredom. Not getting to do something, or at least use his time efficiently instaed of wasting it away and staring into blank space most of the time.

Which pretty much seems like me these few days.

My dad even barred me from using my brother's phone, which I usually use to listen to music most of the time, especially when I'm doing my homework. Now, with my main form of music entertainment gone, I can't even listen to the soothing sounds of SNSD, or tune out to the peaceful melodies of Taeyeon's sweet voice.

Hell, I can't even drown out my sorrows in heavy metal when I get pissed! (and trust me, that happens more often than you think).

Which is exactly why my life now is a fucking living hell.

No computer, no music and no hanging out with friends.

I can't think of anything more freaking boring than this.

And even reading textbooks get boring after a long while (alright, more like two hours). And since its the holidays, its not like I can just ask my teachers if I see something I don't understand in the textbooks. I just bloody hate it when I see stuff I don't understand, and it prevents me from reading ahead because the rest of the book is related to whatever I don't understand.

I bored of being bored cuz' being bored is boring.

And I bet I ain't the only one.

But I'm also kinda reluctant to go back to school. Sometimes, just thinking about how damn hectic next year is gonna be makes me realize that maybe being bored still ain't that bad after all.

So during the holidays, I wished I was back in school, but when I'm in school, I wished it was the holidays.


Alright. Enough b*tching about how my life sucks.

Now more about Taeyeon.

All passionate Sones will probably have heard about the TaeNy couple.

And for the benefit of those who have no idea what that is, I'll elaborate more.

Taeyeon and her fellow teammate Tiffany are really, really good friends (emphasis on the 'really'). Sometimes so good, that people pair them up as husband and wife (Taeyeon is the husband, Tiffany's the wife). So that was how the term 'TaeNy' was created (a combination of Taeyeon and Tiffany, for those slow learners who still haven't quite got it yet).

To give you an example of what I'm talking about:
And also:
Not to forget:

^^ <3 <3 <3
Aren't those two so damn freaking darn bloody hell cute ?!?!?!



Lets not get too ahead of ourselves.

And TaeNy ain't the onlt thing that's getting me high these days.

Goodness knows why, but I'm also starting to get really addicted to basketball.

Maybe its the fact that I just got to know of a great basketball court from my house, or maybe its because I just found my old basketball.

But either way....

Damn, makes me just feel like going out at this time of the night and playing a nice game of basketball......

Right, I'd better get going, cause if me dad happens to wake up and see me using the com at this time of the night, Imma gon' get my @$$ handed to me.

Goodnight, ma peeps.

Goodnight, Taengoo.
Goodnight, Fany.

Goodnight, TaeNy
Till the next time when our fates cross paths,

*Please insert appropriate blog title here*


Whassuupp, ma homies!

I just got back from Taiwan last week, and seeing as I have a bit of time to spare right now, Imma tell you guys a bit more about my trip (the Malay seems to be MIA right now).

Damn, I've seen so much I just don't know where to start. And its gonna be bloody boring if I recount the trip day by day......

But just to give you an idea of what I've been experiencing........

Basically, its just a beautiful place. Taiwan's surrounded by mountains, so you can be guaranteed of spectacular, breath-taking, awesome scenery where ever you go. Its just not something you get to see every other day, especially not in Singapore.

Also, the weather there's great. Daytime temperatures are only 20-21 degrees celsius, and it gets even colder at night, sometime with temperatures hitting a low of 16 degrees. Add in occasional gusts of icy cold wind, and a sweater/windbreaker might start to seem like a very good idea.

But after all, Taiwan is affected by the monsoons. Since its December right now, the Northern Hemisphere is experiencing winter while the Southern hemisphere is experiencing summer. As a result, an area of low pressure develops over the Australian continent while an area of high pressure develops over India. Cold and dry winds blow across the Asian continent, bringing little rain to countries such as India and Bangladesh.

Maybe I should shut up and stop showing off my Geography skills.



Where were we? Oh yeah...

So like I was saying, the weather is great, with the slight exception of one day when it rained.

But this trip was definitely one to remember. We went sightseeing during the day, visiting museums as well as heritage sights. During the evenings, we sometimes go shopping at nightmarkets or malls. Then it was back to the hotel, staying up with Aaron, Faris, Prashat, HengYi and Sidarrth till 3 in the morning playing cheat and Taitee, before waking up to a scrumptous buffet breakfast the next morning.

Damn, I swear that was the life.

Even got to try out hotsprings.....boiled my legs red on that one.

At first I thought this was gonna turn out to be some dry, boring educational fieldtrip, but it turned out to be hell lot more fun thatn I expected.

But seriously feel sorry for the muslim students, though. They had to put up with all the vegetarian mush (there was nearly no halal food), while the rest were chomping down on barbecued duck, braised tofu and sauteed pigs trotters.


Even though its been more than a week since I came back, I'm definitely still gonna miss Taiwan. The nightmarkets sell nearly everything! From chicken cutlets to stinky tofu to cartoon keychains to bubble tea.....and at super cheap prices too. One 8 inch chicken cutlet there costs only SGD$2+. Bloody heluva deal.

Oh, and shout out to Nazira: Thanks a ton for that Taeyeon photo. It was super damn bloody freaking hell cute!!!!!!!

Couldn't reply or even like it on Facebook, though., Bloody computer lags like sh*t whenever I try to use FB.

Ohhh yeah.......

Till next time,

Random sh*t


Wasssssuuuupppp my homies!

Actually, nothin' much going on over here.

Imma be leaving for Taiwan together with the Malay this Sunday. And y'all might be asking: What the hell is a Malay doing in a Chinese country?

Thats cause its all part of our school's Multidisciplinary field trip program, exclusively for sec 3 students taking any 2 of these 3 subjects: Geography, Combined Humanities and Biology.

Me and the Malay just happen to take all 3, so we were thinking maybe spend a little time overseas, together with Aaron, Siddarth and Prashat.

Lets just all hope that Siddarth and Prashat are both seated on seperate sides of the plane. Wouldn't want the plane to spiral madly out of control, would we?

Nah, I keed the fat kids. Alright, maybe 'fat' is sort of a vulgar term. How d'I put this nicely? Erm......

'Generously built'.

Yeah, thats it. They ain't fat, just generously built. ^^

So I've been doing pre-departure worksheets for the past week, and they've been one hell of a headache. I've just seen about enough of Taipei 101 for now. Or one more paragraph on Chen Shui Bian and his damned Nationalist Party, and I might just lose it.

Which is apparently why I'm blogging right now.

I'm damn sorry for not keeping this blog alive. I'm currently on probation (for using the com), Vijay's got his 'O's to worry about, and goodness knows what the bloody hell that Malay is up to nowadays.


I haven't even got time to keep up with all the latest NBA or Premier League news. And I seriously hate having to rely on others to find out last night's match results, or United's position on the table.

Damn, I can't even use the freaking computer for Facebook and sh*t for God's sake.

The only reason I'm able to post this right now is cause I told me mum I was using the computer to check my email, and posted this while she was in the toilet.

Thats how damn bloody pathetic my computer usage time is being restricted to.

Freaking hate it........ Seriously trying my best to to swear as hard as possible right now.

But all that aside, i'm definitely hoping to post sometime soon. Maybe not tomorrow, but after I'm back from Taiwan. I ain't gonna let this blog die so soon.

I've got some descent end of year results, but they don't mean diddly if I can't keep The Community alive.

So don't worry guys. Until the stress of 'O'-levels strangle the last damn breathe out of me, I ain't gonna stop posting.

And screw that $2 per hour charge at LAN shops. If worse comes to worse, I don't mind using it as a last resort.

And not to mention; days are passing torturously slow nowadays, without Taengoo by my side. Fucking family problems ain't making my life anymore easier, either.

If only I could see her more often........

Haiz, that'd be nice.

Lucky I bought that Taeyeon life-sized poster off the internet. Only setback is, I'm banned by my parents from pinning it up till after 'O'-levels.

But never mind. For darling Taengoo, I'm willing to wait.

Till death do us apart.


Signing off,



Hey guys.

Currently writing this post in school.

You might be thinking why I ain't writing this at home. Thats cause I've been banned from using com at home for a indefinite amount of time.

I don't wanna say much about it, cause I'm bloody pissed. It freaking sucks not being able to write posts regularly in the comfort of my home.

So I'm sorry, guys. I really am. I'm not gonna be able to post as frequently, so please forgive me. I ain't enjoying this anymore than you guys.

This post is gonna be a short one, as school is about to close for the night.

Fuck siah. I just can't believe that I'm gonna miss what might possibly be the greatest and most exciting event in my entire life.

Yep, thats right. I won't be able to attend SNSD's Asia Tour concert.

Freaking SM entertainment pushed the concert date forward to this December, instead of February 2012.

So now I'm faced with three pressing problems.
1). Since the date has been moved forward, it means that I also have less time to save up sufficient money for the concert.
2). The concert is gonna be happening during the school holidays, which means that a hell lot more people are gonna have time to make it to the concert, which inexorably(yes, I know its a big word)means that the concert tickets are gonna be snapped up faster than.......sweaters in the middle of winter.
3). Even though end of year exams are over, my results aren't good enough to get parental consent for this concert.

And with the fact that prime tickets for their concert costs well above $200, its gonna take me a freaking miracle to be able to see the 9 angels live.

Damn, man. And this is gonna be about as close to them as I'm ever gonna get in my lifetime.

I feel so bad whenever I think of I'll never gonna be able to see her, and hold her hand, or live together happily ever after.....

Sorry, I'm just Trollin'.

I'll definitely write again when I have more time and material. But for now I've gotta get going.

But before I go, Imma gon' leave you guys with the more recent SNSD MV, called The Boys.

The damn cool thing is, they have it in both English and Korean.

And let me tell you; Taeng and Fany just doesn't get any hotter than this.

Until our fates cross paths,



Hello people.

I'm sorry.

There's so many things I wanna explain here but I am unable to do so in such a short period of time.

I'm really sorry.

I've been banned from using the computer for an indefinite period of time.

I can't tell you guys when I can post again.

I hope I wrong. I really do.

I just have to leave it to Bolt and the malay for now.


I'm truly sorry.

God save my soul

Them cars again


Hey people.

Sorry if I haven't been posting on The Community lately. In fact, no of the members have been posting regularly.

But its no surprise, what with all the worksheets and stuff. Bolt just received a ball-smacking 23 worksheets lat week to complete.

Goodness know what them Bungla assholes are thinking.

But then again, we students can't do shit about homework, can we? Its not as if we're given any choice.

Went to 3P today just to squeeze their class hamster. Damn, I haven't held a hamster since I was 10.

Brings back good memories, I can tell you. Those things are just so darn warm and cute and fluffy and cuddly and furry and soft...........

Well, you get the point. Hamsters are cool.

But enough about them hamsters.

I'm here for the cars.

And just like last week, I've got two other sizzling hot cars coming up for you guys in this post.

Firstly, its the Porsche Carrera Gt 8.

Looks freaking awesome, huh?

But I've got something even better.

Drumroll, please............

And next, the Lamborghini Gallardo Lp570-4 Spyder Performante.

Sweet, huh?

The latter has a sharper look compared to the first. The well-defined contours and sleek design of the Gallardo definitely's got style.

But I don't know exactly how the two match up in terms of power and speed.

Cuz you all agree that speed-demons are what we all look out for in these exotic sports cars.

I'll stop here, and leave the rest to Bolt.

So for the time being, Imma be MIA for quite a while.


Till our fates cross paths,

Cars it is...


Hey ya' you Motherffffriends of mine.....

Alright, Mr Aloysius has kindly looked up to me to explain about the cars to you NOOBS. ( there was a time when it used to be a vulgarity )

And Aloy, it ain't wrong to love cars. They are one of the few things hotter than women.

And yes, no problem in agreeing the woman near the Gallardo is hot too.

First thing is, there is a difference between speed and feel. You could achieve the speed of a Ferrari, byu modifying the engine of a Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution. But you don't get the same feel as you do when you sit in a Ferrari. The hand crafted leather seats that are soft like Vilau's tummy. The low headroom which make you extend your legs. Now that is a sweet ride.

Now don't come and tell me, that for the feel of it, you could stuff a Toyota Corolla engine into the Bugatti Veyron chassis. I'll stuff it up yo' ass.

First the Lamborghini Gallardo LP570-4 Superleggera.

This baby, is lighter than other Gallardos at around 154 pounds less.
It has  5.2 litre V10 engine that deliver a Ram-dick raising 570 horsepower, enough to light 4250 light bulbs.
This means, 0-60 in 3.4 seconds. Beats ram anyday it does.

Top speed? 202 MpH. Think of that. I could go from my home to CSS within 5 minutes.

However, the drawback of sports cars is that they got poor fuel efficiency. Which means you need a large gas tank. Which means, you need big brave pockets.

Lets us move on to the Maserati Granturismo MC.

For the record, Balotelli has this car, and Hugh Hefner bought it for his 23 year old girlfriend.

This baby is what we call ITALIAN sports. A different class to American muscle. (Ask your dad about American Muscle Aloy. He should know about it. Retro cars that perform like modern day sports. )

Anyway, this Granturismo is what we are talking about when you wanna bring out your girlfriend for a date.
That is singular over there. Not more than one, or you'll end up with nothing.

Coming back,  the Turismo boasts a 0-60 of 4.6 seconds. 1.2 seconds slower than the Gallardo.

This shit ain't nothing. Funny cars do 0-100 in 0.7 seconds. No typo there. That is for another day.

It has a 4.8 litre V8 engine which gives you 444 hp. Along the way, on the freeway, it shits out a top speed of 185 MpH.

Don't go about trollin' yet. I know the Gallardo is superior to the Turismo. But the latter looks better.

Though our Veyron beats up everyone.

Look at the headlight part of a car close enough, and you'll see it staring tight back at you.

Ladies and Gentlemen, fasten your seatbelts.

See what I am talking about?

Bye kids.

Its the special one till then

Them hot cars


Yo peeps.

Goodness knows why, but I've taken up an interest in cars recently.

Well.....alright, more like in the last ten minutes.

But it was after reading me dad's car magazines, that I saw a couple of pretty cool cars.

Of course, being the automobile idiot I am, Imma have the pros give me a status report on these few cars.

And when I say 'the pros', y'all know damn well who I'm gonna call.

Yep. Thats Right.

The Special One, the great Vijay himself!

@VJ: I mean, I ain't all that hooked on cars. At least not as much as you. But I'm hoping that you could explain a bit more about these cars to me, and maybe we could have, like, you know.......a section every couple weeks or so where we talk about the newest cars on the market.

Here's the first one:
Not bad, huh?

I meant as in the car, NOT the girl.

The lambhorgini Gallardo LP570-4 Superleggera.

It don't take an expert on cars to tell that this is one sweet ride.

And here's the second one: 
The Maserati GranTurismo MC.

Thats all for this post. 

So I hope VJ will use his knowledge to enlighten us on these two sport cars, and hopefully get the readers into cars and stuff too.


Its late. 

So Imma make haste, and zhao.

Till the next we meet,



Yo peeps!

I be popping in only for a short while. Cuz I still got homework not finished(as always).

I just wasted 2/3 of my bloody precious saturday. Can't freaking believe it.

Here's what I did:

1). Went to S'pore Press Holdings for a competition (7:00 a.m-12:30 p.m)
2). Played basketball in school with Boon Ping and his Choir juniors (12:30 p.m-1:30 p.m)
3). Watched Anime (2:00 p.m-5:00 p.m)
4). Took a nap (5:00 p.m-7:00 p.m)

I feel like some fucking idiot.


I seriously need to learn better time management.


Thats all, I suppose.

Till the next we meet,

4 hours of sleep a day,


Yep. From an ample 8 hours a day, I have been reduced to half of that.  Homework, study... They give me the chills...

And yea mate, Aloy. Procrastination is man's best friend and worst enemy.

But sometimes you just can't help it when 10 Biology worksheets, 3 computer notes, 2 chemistry worksheets, 1 physics assignment, and an English essay are give today for tomorrows homework.

I have also gone on a record, by telling my teacher, if she could do that much homework in a day. But, I paid the price by standing outside the class. I am pretty accustomed to that, seeing from my experiences in Singapore.

That's a whole different story altogether.

If I could, I would rip facebook apart. It just kills my time. It makes time travel at the speed of...I dunno...faster than ram can see mamtha and shoot?

But you've gotta agree with this Indian on that, don't ya'?

Don't bother scrolling down further. Nothing more to read, as this post ends here.

With Miles to go Before I sleep,

Things are not always what they seem


Hey guys.

About that blog title, I feel that its becoming more and more prevalent nowadays. Things ARE truly not what the seem to be.

But that story's for another time. On a another note,............

I've got me Common Test papers back!

Well, half of them, anyways.........

Here's the current score:

1). English-C5
2). Additional mathematics-D7
3). Biology-A2
4) Geography-B4

Yeah, I know. Pretty average, you'd think. But according to my own predictions, my results were really unexpected.

See the bio paper up there with the distinction? Yeah. I thought I was gonna fail that one.

And the Geog paper with a measly B4? I was rather hoping for full marks on that one.

So my expected marks and the actual results are kinda screwed, in other words.

But never mind. There is still lots of room for improvement, as you can see. I'll definitely try my best to score highest for me EOYs.

Pretty lofty goals, you'd think. But I believe in my self. I can do it!

Damn, I've been watching WAY too much anime.


And I've still got that bloody bio project left undone.

But what the heck. Its freaking late, and I've still got school tomorrow.

So till our fates cross paths,

Common Test.


Because I don't have them, Imma' be a bitch and rub it in.

No Bharath. Not they way you think of it.

Nah, I won't rub it in. Cos' I am a fearless bastard.

Seemingly, the land of blacks which of course, undoubtedly is black, seems to get more boring everyday. And being an 'O' level students REALLY HELPS A LOT.

It doesn't. One day, after I receive my results, I'm gonna go to the principal of the school, and stuff my middle finger up ( No not where you think ) her ass. ( Okay you probably thought that.)

Anyway, nothing much interesting in life, unless you count waking up and smelling fresh cow pat on your doorstep as interesting, has been going on.

So, lets talk about.... Them cars....


We'll be talking about Top Fuel drag racing cars. These babies are so hot, they accelerate from standstill to 100 MPH ( that's an M you see there ), in as fast as 0.7 seconds. ( That's a decimal point you see there ). They don't run on your average petrol. That's for losers. They run on Nitromethane and methanol. The top speed record is 333MPH so far.

And, lets move on to American Muscle. Yea. Muscle cars refer to a class of cars which are built for their high performance and luxury. We open our jaws wide at hearing a BMW 3-series is 2.8 L. Well, these bad boys, have a dick dropping 5.0 to 8.2 L  V8 engines.

This is the Chevy Yenko Camaro. May look ol' skool to you. But your braing is then nowhere near as them engines.

And I also found this on the Internet, and began to appreciate its value.

It is this youtube channel.

We all know who this belongs to ...

Haha...I love the internet

Bb frm vj



Hey guys.

Its the end of Common Test week.


It maybe 'WOOHOO' now. But once we get our results back, the nightmare continues.

After asking Mrs Toh about our Chemistry Common Test results today, the look on her face sufficed to tell us that our results, put it bluntly, sucks balls.

And I ain't doubting that any of our other papers are any the more satisfactory.

So yeah. In other words, Common Test 3 has turned out to be just another bloody fiasco.

But of course, there's only myself to blame.

Who told me to start studying only 3 days before the tests? Who told me to fuck up even the simplest of papers?


Procrastination. A student's biggest bloody nightmare.

Which is why Imma gettin' an early head-start for end-of-years. I'm gonna take a leaf outta Mr Leong's book, and start my revision a solid month before end-of-years starts.

That'll gimme a head-start over the rest of the competition.

...................unless, of course........

They've all started revision earlier than me.

Then in that case, I'm left with nothing to say.

Till my marks get higher than Bharam's erections,

lesson learnt



Thats it.

I've had enough.

Like what Eminem said: ' Don't ask me why I ain't got no love for these motherfucking hos'.

Only now do I realize that at this stage in our lives, girls and relationships are just a fucking waste of my motherfucking time.

Personal experiences over the paste three years have taught me that. But only last week, have I really known the true meaning of being hurt.

I've made too many mistakes. I was a fucking idiot.

Too fucking naive to even think girls are worth my fucking time.

When I broke my leg last year, I thought that was the most bloody painful thing I'd ever experience in my life.

Lying there, on the hospital bed. Alone and afraid. Taking painkiller after painkiller. Fighting the phantom pain that was surging through my entire right leg.

I thought that was pain.

But now I realize.

Physical pain, is nothing.

Nothing. Compared to what emotional pain can do to you.


I've been fucked around too many times. But now I've wised up. Once bitten, twice shy.

Besides, now isn't the time for fucking relationships and stuff.

Its the time to study. Get our priorities in life right.


Speaking of that, its about to go kick some ass in studies.

Lets all get down with the sickness,

I've got nuthin'


Hey ma peeps!

Its been a quiet life recently. Real quiet.

So quiet you could almost hear the sounds over at Bharath's house at night.

Nah, I keed about the horny black guy. And his ginormous d***.

Had my 'O' level Chinese orals today.

I wouldn't really say it was a total disaster, but I did stumble a bit on the passage.

And of course, the thing that really pisses me off.

I sure don't know about  other Mother tongues, but during Chinese oral, once you have concluded your points during the conversation segment, the examiner will normally ask you this:


Pardon me for my lack of racial sensitivity.

This sentence roughly translates to : 'Is there anything else that you might want to add?'

The examiner didn't even have to courtesy of asking me this question, and just told me to take me leave.

I mean, you must be thinking right now: Alright, big f***. So what  if she didn't ask me that question?'

Normally, it would mean that the teacher has heard enough to grade you. Asking this question would allow the student to add on anything that he/she might have missed out.

But of course, seeing as I'm the last student to be tested for the day, it might also mean that the teachers are eager to go home, and therefore wanted to end it fast.

Haiz. Sometimes I worry too much.

Anyways, life is boring. Especially if you have Ms Lang as your A Maths teacher. Or if you had some stupid rookie trainee teach you English.

Damn. Some teachers are really screwed.

But not all of them.

I have not yet forgotten Mr Leong's legacy.

Here's a new rap song I just recently got addicted to.

Its damn nice, if I might add.

Alright. Gotta go.

Don't wanna be late for another day of boring maths lessons now, do we?

Till Bharath gets less horny (fine, maybe not THAT long),

After a LONG time...


If you know what I mean... Yep.

It's your favorite black, VIJAY!!!

The reason I have not been posting for a few weeks now, is that there is NOTHING to post on...School has started, and life seems to get more and more fucked up each day...

And I still don't have much to post on...

That's why - ( I shared this with Aloy a few days ago ) - SELENA GOMEZ !!

Even though she is with the Gay Bieber, she is still hot..You've gotta admit some shit..

And watch this Laddies...

Some pretty shit in there...

She proves that Beauty and brains NEVER come together...Never.

But what is more beauty and brains then Selena Gomez?


In any case, if you are wondering what this baby is, it is The Dodge Tomahawk. And yes, it IS  a Motorbike. Though it looks like a hybrid between a car and a train. This monster is THE fastest bike on the planet, and it is NOT street legal. So you can imagine that crap for yourself...

And on February, Lamborghini Motors released a hot baby...

Ladies and Gentlemen...THE AVENTADOR...

This is her...

And now with a hot chick in it... Damn I love them automobiles..

Till I get to lay her,



Its bloody freaking 1.30 a.m in the morning over here in Singapore.

I have absolutely no idea why I'm still awake.

Perhaps its because SNSD has just released the music video of Echo.

And just when I thought that song couldn't get any better.

Besides SNSD, there haven't really been anything much thats fun and exciting

Unless, if you count Modulus functions as fun and exciting.

Damn. I've got me Chinese 'O' levels in 11 days time. I'm really nervous, you know. But not only me. All the other sec 3 higher mother tongue students are probably struggling right now to prepare sufficiently for their orals.

Kishore flunked his Tamil 'O' level orals, according to him. The topic he was tested was 'What are ways are there to improve your memory?'

I mean, what sort of question is that?!

If the examiner asks me some question regarding the current political scene, or the reigning social status quo, I could answer pretty easily. But this sort of questions leave me speechless.

I heard from Vignesh that they even have one word questions, like 'Vegetables'.


What the hell do they expect students to talk about vegetables? Carrots are orange and Cucumbers are green..........?

Thats why in my opinion, Tamil orals are screwed.

No offence to yo, VJ.


And I'm still freaking out about my orals. But I guess I just gotta practise.

And practise.


But before I leave, I'll leave you guys with a totally irrelevant picture of Taengoo to distract you.

Make that two.

^^ =) =) <3 <3 <3

Alright. Till we meet again,
I am your father.



Thank goodness this malay has a holiday.
And i just came back from one.

Its back to slaughtering with schoolwork and projects that i havent worked on.
Life is balls with hair on them.
But nevermind,
its suffering before enjoying.

I'm sure Vijay and Aloy will agree.

I'm gonna sleep. Torture will start soon.

Till then,
I remain a malay guy...

Aw damn

Supp, you bastards.

Nah, I keed , I keed.

I'm starting to run outta openings. Thats all I've got.

Thanks so much, Bolt, for showing us some sexy hot rides on your last post. Something to freshen up this dreary page, no doubt.

Seems procrastination's turnin' out to be an even bigger pain-in-the-ass than I thought it would be.


Sorry for the unsightly four letter word I used just now.

But I can hardly find a more suitable word to describe my current situation right now.

After three weeks of absolutely zero productive activities have left my to regret my decisions not to start on those fcked-up projects sooner.

I wasted nearly three-quarters of my June holidays screwin' off.

Now I'll be paying the price once school reopens.

I think Jerry'll agree with my how fcked-up the Biology project is.

Aside from a gaping hole in the instructions provided for the students, when I emailed my dumbass biology teacher requiring clarification, she just told me 'Refer to the instructions sent to you'.


If  the instructions were clear enough, I wouldn't be wasting my time and effort trying to clarify matters.

Thats why. I feel my holidays are screwed.

Hope this can cheer you up.

Yes, yes.

I am well aware that the title of the video is, indeed, 'Gubne chicken commercial'.

Just ignore the facts that there's apparently no chicken. Just 9 girls havin' a dance battle.

But hey, you don't see ME complaining.



Till next time,



Nope it is not Aloy.

Not Faris either. ( You better be happy I remembered you here Malay... )

So, you can really guess now.

Yeah, so what? You guessed who wrote this post. Big deal baby.

Nah, that's just my fingers messing around.

Anyway, it has not been a good month, since school started for me this month, and I am loathing every moment of it.  Gee...

I used to complain that I had CCA, supplementary, remedial and all there. Now, I'd pay my balls for those. I'd take those anytime.

Well going on to more serious matters, Rebecca Black's '' Friday '' was removed from Youtube, due to a disagreement between the Music Label, and Miss Black.

Yep, that's gonna change the world, that will...

Why don't they go and have a fight with... I don't know...Bieber, Cyrus...Messi and Villa in the shower...

I'm just saying


But you know what will never change the world?


Umm...Maybe not...

But it is HOT !!! Caramelo happens to be the name of a breed of bull... Something that Lamborghini is all about.

This, is a Bugatti Veyron apparently. If you do not happen to know the name, you have no use living...

This is THE fastest street legal car in the world. And it looks like a beauty.

BUT, the automatic transmission model has been released... That sucks it does...

Till I get a Caramelo with  Bugatti engine,
It is Vijay...



Hey people.

I'm back.


Can't believe the bloody teachers gave us so much fcking homework.

I've got projects for four of my subjects, while I have assignments for the other four.

And also a bloody CME project to boot.

This ain't a holiday anymore.

More like a lousy excuse for asking us to stay home and do work.

Seriously. Its as if we hadn't already had enough freaking stress studying for mid-years. Why can't they just give us a well-earned rest?


Projects are already a pain in the ass. It doesn't help much if you're classmates or groupmates aren't cooperative.

Last-minute jobs are what I'm trying my best now to avoid. I know I should've started a hell long time ago. But a battle between procrastination and initiative will always end in victory for the former.

Which is why I'm sorta regretting it now.


I've lately found a new way to vent my anger.

To listen to heavy metal music.

For those of you readers who've heard about it but haven't actually listened to any, I've included a music video to aid in your understanding.

Cool, huh?

But this genre of music is like, the polar opposite of the stuff SNSD makes.

The sheer cuteness of SNSD obviously doesn't mix with the screaming and death-related themes of heavy metal, you might think.

But I still enjoy both.

Which is why I think I'm a sense.


I'll cut this post short. 

I have to make amends for lost time.

Next time,



Wazzup, ma peeps!

If you were wondering what the post title stands for, it doesn't really mean anything. Thats just the longest word in the english language. I ain't got nuthin' else, so........yeah.

Yes, I am painfully aware of the fact that I have not been updating The Community for a substantial amount of time.

So, Jerry, if you're reading this, please don't get too pissed with me.

I have my own issues too.

Like my mid-year results, for example.

Surprisingly enough, I got second position in class. This is also the first time in my life that I've ever got a single digit placing in class before.

So it'd be quite an achievement, you'd be thinking.

But the frightening thing is, I failed one subject, got two Cs, four Bs and only obtained an A. Which lead to my mum thinking if her son can get these sort of bullshit results and still score second in class, does that mean the rest of the class failed miserably?


Not really. But my class average was rather low. 4.5, in fact.

Thats not the only thing. Boon Wei, who got first in class, had a level ranking of 19. My position of second in class was only able to get me a ranking of 74. The difference of 55 positions came rather shocking to me, seeing as there was such a huge gap in terms of overall results between the top two people in my class.

So me mum's been making me study and busy with tuitions and all. She's sorta experiencing mixed emotions now. Of course, she's glad that I've finally done something worthwhile. But on the other hand, she's shocked by my class' low average.

So she wants to make sure I am studying and preparing hard now, so that when school starts, I'll at least be ready for whatever homework the teachers are gonna start heaping on me. She also wants me to be consistent in my studies though, seeing as consistency has been a major issue with my school work all along.

But enough of studies and all that crap.

Manchester United lost to Barcelona last saturday at Wembley. Final score of 3-1. I suppose everyone got to hear about that piece of news.

I, as member of the Old Trafford faithful, am obviously saddened by this result. But I suppose going down to a side like Barca wouldn't be as bad as compared to if we went down to some shit club. *Ahem*Chelsea*Ahem*!

But seriously, the entire match was a rollercoaster ride of emotions for me. When Pedro scored the opener, I was like, 'Fck you, man!'.

Then when Roon equalized, I was still hopeful. We still had a shot at the title.

Then, the acclaimed Messiah scored during the second half. His first goal in England, to top it off.

Like I gave a f*ck.

We weren't out of the running yet. I still got a glimmer of hope left, hoping Man United was gonna equalize sooner or later.

Then, Yifei came.

In the form of David Villa.

That stupid git scored, sealing Barca's victory. By then, to tell the truth, I'd already lost most of the hope and enthusiasm that I had at the start of the match.

Man United weren't playing up to their usual standards. Barcelona played beautiful soccer that night. I couldn't have expected anything more.

But I was rather disappointed Man United didn't score the opening goal of the second half. I felt that if they did, the whole outcome would have been totally different.

But I did agree on one thing the announcer said.

'If this match had any romance, Edwin Van Der Sar would walk out into the sunset with a Champion's League trophy under his arm.'


But still, many sincere thanks to Edwin Van Der Sar, that giant of a man, who dedicated so much to United during his time at Old Trafford. His commitment and contributions, we shall never forget. Those six seasons that he spent at The Theater of Dreams have not went to waste.

I just want to say thank you to Van Der Sar again. The Old Trafford faithful and I shall be behind you all the way.

He may have left United, but his legacy still lives on.



And just one more thing before I go. 

Vijay, could you please do me a favor and change The Community back to the original format? 


Oh, And about that one particularly troublesome malay......

He's got his own problems. His mid-year results were.......horrendous, to say the least.

But he'd better start posting soon. 

Will post again when I have time.




'LO guys. It is me, Vijay again. Don't expect the Malay to post in this year, or the next, or the year after. He is being a.. MALAY.

I never knew days could fly past so goddamned fast. It feels like only yesterday I got here. But I am leaving in another 3 days. Monday that is. 

Optimistically, I can stay. But realistically, I cannot stay on. Due to some reasons I'd prefer not to share.

But there is one thing I can celebrate about. 

That is.... 

WAIT FOR IT.... (Drumrollz please )


Yes. Manchester United have finally knocked Liverpool of their fucking perch, like Sir Alex promised all those years ago. Never misses a trick, that man.

With Barca coming up, and confidence & adrenaline running high, I don't see a reason why wee should lose the Champions League Final on 28.

Enough about Football, or SAH-KER as those Americans call it. 

bmw hp2 sport right front quarter
Ah, yes, The BMW HP2. 

If  Taeyeon could help Aloy, this can help me. Look at that. Simply magnificent. 

It is a pity Supercar companies like Lamborghini and Ferrari don't manufacture Bikes.

Oh. And the latest series of the Fast and Furious franchise has launched.



Is that a Ford Mustang with Top-Engine Turbocharger?

But if there is somethings that can make me feel un-dejected. It is Fast Cars, Fast bikes. Fast moving things. Anything fast.

And Last but not Least, Thank you everyone who came to see me, and showed me support and Loyalty. 

Thank you very much.

Truth be told, I never actually received much attention in my life. That's a different story altogether, and I don't wanna bore the Jizz out of you.

Thank you Rayson and Yue Kian for coming to the airport. 
Thank you Zhen Bang for organizing Moon United outing. 

Thank you Aloysius for forgetting about your back injury to play football with me. 
Thank you all unnamed people here.

Finally, thank you Moon United, for sticking with me till this far.

I do not know if I might come back again. Most Probably not. But I don't care. 

But there is still one little bug in my mind. A MOONCAKE match. That was one of the Primary reasons I came here.I know Moon Utd is ready. But even though Halal Pork were, they never really showed much interest.

I mean, I know it can be boring for them. But that is the only thing I am asking of them. Nothing else.

This is life I guess. You were right Mr Rafeek.

You always are.

Yours Sadly, dejectedly, disappointedly, and happily,

Warm and Fuzzy


Hey ma peeps!

Whats chillin'?

Kind of a stupid question when the temperature is 33 degrees in the shade.

Well, at least thats better in India. No wonder VJ's having no problems at all accustomizing himself to the climate here.

Of course, as any respectable member of The Community would have noticed, our beloved Bolt is back!

And for quite a while now already, mind you.

Went out bowling with the whole of Moon United this Monday, immediately after Games Day. Besides experiencing a minor set-back with some unexpected behaviour from kok Pin and Boon Ping, every thing else turned out real sweet.

After meeting up at Jurong East interchange, we all went over to Bukit Batok to have a spot of bowling. It was truly a gratifying experience to be having all of Moon United back together again after such a bloody long time.

Which sorta explains why I was feeling all warm and fuzzy on the inside that day.

To cut the long story short, I pretty much owned at bowling.

We played four games that day. Obviously after not playing the sport for such a long time, my score was the lowest after the first round.

That was when I started owning everyone else.

My scores after the second round was 102, and it hit an all-time high of 114 after the third round. Fourth round wasn't as good though, hitting only 98.

But overall, it was satisfying to own people once in a while.

But then again, to emphasize my point, it really is an indescribable feeling to be together with Moon United once again.

Its sorta like regaining something that you lost after along time, and you just don't ever want to lose it again.

Speaking of losing things, some people on Facebook had better stop their bullcrap unless if they wanna lose their balls next.

I'm currently leading a heated campaign against anti-SNSD pages on Facebook, after being alerted by ZB, who came to know of the situation through pro-SNSD web pages.

Those immature bastards (sorry for the use of coarse language) are seriously bored, with nothing better to do.

Not only are they spreading false untruths about the most perfect Korean girl group in the world, but they are also victimizing and blaspheming their names on Facebook.

Disfigured pictures, hate-videos and vulgar posts are just some of the horrendously uncivilized acts committed by these dickheads, trying their utmost best to discredit the good name of SNSD.



I figured the only thing they could use to try and discredit SNSD with is the fact that they were claiming SNSD had gone through plastic surgery before.

I mean......whats all the hullabaloo about plastic surgery?!

Truth be told, I'm actually open to the idea of plastic surgery if it can help improve a person's confidence and self-esteem.

Its not as if a person undergoes some drastic change that makes them complete fuck-ups after plastic surgery, right?

So what exactly if SNSD HAS gone through plastic surgery? It doesn't matter as long as they don't bump of their fans or become impolite jerks after that, get what I mean?

And anyways, they seriously took it too far when they called my Taengoo a 'lifeless creature' in one of their posts.

You can insult my soccer team, you can kick my dog, and you can scold Bin Laden for all I care.

But once you touch my darling, precious, sweeter-than-gems Taengoo, it gets fucking personal.

Imma burning down your house, with your entire family in it.



I've made my point.

Anyways, SNSD will not be harmed in any way even if you discredit them on Facebook. They still get high sales revenue from their albums, concerts, and other collectible stuff.

So I shall say this: Sones will always outnumber them haters by ten-thousand to one. We'll never say die, and I'll keep screwing them around till they're all removed from the face of this earth.

It may seem trivial, but just wait till someone insults people you love.

Thats when you're gonna get pissed.




I do have limited time to use the com, so I'll be signing off now.

Till our fates cross paths,




Daddy's back!

The MYEs have just finished for most of us today. For those Biology and Physics students, this is a time to take a break from all that studying and mugging and just kick back.

Too bad for those taking Economics next Tuesday.

But then again.....



I just put that in for fun. Post-exam euphoria, I guess.

But aside from getting high, I have much more pressing matters at hand right now.

Firstly, the arrival of Bolt in Singapore.

No, not Usain Bolt. Who gives a damn about that guy? 

Imma talking about Vijay, fellow member of The Community and our all-time favourite black.

He be arriving at S'pore next Tuesday, and we're all hype about this piece of news. A traditional way of celebrating VJ's return in conjunction with the end of our MYEs would, of course, be to play soccer till our legs turn to mush.

Which is what we're definitely gonna do, at any rate.

But sadly, I'm down with a fucking irritating back injury thats preventing me from getting into training, and it just might cost me our chances of winning on Games Day.

Ever since I twisted my back doing NAPHA last month, I haven't been able to goalkeep.

Heck, I couldn't even pass the soccer ball properly without straining myself.


The only thing in the world thats worst than not being able to play soccer, is watching others play it right in front of you.

I was the only one left out of the post-MYE celebrations today held at the futsal court near the school.

This feeling is just like the time when I broke my leg last year. The feeling truly sucks. 

You feel really useless, you know what I mean. Like everybody's out there trainin' and improvin', and you ain't even doin' shit to help contribute. Its a pretty helpless feeling that I'm having right now. And unless if you've gone through the shit that I'm in right now, I don't really expect you to understand.

I'm currently trying all I can to recover as soon as possible, and after that, start training like theres no tomorrow. I'm gonna fucking train the hardest I've ever done in my life.

Believe that.

And speaking about training, I know I've been neglecting my team for the past four months.

I know that, and I'm sorry.

A lot of fucking bullshit has happened during this period of four months thats been preventing me from properly training my team.

Truth be told, I've never even held a single bloody training session all year that includes the whole team.

I was chosen to be the captain by a certain someone. 

And he was waiting all this time, to see me prove my worth.

I know I do not have leadership qualities whatsoever. My failure to take charge and keep responsibility for my team can, and WILL cost me my chances during games day.

So to the team, and everyone who I've disappointed, I say that I'm truly sorry.

Truly and sincerely sorry.

Whether you accept my apology or not, I don't give a fuck. I didn't come here to write a load of bullshit and make stupid excuses on why I haven't been training the team.

Th point that I wanna make, thought, is that whats done is done. Theres no changing that.

I was irresponsible in the past, but I will make sure that from this moment onwards, until games day itself is over, I will be putting in a hundred and ten percent, to make sure I do all that I can for my team.

Not only train them, but also to recover ASAP, so I can continue training myself.



Hate this injury. 

Fucking hate it.

Never mind. Its late, and I wanna go get some rest.

Yeah. Now I feel better.

Gonna go sleep.

And heal.


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